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Dancing Queen

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Mar 4, 2009
United States
Melissa's thread compelled me to start one on weird pain in the hip - I didn't want to derail hers...

I think I did a dumb thing...

On Saturday - Tim, my son's best friend (and our sort of adoptive son) got married. It was a beautiful day, the wedding was perfect. During the reception Tim asked me to dance and I, of course, jumped up to join him. (it's hard to say no to a handsome Marine in dress blues!) It was a fast dance and I was not in the least bit of pain, none, nada and I really enjoyed myself. Yesterday I was a little sore and swollen so I iced most of the day and did nothing. Today I am still swollen and have a weird pain. Like Melissa's it hard to describe. It's like pulling and burning deep in the joint when I walk. Not terribly painful but I am concerned that I might have messed or loosened something up. Is that possible at 7 weeks post op? I have not read anything about dancing too soon on this forum so I don't know what to think... am I just being a Nervous Nelly?
Hi Dancing Queen!

Hmmm, perhaps it was just a little wake up call to those muscles since it's the first time you really put them at work since the surgery? I would give it a few days to see if you have any improvement. Let's see what Jo has to say...
Still being an obvious rookie at this, it seems like at 7 weeks most things are set pretty well. I bet it's like Melissa says and you just used some muscles that you haven't used that in a long time.
Hi hbh,

I'm a Nervous Nelly, and proud of it. Let's hear it for the N.N.'s - we've all been through major surgery; Nervous is Natural, and on this site we reassure each other, which is a nice human thing to do. And the reassurance is based on real experience, which makes it very valuable.

As for the discomfort, I'm sure from all that I've read on this site that you're fine: so many posts are from people who've over-done it, have pain, and recover perfectly. You're lucky, you got your handsome Marine. Find me a pretty girl to dance with and I'll stock up the freezer with ice.
[] Dancing Queen

Obviously you are enjoying it all - good for you.

Hehehe Nick!!!

I still feel soreness deep in the op joint too. My PT asked what I did the day before, and I told him housework, and he said "was it mopping?" he knew it was the mopping motion that would agravate the joint, and I was using the steam mop without soap, so it does cause more strokes than with soap.
Sometimes damp weather causes soreness too.
My PT actually gave me the scientific explanation of how damp weather causes joint aches. It was too in depth to remember though, but it made sense at the time.

My PT actually gave me the scientific explanation of how damp weather causes joint aches. It was too in depth to remember though, but it made sense at the time.

Must admit I've never given that a thought - it doesn't affect me. Here's two quick guesses: a) cold makes muscles contract and that's not nice for the joint; b) changes in atmospheric pressure affect blood flow to the joint.

And, just for my own amusement, another thought. Our very earliest memories of happiness are associated with warmth (think about it); so on an emotional level warmth is comforting and cold is not. Bathed in the comfort of warmth, our minds ignore those minor aches. Cold awakens the sleeping pains of the body

Anyone know the real reason?

Enjoy it all,

Hi Nick!

The only explanation I've ever heard of is a change in barometric pressure. If I remember rightly, when the pressure drops it can make the joints (or surrrounding tissues I guess) "swell" which causes more pain in an already damaged joint.

Not sure whether that is fact or fiction! :)

Hi Nick!

The only explanation I've ever heard of is a change in barometric pressure. If I remember rightly, when the pressure drops it can make the joints (or surrrounding tissues I guess) "swell" which causes more pain in an already damaged joint.

Not sure whether that is fact or fiction! :)


How about this: low pressure stimulates the production of the hormone vasopressin; high levels of vasopressin reduce blood sodium levels; low sodium levels cause cells to swell, swollen cells = pain. !!!! Blame Google, not me . . . . .

I have a feeling no-body knows.

Hi Nick!

The only explanation I've ever heard of is a change in barometric pressure. If I remember rightly, when the pressure drops it can make the joints (or surrrounding tissues I guess) "swell" which causes more pain in an already damaged joint.

Not sure whether that is fact or fiction! :)


It is a fact for me. Ever since I broke my hip in 1986 I have been able to tell when the barometric pressure drops and bad weather starts to move in. My OS back then told me that would likely happen. I'll just have to see whether or not it happens with the new hip.

I broke both my elbows in the same accident back then and one of them feels the same aches as my hip did. It's just a dull, deep ache.
Yea, Scott, your accident sounds like it was a doozy. Perhaps if you tell us a little about it, it will take my mind off of being a nervous nelly about my stuff. I am trying not to perseverate, but its difficult.
Oh Scott! I bet you are a much more accurate weather forecaster than some of those high paid meteorologists out there!!! :)
Yea, Scott, your accident sounds like it was a doozy. Perhaps if you tell us a little about it, it will take my mind off of being a nervous nelly about my stuff. I am trying not to perseverate, but its difficult.

Being 37 and getting a THR I've had to tell it a lot lately, as you can imagine :)

At age 14, the end of my freshman year we had an end-of-year school dance after the last day of school before summer break. I was on student council, so I was involved in decorating for the dance. We had the bright idea of hanging clouds and stars in the ceiling of the gymnasium. To do that we used a scaffolding type ladder with wheels to hang the decorations (20+ feet up). I was one of the few boys on the council and somehow got the duty (or volunteered - don't remember) of hanging the decorations.

The decorating went fine and we had a successful dance. The next day we had to tear everything down. I was once again on the ladder. We thought it would be quicker and easier to roll the ladder from decoration to decoration instead of dismounting and moving between each one. We were on the last set of decorations when the ladder's wheels got caught up and the entire ladder tipped over taking me with it. It had a basket that I was in, effectively slamming me to the gym floor. The basket probably saved my life, though, because it kept me from breaking my neck.

The next time I awoke I had gone through several hours of surgery and was lucky to be alive. I broke my hip clean through at the femoral neck, shattered my right elbow, broke my left elbow and had a nasty concussion. It took three 5.5 inch screws to repair my hip, 6 pins and screws to repair my right elbow and just a cast for my left one. Was in the hospital for a week and spent the next 6 months learning to walk, eat, dress, etc. The walker I used had to work for my hip and support my broken arms, as did the eventual crutches I used. I was in a sad state and very slow to go anywhere.

That single event changed my life. I was very athletic to that point and would have likely gone to a small college on an athletic scholarship. Everything changed after that. I eventually became competitive in certain athletic events but it was years before the pain was bearable enough to endure true competition.

Instead of playing full-time sports in school, I got a job at 16 and worked all the way through high school and college. I met my future wife at my job when I was 18. We've been together ever since. I would never had met her had I not had the accident, because I would not have been working that job. I love her very much and would do it all over again if I had to in order to be with her.

I don't remember walking without a limp or not having pain in my hip or being able to fully rotate or extend my right arm. I don't remember having both legs being the same length. I have high hopes the surgery I had last week will help with some of that.

Hope this helps :)

That was a short version. If you're into long reading (and I do mean long) there is more about this whole thing here: broken link removed: I'm still working on my surgery updates.

Oh my, Scott! That's a tale and a half to be sure! You poor lad - but something good came out of it if you met your wife. I like stories that end in a nice bit of romance!
Oh Scott - reading that just made me realise how lucky I have been in my life! I can't imagine how you coped with all that at the age of 14. (Or how your parents did either....!)
I certainly hope all your wishes come true i.e. no limp and same leg length! You won't know yourself! How exciting to be anticipating all of that happening at long last! :)

And your comment about doing it all again if it meant meeting your wife was just wonderful! I'd bet my bottom dollar she feels the same way about you!


P.S. I'm off to read your blog..............
Oh Scott - reading that just made me realise how lucky I have been in my life! I can't imagine how you coped with all that at the age of 14. (Or how your parents did either....!)
I certainly hope all your wishes come true i.e. no limp and same leg length! You won't know yourself! How exciting to be anticipating all of that happening at long last! :)

And your comment about doing it all again if it meant meeting your wife was just wonderful! I'd bet my bottom dollar she feels the same way about you!


P.S. I'm off to read your blog..............

Do you have some wine?
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