Cut back again.

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Feb 28, 2008
Ontario, Canada
I am feeling pleased with myself tonight. I cut my Percs back again today. Gone from 1 four times a day to 3/4 four times a day. Had the eebie jeebies quite a bit and lots of crying, but I made it, 6 hourly all day!! Yippee. Can't wait until I'm right off them. I hate being a "Junkie".

One thing I found out though, was that I do still get pain in my knee, it was just being masked by my pils. Being on the lower dose and going the full 6 hours I was in quite a bit of pain this afternoon. I took an Ibuprofen at that time, which helped until I was able to take the Perc again. I so hope I can just manage the pain with just the Ibuprofen when I get right off the Percs. Mind you I am a little worried about needing the Percs if I have to go ahead with the MUA later? Oh well, cross that bridge when I come to it eh?

Anyway, have just taken my final one for the day, so I will go to bed in a minute or two. Sleep well all my friends. ((((((HUGS)))))))) Sue
Just my thoughts but please don't sit around and hurt..If you need the pills take them..At this point, what difference could it make?? Especially if you are going to have to up the dose when you get the MUA.
Be sure and take those ibuprofen with food in the stomach..I made that mistake years ago and paid dearly.
Sue, I glad to see you progressing at reducing. I know that is your ultimate goal. keep up the good work and maybe your body will adjust to less and the pain will subside. Sometimes the brain has to adjust to things to realize the pain is not so great as it thought. God bless.
Im goin through the same thing as you Sue it isnt easy i get those hebbie geebies and get grouchy as all get out .I to want to be rid of them i cant take anything else but tyelenol and those wont help inflamation ,i have no joice but to cut the percs out doc wont prescibe me any more :( so all i can do is pray and hope i can do it .... Doug is very very right about taking the ibuprofen with food i to had a very bad exsperience i was taking Motrin 800 mg i had a neck injury was in alot of pain well i took them with and with out eating after awhile it caused a bleed in my stomach ,now im not saying that will happen to anyone else but use caution .... God bless JIM
I know you guys can do it. We may have some minor dependency on the drug but I would say we are no where near what most people envision as an "addict.
I take 1/2 pill around noon. Usually after a killer workout or like these past three days, lots of yard work. Last night, I took 1/4 pill.
I get the leg hebbie geebies some but with less frequency and intensity.
(I wonder if we have created a new medical term?? Hebbie geebies). Funny that we all know what it means.
God, I Feel Like I Should Change My Forum Name To 'the Junkie'. I Have Been Taking High Doses Of Pain Meds For My Back And Neck For Years Before My Knees Started Hurting And I Don't Plan On Getting Off Of Them If It Means I Have To Go Back To The Pain To Do It. I Take Far More Than Any Of You Are Taking And Not Worried A Bit. I Will Say That I Don't Get High And I Absolutely Never Take A Drink Of Alcohol With My Pain Meds. It Has Been Years Since I Had Any Alcohol, Don't Even Risk Otc Cough Medicine Or Mouth Wash That Has Alcohol In It. And I Never Take More Than Is Prescribed. I Don't See What You Are Worried About Unless You Are Getting High When You Take Them. Just Sign Me Rowdy The Junkie.

I went the other way struggled to get off of Rx pain meds because I was
afraid of the tylonol. Got back to mostly naproxen unless I am really hurtin.
But I couldn't do without wine with dinner -

Yes, its me and Im drinking again
Tell everybody Im drinking again
Doctor said itd kill me
But he didnt say when
Have mercy, Im drinking again
Hey, guys. My doc refilled my pain meds and gave me the lesser dosage so I could cut them in half and get to 1/4 of the original dosage. Now I'll have 5/500 Vicodin or whatever. So, guess the doctor thinks 20 weeks isn't too long to be on meds if you need them.
Hey back at ya.. Glad you got it done..I'm hoping my Doc keeps it up with mine. I at least want a rainy day stash.
Rowdy, after about an hour after I take my pills I feel very woozy like I'm a bit drunk, and then get relaxed. Don't know if that's what getting high feels like? I found the other day when I was in pain from a lot of extra swelling the perc din't take all the pain away, so I took an extra strength Ibuprofen which really helped. So I think my pain may be at a stage where I don't need the Percs. I have rarely taken long term pills for anything until the knee got so bad that cortizone wouldn't work anymore.

Obviously if I do need the MUA and need the percs again I will take them, but right now, I want to be free of the clock watching to see when I can fit my driving in between the effects of my pills, and just watching to see when I can take another one, just because I hate the constant bursting into tears at the least little thing and the stomach cramps, sweating, shivering, nausea and the eebie geebies I get if I don't take them on time.

I have never had a problem getting a prescription for the Percs, I have about 50 left with another 200 at the pharmacy plus a prescription of 40 still to be filled.

Forgive me going on, but I am having a tough evening of all the above symptons and I am not due a pill for at least another 2 hours. I hope tomorrow is an easier day, yesterday I think I had enough residual to cope. I usually take about 10-14 days to reduce a bit each time.
I have 25 of my stronger hydrocodone (10/325) and a new prescription for the 5/500 plus some left over 5/500's from my surgery 6 weeks prior to the TKR to remove screws and a plate from a previous surgery. So, I'm going to use the lesser dosage and save the stronger ones for when I really overdo or for any strains, etc. on that knee. I'll use the 5/500 and then start cutting those in half so I can get off these darned things this summer. I had no idea I'd be still taking pain meds this long, but as long as I need them, I will take them. It allows me to do the bike riding and other stuff I need to do to maintain my ROM.
Can't remember if I already posted this or not but I will tell you anyway. Yesterday evening I had a terrible time of withdrawal symptons. I was in a terrible state all evening. Anyway, when it was finally time to take my final 3/4 pill of the day I went to the fridge to get a drink to take it with. As always I put the glass on the island in the middle of the kitchen and what did I find? Yep, the 3/4 Percocet I should have taken 5 hours before!!! No wonder I was suffering. I could NEVER, NEVER go cold turkey, I was bad enough for those 5 hours. Thank goodness my hubby is so understanding of everything I have gone through since this operation. I couldn't have got through this without him (and all of you of course).
Yeah but sue, that's the beginning signs of getting ready to be done. That you actually forgot to take it and went a while before the withdrawals set in is your body getting ready. Keep up the hard work. You'll get there!
I think I am getting there gradually Jenn, thanks. I went 7 hours this evening, we were playing a new board/card game called Sequence with a friend when I suddenly started crying. Kevin asked iff it was pill time and I looked at the clock and said yes 1-2 hours ago. Luckily it was one of my best friends who had taken me to PT lots of times and knows about the pill thing.

I guess I should go to bed now, it's 2.45am. I really get carried away when I am on here!! Night all, I think you are all sleeping now anyway.
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