Core Muscles

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junior member
Apr 17, 2007
Not posted in a while, I've been doing OK but struggling somewhat with pain every where BUT in my operated hip. Neck, shoulders and back - OS says crutches are to blame for shoulders but believes there is an underlying problem so I had an MRI scan 3 weeks ago (still awaiting results). I'm hoping there is no arthritis in the shoulders but suppose it's possible because I had a thumb joint removed in 2007 which was very arthritic and that appeared so quick.

I have recently had painful swellings over joints in my wrist, shoulder & foot, so painful I attended A & E, they said it was Rhuematoid Arthritis (but I wasn't aware I had that) He managed to control the pain & the swellings slowly reduced over a week, it seem OK at moment. My GP has done bloods to check but says I'm clear so was at a loss to the problem - I am perimenopausal and someone said that this can cause joint pain?

My Physio started a few weeks back and I have also been allocated some Hydrotherapy. Due to cut backs at the hospital I'll only be allowed 4 - thats 1 a week. I can't see how beneficial this is going to be, such a long gap between classes & then only 4 sessions. The therapist on duty in the pool sort of agreed with me but she was working under new directives set by the hosptial trust.

After 5 weeks on the physio books I have only seen my Land therapist twice & Hydro therapist once. Today after a land session he says that some of my muscles are improving with the exercises he gave me (They should have cos I worked really hard!) but it appears my core muscles are not working well at all, he believes this has been deteriorating for years - I've always said after previous surgery I need some advice & help with physio, but never got it until this time. It seems like he's leaving it up to me, I will do the exercises but am a good cheater (years of practice!) and if not monitored I may not be working the right group of muscles. 3 weeks is a long time to cheat - but again due to funding I think I'm only allowed 6 sessions with the Physio, so spreading them out is his way of helping I suppose.

He is going to refer me to the local sports centre - under the exercise on prescription scheme we have in our area. He thinks Pilates may help, I have tried this before & struggled but my hip was loose then.

I feel a bit down really, exercise is hard at the best of time - The motivation is there but when I see little improvement quickly it's very hard to keep pushing - BUT I WILL.

The op is long forgotten but I think I've been left too long before starting with physio and also think that I might have been overlooked in the past after my previous operations. Anyone having hip replacements and believe they have a muscle weakness or inbalance push your OS and make sure he/she checks you over. I think that the hospitals look at hip ops in general and the assumption is that patients will recover without therapy intervention - most yes - but some of us may need that little extra.

Karen THR & Bone Graft revision November 2007 (5th hip!)
Oh my goodness, you are having a time of it. Could I ask, why you have had 5 hips?....that has to be near a record!

I am 7 weeks out...struggling with some thigh pain, but mostly limping because of the knees....I suppose that will be next, but it never hurt until after my THR...but I know this surgeon is not going to do them!!!...he left me with a 1" leg length discrepancy and I am not happy with him.

I hope you get help with all your therapy. I am starting ASTYM therapy on Monday for my knees and leg problem....I guess it is a deep muscle therapy so hope it helps.

Bless you.

Don't sound so alarmed - I've just been unlucky.

CDH not found at birth so only operated on at 2 years old - don't hink what they did was too good really. Always had shortening as a kid & wore calipers & raises. Managed until in late teens when arthritis set in. Extreme pain & shortening so it was decided my only option was a THR. Unfortunately due to my structure the first 3 failed each one lasting approx 5 years, I was so short of bone in the pelvic area. New consultant in 98 as old one had retired - new ideas (in 1998 it was) Bone grafting (from the bone bank)to bulid up my pelvis so he could get better fixation of cup, That one lasted almost 10 years but the the graft eventually failed, it appeared that I may have had a graft which was not of dense enough bone so it slowly shrunl in size over the years causing my joint to be unstable. These bone graft operations are quite common these days.

Any way this last op was the same type that was done in 98 but my New Young OS said they had much more experience now and who knows this could last longer. Even if a further op is need in the future he beleives that it still will be possible by either the same type of op again or the new Trabecular Metal that is being used in the States.

Sorry to hear you are struggling too, but it is early days. The shortening isn't nice but whatever you think please wear a raise it will save problems with the back & spine in the future. I didn't wear mine in my teens & still have back problems today! I'm wiser now and will get my OS to check length when the muscles have settled, I think mine is shorter but maybe only 1/2". I've not heard of ASTYM therapy what is it?

Where are you from, here in Uk or US maybe - just interested that's all

Good luck Karen
I live in the US..the state of Kansas, which right in the middle.

I do wear my built-up shoes....too lop-sided if I don't and I limp terribly...that inch makes a lot of difference.... I love to go bare-footed and really hate wearing shoes, but know I need to do so for my back and knees.

ASTYM therpy is like a deep-muscle therapy which breaks up the scar tissue. They thought that since I had limped so long before my THR that perhaps I had scar tissue in my knee.....sure hope it works.

I'll be thinking about and wishing you the very best.

Phoggie (Mary)
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