Doug I do take your points on board and very well put over too.We can protect cattle from predators if we,ve a mind to,we can stop humans from escaping from prisons so it shouldnt be rocket science.As for the over population of rabbits ect...if there wasnt enough rabbits around to shoot then I.m pretty sure we,d breed them to shoot them.Hunting and shooting is not done primarily to keep numbers down,its done for fun and adventure,like I said if the the animals were a rarity we humans would remedy that.By the way I fish,catch and release ,but I fish.I also eat meat beef,chicken,venison all of them but just couldnt take pleasure in bringing about the animals demise directly.David killing wolves with a sling...I dont buy that either and if he did.. he certainly put the odds in their favour ,and do we know if he enjoyed it? dont think it says whether he did or not in the good book.Killing animals for food I have absolutely no problems with what so ever but that isnt the issue here.Be honest do hunters stop hunting even when the freezer is loaded to the top?I doubt it.We definately are the superior race,we,re able to suppress our caveman insticts, we have the abilty to reason,animals even the most inteligent cannot.cheers klinger.