I have been on Percocet for quite a while now (pre and post surgery). I was wondering what "plan" people have used to wean them self off. My surgery was 7 weeks ago, and I am sure my OS is going to recommend tapering off.
I have been on Percocet for quite a while now (pre and post surgery). I was wondering what "plan" people have used to wean them self off. My surgery was 7 weeks ago, and I am sure my OS is going to recommend tapering off.
I use Hydrocodone. I was down to 1-2 a day, then 1 a day, then none. Then I noticed I had the shakes at night at the time I normally took a pain med. Is that withdrawal?? I am now taking 1 about every other day or so. Should I taper off differently? Advice anyone? I am on Norco 10/325. I have some 5/500. Maybe I should switch to the lower dosage?? Thoughts?
you had that severe a withdrawal after only being on Percocet for one night?
Not to make light of an important subject, but it seems as if this Forum is a little addictive as well. Jen