Does anyone know the reasoning for using an assist device (i.e. cane) for walking until there is no limp or pain? Obviously we wouldn't want to risk a fall, but does a crutch at some point act as, well. . . a crutch?
I found that I got tremendous respect from
The public when I was out walking with my
cane! - also felt safer that they would
stay away from me so I wouldn't get jostled!
Does anyone have the magic healing wand I can wave over my leg?
Well, many ways to skin a cat, huh?
I had a pretty quick movement to no crutches with the last surgery (about 3.5 wks). This one had a bit longer incision (6") and the trochanter was slightly cracked. I moved pretty quickly to 90% weight bearing, but now am sort of stuck at about 95% weight bearing and if I try to go 100% I limp.
It's getting ridiculous. It's not like I'm not strong elsewhere. I went snowshoeing yesterday for an hour (using ski poles), walking in the local hills today with a crutch over uneven terrain. I can ride an exercise bike for an hour without what I would call pain. I can certainly walk without a crutch or cane, but I limp a bit - after some time goes by, I limp a lot!
My PT said mostly this crutch/cane thing is to keep your gait and muscle memory proper. I was hoping I was not damaging anything by hobbling around without a crutch from time to time. Does anyone have the magic healing wand I can wave over my leg?