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Cup Failure

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new member
Mar 24, 2009
United States
Has anyone had to have revision surgery because of cup failure. I would like to hear your stories. I am 43 years old and 6 months after my THR I was told that my cup had failed and I need a revision. I had my revision 6 weeks ago and I am having a tough time.
Hi ,
How are going now neighbour?
I imagine that having to go in again so soon would be rather depressing, annoying etc...I just Id let you know that someone out there hears you, even though I can't help.....
Well, without knowing any detail I can tell you with some certainy that it was not the cup that failed but the techique of insertion. A properly placed implant will last years. A poorly placed one will show problems in months as yours has done.

Perhaps you could give me some detail? In what manner did the surgeon describe this 'failure' to you? That it had slipped, moved, become loose, infected or you'd had dislocations?

And what are the problems you are experiencing at the moment. It's awfully difficult for me to address them if I don't know the detail. And please don't worry about making 'long' posts - the longer the better in this case.
It was the product failure. It was the Zimmer Durom cup. If you look around the internet you will see many lawsuits as to many have failed. The failure is that the cup is not fusing to the bone. At first they were blaming the sugerical technique but not it seems otherwise. I first saw the commercial when I was first out of the hosp in July of last year asked my sergon and she assured me that I would be fine. In Jan this year she recommended me for revision as she belived the cup had failed. When they went in the second time the cup just popped right out. I had my sugery on June23 and the manufacture pulled the product off the market July 22. They to this date are not accepting fault but are paying claims. As a matter of fact they put 69 million dollars away while butgeting this year to pay such claims. It all stinks. I am 8 weeks out today and still walking with a cane and have some aches and pains.
Last July (2008) Zimmer stopped the selling of the "Durom" acetabular cup. I seem to have read somewhere that one of the issues was the coating on the back side of the cup was not permitting the necessary bone adhesion and the cups where shifting. If you do a google search for "Zimmer Hip" you will get about a gazillion law firms advertising to represent those who ahve had this particular device implanted (over 12,000 people by one account).

Did you have a Total Hip Replacement or the Resurfacing procedure?
I discounted that as I understood that particular item was no longer on sale.
I'm so sorry to hear about your problem with your hip. Hopefully your pain will subside here soon and you will progress normally in recovery. Since it's a revision, complete healing may take a little longer than the first surgery. You'll be in my prayers. It's just not fair when this happens!
So sorry to hear about your frustrating dilemma,
Neighbor! I hope you avail yourself to whatever action you can take!
You deserve to be compensated for your hardship! Good Luck to you!!
Zimmer Durom Cup Failure

I had my first THR in June of 2008 and in Feb of 2009 I had to have a revision due to the failure of my Zimmer Durom Cup. Has anyone else had this problem. Just want to see if I was alone with this.
Re: Zimmer Durom Cup Failure

The cup did not fuse to the bone. It caused really bad groin and butt pain. I could hardly walk. When the new OS went in to do the revision the cup was loose and popped right out. It sucked, it was way harder to recover after the second time. It has been written about in the news and there are a bunch of pending law suits.
Yes, I recall that you posted before but the thread fell into the two month rule that if it hasn't been posted in for 2 months, it gets closed. However, I have reopened it for you and merged it with this one.

There is a class action law suit underway about this product. You can find the details here

You should contact them and get your name added to the list if that's still possible.
Thanks , I am not interested in the law suit thing but I am interested in chatting with others that may have or are going thru the same thing.
Well, it's been briefly discussed on a couple of occasions but none of the members here have been in your situation. I don't even think any of them have had a revision because of cup failure.

There are some that have had revisions for femoral prosthesis failures, though.
If it was me I would be interested in the law suit for a number of reasons
*compensate you for the time and expense of surgery
*compensate you for the pain you've experienced
*compensate for the agro that you may experience eventually as a result of needing additional surgery (revisions) later in life, remembering you are more traumatised with each additional revision (and you are already one down....
*Physio, surgery, medication etc all cost

The most important thing is that these big companies make an absolute squillion, and they have a moral obligation to there customers to get it right.....I know problems do and can happen, but they have insurance to cover these things, and if we allow them to not compensate then they will become sloppier. Sure its a hassle, but I would be following the whole class action thing.....

Just my thought process, but you have a lot of life to live and who knows what any of our futures hold....
Well put, Rachel - very well put! Of course, that's why it's called "compensation"!
If it was me I would be interested in the law suit for a number of reasons
*compensate you for the time and expense of surgery
*compensate you for the pain you've experienced
*compensate for the agro that you may experience eventually as a result of needing additional surgery (revisions) later in life, remembering you are more traumatised with each additional revision (and you are already one down....
*Physio, surgery, medication etc all cost

The most important thing is that these big companies make an absolute squillion, and they have a moral obligation to there customers to get it right.....I know problems do and can happen, but they have insurance to cover these things, and if we allow them to not compensate then they will become sloppier. Sure its a hassle, but I would be following the whole class action thing.....

Just my thought process, but you have a lot of life to live and who knows what any of our futures hold....

X2 :thmb:
Re: Zimmer Durom Cup Failure

The cup did not fuse to the bone. It caused really bad groin and butt pain. I could hardly walk. When the new OS went in to do the revision the cup was loose and popped right out. It sucked, it was way harder to recover after the second time. It has been written about in the news and there are a bunch of pending law suits.

That's horrible! I'm so sorry! A second surgery so soon must be disheartening. That being said, keep your eyes on the prize and think about the long term! We all have faith that you'll get there! What did they put in this go around? Did you need screws/cement? Heal soon!
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