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Computer navigatin and surgery

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junior member
Jun 19, 2007

Has anyone had their OS use computer navigation when they performed their THR?

My OS will be using it to guide him through my two-incision MIS.

I've read good things about it. I will be getting my computer generated images of my hip Feb. the 28th. I'm curious to see how they differ from the X-rays.
Hi there, Swright. There are some pages about CGN on the information part of this website here. My information is that whilst it makes the implant more accurately, it also adds something like an hour to the surgery time. A problem if the patient has other issues like a heart condition for instance. However, the accurate placement of the prostheses can be key to the longevity of the replacement. In other words, there are pros and cons to this procedure. I'm still undecided.
I don't have any other health problems except for my hip falling apart.

Unless being scared silly about surgery counts...

Thanks for your input
Being scared silly is part of the deal. Not only are you undergoing into a life altering procedure, you are being required to relinquish your independence, safety and well-being not only into the hands of total strangers but some of whom you may never set eyes upon. I think being somewhat apprehensive is understandable, don't you?
Don't know if this is waht you were asking about but I think it might be>

I had my THR revised in November last year - All the X-Rays at the hospital are now digital - you don't get a film anymore, it goes straight to the PC as an image. It looks just like an Xray on screen, but possibly more detail can be seen. The OS can zoom in to particular areas and overlay images to compare if ness.

The hospital seam pleased with it - but I wonder is what if the system goes down - you could have a wasted journey for a check up with the need to return; the OS may need to look at the Xray to determine your treatment.

Good luck & don't try to worry you'll be in safe hands.

CGI gives the surgeon a complete 3d virtual model of your knee. He can then 'perform' the operation with this graphic use CGIs of the prostheses to see which would fit best and how. Very clever technology.

The xrays you see on the computer are all stored in the main memory, Karen, so even if (when) the system does go down, the stored data is quite safe.
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