Completely confused

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new member
Oct 21, 2009
United States
I went to be surgically cleared today by my primary care doctor. I'm due to have total hip replacement on 11/10/09.
He told me I HAD to get off my celebrex and my tramadol!!!
I am a hairdresser, and am trying to get all of my customers taken care of in the next couple of weeks. I am full up. He said, "Don't even try to work, you will be in so much pain." "Just cancel them, it's only hair".
Well, it's also my livelihood, and I won't be working for awhile, so for my customers sake, as well as some extra money I'm trying to make....!!!!
I called my surgeon, who is so very hard to get hold of. His office manager called the hospital, and spoke to some nurse (surgical I think) who said tramadol can be continued up until the day before surgery.
When I called the same hospital to verify, they said they cannot give out that info, it was totally up to my surgeon. (I actually called anesthesiology)
I am under the gun. I don't know whether to cancel people, or continue my work schedule as is, and keep taking my tramadol.
I'm going to have a horrible time without my celebrex, giving up the tram, I can't imagine. primary care wrote a script for percoset...which makes me so constipated I can barely deal....been down that road before with previous surgeries....don't want to get onto heavier stuff like that before surgery.
Are any of you familiar with surgery and tramadol?
Thanks so much for listening. The surgery alone has got me freaked out, now this!

I am sorry I can't answer your question. Please try not to be freaked out about the surgery. It's the start of a new life without pain. I am sure someone will answer your questions before the surgery. Is it possible to stop by the surgeon's office? Welcome to Bone Smart! Jo and Jamie will help you out just as soon as they see your posting. In the meantime try to think good thoughts.

Happy Wednesday
Our forum nurse, Josephine, can provide a medical perspective to your question. She is in Great Britain and with the time difference, it may be tomorrow before she sees your post.

In my opinion, you need to get the final say from your surgeon's office. I suppose it was nice that the office manager called the hospital, but quite frankly the final say is with your own doctors. Try calling again and ask for your surgeon's nurse. Fully explain your situation.

For me, I was allowed to continue all medication up to a week before surgery. I was on Celebrex also and had to stop it at that time. I also took my heart and blood pressure meds right up to surgery day. But that guidance was given by my surgeon's nurse....not my primary doc.

What you want to avoid is having to stop something before you need to or not stopping something in time and having the hospital staff be VERY cross with you when you show up the day of surgery.

As for the percoset, you will find no problems with constipation if you take stool softeners with it each 2-3 capsules until you find out what works. This is NOT a laxative....stool softeners are different and are not dangerous for you to take for an extended period of time while you are on prescription pain medication. Head to the drug store!!!
I was told to get off all medicine except and pain meds 1 week prior........but each dr is different.......i wish you the best with your sugery i hope you continue to let us know how you are doing....... good luck to you..........
Well, given how many significant differences there are between the UK and the US, I'm not going to be much help here. None of our hospitals require patients to stop any meds pre-op. In fact, the notes that are given out specifically state that on the day of the op, when one is fasting, "the usual medications can be taken with a small mouthful of water". But then one is also required to list all meds taken prior to admission. But I have never known any issues arising from that in anyway. I really don't understand US doctors in this.
Hmmmm....that sure is interesting, Jo. I wish our medical guys would do it YOUR way.
I am sorry you are confused and getting the run around. That is so frustrating. I do think your doc would be the one to ask. I have always had the instructions Jo had mentioned to take any regular meds with a sip of water.
good luck
Thank you everyone for the info.
I FINALLY talked to my Dr.'s office today who ASSURED me that tramadol is not one of the meds I have to stop. WHEW!!!
Patience....God is trying to teach me patience.
All of you are great on this site. I have been monitoring this site for over a year. Last June 08 I was scheduled for THR and had to cancel due to family problems. This is the year, I guess.
This morning when I was praying towards a gloomy sky, on my patio, and In tears was asking God to give me peace about this surgery, the sun came up, and the grey sky turned to a gorgeous blue, and the gloomy clouds were an array of pinks and oranges, and I thanked my God that he is clearing the clouds away for me.
Right now, I feel better.
I'm a control freak. My weakness has always been letting go of things I cannot control. This too is the problem with this surgery. Prayer, and more prayer and people like you all and the everyday ones in my life, will help the clouds go away. God bless you all.
I had to stop all pain meds 10 days prior to surgery - it was VERY tough, but I did it. I haven't taken anything but a baby asprin in well over 7 months. 10 days of suffering is the first step towards a pain free lifetime.
The general rule is that you have stop taking any NSAIDs 7-10 days before surgery because they will thin your blood and cause excess bleeding during surgery. That means you have to stop taking prescription anti-inflammatories, aspirin, advil or aleeve, for example. Tylenol is fine to take. I'm not an expert but I've had a lot of surgeries.
Sftcmt, you are not the only one on the forum who is a bit of a control freak....ummmmm....I'm one too. There are others. This surgery does wonders for one's ability to accept help and put your fate in another's hands. It will be a life changing experience for you in more ways than one! It will be a very good thing.

I love your story about the clouds parting following your prayers. That is is beautiful beginning to the new life you have in your future. Trust in God. Trust in your surgeon and the hospital staff. And trust in us to be here when you need us. We're all in your corner!!!
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