Hi all! This Tuesday will be 8 weeks out for me. I'm doing much better at this point, with ups and downs. On most days, the pain level is not too bad - anywhere between 3-5. I am able to do most things myself and am starting to even walk without the cane. Hubby still has to help me tie the shoe on my surgery leg.
I still have swelling; some days that is worse than others. Elevating and icing are still my friends lol. I still can't bend my knee as much as PT wants me to. I am at 95°, but they are wanting me to get to 110 as they say that is the functional level. My knee just feels so tight and is still swollen so I just can't get it to bend more.
I did go back to work this past Wednesday - i am a teacher. That was not great. I didn't do too bad on Wednesday, but by Friday I couldn't sit or stand due to the amount of pain I was in. I did take a zero gravity lounge chair to school with me and had to take breaks to elevate and ice. Not sure how I'm going to do once students are back this week as I can't just lay down in the middle of class. I also have 4 classes in a row after lunch, so that means 4 hours up. I'll have to see how I do.
I really am so thankful for this forum - it has helped me keep my sanity throughout all this.