Crossing Legs After THR

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Hi mssully:

I have no restrictions with my resurfacing surgery and I believe that patients who have a large ball ceramic on metal or metal on metal prostheses do not have the leg crossing restrictions either. I did observe the standard "no leg crossing" restriction for the initial six weeks following my surgery, but after that I was cleared to do anything I wanted, including crossing my legs.

Perhaps others on this board can provide more information?

Take good care,

Ruth Z
I have ceramic on metal and had no precautions. I did use the precautions for 6 weeks anyway, but I'm crossing my legs now without problems.

RTHR 6/16/08
The precautions are more based on incision type thatn prosthesis. I had a posterior incision and had the restrictions for 3 months. The other part is when the muscles and tendons surrounding the prosthesis are strong enough to hold it in place.
Also of course on your surgeons's instructions.

I am about 3 1/2 months out from a right replacement and it is funny as I just commented that I was crossing my legs over the weekend. First time I noticed it.
With all of my restrictions it seemed my body was not able or ready to do the restricted movements.
Exactly, Judy. Most hip operations require some period of restricted movement such as you describe but it is, of course, down to the surgeon to dictate. Having seen so many patients with disclocations within the first 2-3 weeks, I wouldn't care to test it.

It might be of interest to you that the highest risk group is in the elderly who have a hemi(half)arthroplasty after a fractured neck of femur or hip. But they frequently start off with poor quality muscles anyway.
Hi, Was just wondering about this myself this morning. I am 3 weeks post right hip replacement (biomet metal on metal) and doing great. With great care, shaved my legs ( most of right leg) this a.m. w/o a problem. Walking w/o cane except do take it when I walk up to a mile so far distance. Will go to my Dr on Friday to get first post x rays and know he plans to lift driving restrictions. Wonder if any hip precautions will be lifted as well. This is the greatest surgery--am walking w/o pain for first time in years (55 yrs and otherwise in excellent health). Look forward to getting back to power walking and hiking as I enjoyed up to about 4 years ago (since then my exercise has been 40 mins of elliptical several times per week. for some reason only thing that I could do to stay in shape.) This recovery site is a great support while I am out from work recuperating and doing pt--was so excited to be able to do the stationary bike yesterday as before hip replacement could not even rotate rt leg w/o pain.
I have just retrned home from THR (Bi-Lateral) and have the restriction. Crossing the legs can (if i understand what i was told) dislocate the hip.
Thanks so much for all the replies. Interesting, after making this post, I call my Dr's office to make sure I understood my restrictions. I also have a biomet metal on metal. I don't have that restriction any longer!!!!! So basically, my only restriction is to take it easy at the gym (weight machines) for the rest of the year. My surgery was about 5 months ago.
Re: Crossing Legs After THR.biomet

Thanks for the response. Especially interested as you have the same biomet hip. So it has been good for you so far? I am 4 weeks as of tomorrow post surgery and am now walking w/o cane and just returned from pt where they are happy with my walking gait.

On Friday my dr lifted driving restriction and as of this Friday (one month out) lifted all restrictions though will ease back into everything. My biggest challenge will be to get flexibility back. Not even sure I could cross right leg over left if I tried (hadn't been able to for years b/f surgery).

Hi Laurie, The biomet hip is great so far. It is about 5.5 months for me now & most of my pain & stiffness are gone. Prior to surgery, I was taking 400 mg of celebrex & had started some narcotics at night to sleep. Now I am taking 100 mg of celebrex & planning to ween off that soon. The hardest thing for me was to try not to exercise too much. Good luck with your recovery.
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