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Cough/chest pain

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May 4, 2009
United Kingdom United Kingdom
During the last few days when I wake up in the mornings I have noticed a pain in the middle of my back and also a feeling that I need to clear my chest - there seems to be a bit of movement in my lower lungs. The pain goes as soon as I am sitting upright, and after a few coughs, so does whatever is hanging around in the lungs.

I can't see my Dr till Monday now, but just wondered if this is fairly normal considering we have to sleep on our backs etc. I don't get the pain at any other time and feel fine all day. My feeling is that due to lying in one position all night that nothing gets a chance to move aorund. The other thing I have considered is hay fever - I normally suffer, but don't have the classic nose/eye symptoms this year but I suppose it could affect my chest instead.

Has anyone else had this sort of thing?
Actually I do lately, might be for each reason you said. Here its been so so hot and I have asthma...And yes sometimes I cough alot being on my back. I never lay on my back, Im a side person.....But as I said I have asthma and its been real hot !!! That usually happens to me.....I will like to see what others say..Hang in there , I just started laying on my side and last night I really didnt cough much............Have a great day. Or night, Time diff I get all confused......
About 11am here Kim - this is what I so love about the Internet - there is always someone, somewhere in the world who is up and about - amazing.

It does seem logical though, that lying on your back in one position for several hours could cause some type of congestion - with your asthma I imagine that is more of a problem. How many weeks is it since you had your knee op? I am so looking forward to being able to sleep on my side again - I always sleep on my right side normally and this is torture for me at the moment.

I am coughing a bit at the moment, just a dry one - I might take a hay fever pill and see what happens, I haven't up to now cos I haven't had the eye/nose bit. But the pollen count is quite high here, I am surrounded by countryside and it is cloudy, warm and very breezy so I suppose it all contributes.
I thought I was close to your sugery mine is april 3 10 weeks maybe 11 now. Just yest I took a big ole fluffy blanket just set my knee on it sideways and feel right asleep I was surprised..The pillow was hard on my knee the blanket the knee just kinda squshed in it...its 511am gotta try to sleep soon...ugh..yes it makes sense on your back thats were it would settle..I agree
Just been reading some of your posts on the knee part of this site, it seems that you have had quite a few ups and downs but it is starting to sound much more positive now. Keep up the good work. You always feel so much better if you can sleep. I haven't had much of a problem since the op, but the worst bit is I keep having to get up to go to the bathroom every 3 hours or so. Everything is fine, but when a woman has to go.....and all that:hehe:

From what I have been reading and talking to other people, it appears that knees can take much longer to heal than hips but then I suppose all of your body weight has to go through a knee, whereas the hip only carries the upper body.

What caused your knee trouble - was it arthritis?
Manged to see my Dr after all, he reckons that the problem is due to having to sleep on my back as my chest is completely clear. He also checked me out for DVT and feels that this also isn't a problem. The only thing I am now dealing with today it very painful muscles in front of thigh and round hip joint - I think I may have overdone my exercies/walking a bit today.
That will do it! But the good news is that if you slack off a little for a day or so, it gets better. We all push like that in recovery....
Steph I m glad and thanks for talking this everything is moving along well now. Thanks....Just take it easy with the a lil............
Manged to see my Dr after all, he reckons that the problem is due to having to sleep on my back as my chest is completely clear. He also checked me out for DVT and feels that this also isn't a problem. The only thing I am now dealing with today it very painful muscles in front of thigh and round hip joint - I think I may have overdone my exercies/walking a bit today.

Hi Steph
Great to hear that you are getting along well, and that your worries have been addressed. There is nothing worse than a nagging feeling that something may be going wrong.
I have been sleeping much, much better since I have been given to OK to sleep on my sides.
You will soon be at that stage and should also benefit as I did. I hated sleeping on my back :yn:

For the pain - the old 'rest, ice and elevate' should do the trick :thmb:

Thanks everyone - the muscle pain is a lot less today thankfully. I had trouble getting my leg off the bed last night - it was worse than it felt the day after the op, but as you all say ice, elevate and rest really does the trick. Plus I took 2 co-codomal before bed and slept really well :zzz: - feel a bit woozy from them this morning though, but that will pass.

Andy, I am sooooo looking forward to sleeping on my side again - this is like a kind of self induced torture :sigh: at the moment, I shall never sleep on my back again after this. Yet my daughter is dying to sleep on hers - she is now nearly 8 months pregnant and isn't allowed to, funny old world isn't it.
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