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coming off Percocet

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Feb 24, 2008
New York City
I have been on Percocet for quite a while now (pre and post surgery). I was wondering what "plan" people have used to wean them self off. My surgery was 7 weeks ago, and I am sure my OS is going to recommend tapering off.
I found out the hard way last year that Percs were addictive. I was only on one at night by the time I suddenly stopped taking them, no one had warned me. Oh dear the withdrawal affects were awful. So, after talking to my pharmacist, I started again by taking a half for 3 or 4 days, than, a quarter, then ann eigth then a sixteenth. It took 2 weeks, but it worked. Now I will have to do it again when the time comes. Good luck, I'm sure you will be OK.
I've been on percocet for a long time like maybe a year and I am worried about coming off of them but right now I'm more worried about the pain without thme so I guess I'll cross one bridge at a time.
It was also recommended to me to "wean" from the pills. 1/2 x 2 days, than 1/4 x 2 days. I had a rough time with the Oxycontin after only 6 days of being on them, and it is not a good feeling, I quit "cold turkey" and suffered from it.
Are you taking "regular" Percocet or ER (extended release) Percocet?

It makes a big difference!

Regular Percocet can be cut in 1/2 or 1/4s such as Nursepair has mentioned to help you taper off them slowly.

ER versions CANNOT be cut at all. Cutting them releases all the medication at one time (that is why it is popular with abusers.. it gives them a big rush)

Either way you cut back slowly. Stopping too quickly causes flu-like symptoms--- body aches (like we need more of those!), chills and "hot flashes", nausea, etc.

There are meds they can give you to make the transition easier--- you should definitely ask your health care provider if you have been taking larger doses and/or for an extended length of time.

I tried to taper off the ER version at about 7 weeks and was unable to do it. Too much pain--- I am not sure if it was from the "oxy flu" or just that I am just still in too much pain from my two surgeries and other back issues and really do still need the pain relief. My neurosurgeon is having me stay on them until I see him again then we are talking about pain clinics.

I would just really advise you to talk to your health care provider before you stop! Let them know what you want to do and see if they have any suggestions/assistance to help you.

I have been on Percocet for quite a while now (pre and post surgery). I was wondering what "plan" people have used to wean them self off. My surgery was 7 weeks ago, and I am sure my OS is going to recommend tapering off.
I've been on the oxycodone for the 7.5 weeks since my surgery. According to Josephine, it isn't unusual for us to need the pain meds for quite some time post surgery. I work my knee out six days a week in the a.m. I tried just using ibuprofen or Aleve but that just doesn't cut it. If I was going to get "hooked" then I'm hooked. I'll worry about withdrawal after I heal. When I am able to get off, I plan to just cut back gradually with the approval of the Dr.
I am on standard, non time release Percocet. They gave me the time-release (Oxycontin) in the hospital but I didn't care for it. I guess the diminishing returns route it the way to go:
reduce 1/2 a tablet each day until zero. Kind of sad, they have been pretty good friends in managing the pain. Not perfect as my OS told me: 80% is all of the pain management you will get from Percocet.
Has anyone noticed that if they take their last Percocet in the evening, they feel somewhat nauseated in when they wake up and the taking of the next Percocet takes away the nausea?
I use Hydrocodone. I was down to 1-2 a day, then 1 a day, then none. Then I noticed I had the shakes at night at the time I normally took a pain med. Is that withdrawal?? I am now taking 1 about every other day or so. Should I taper off differently? Advice anyone? I am on Norco 10/325. I have some 5/500. Maybe I should switch to the lower dosage?? Thoughts?
Shakes might be withdrawal. Hydrocodone (Vicodin) can cause physical dependence. It is used for mild to moderate pain. It comes in several strengths. the Norco is "double strength" as my OS' PA explained it.

The every other day thing is probably a good way to taper down and you could also try the 5/500s as a way to taper as well. They are also ok to break in 1/2.

I am down to 2 Norco a day after work(1 @ 4:00 and one at 8:00). Trying to head for 1, but still having a lot of pain at the end of the day. By Friday night I was crawling into bed right after school and took the Norco every 4 hours yesterday. Today is less painful and I have managed with just Tylenol so far today.

My back is more painful than my knee. I am feeling a little whiney today and might have a little pity party later. I am just so tired of this pain-- especially the back. I know the knee is getting better all the time-- not so sure about the back....


I use Hydrocodone. I was down to 1-2 a day, then 1 a day, then none. Then I noticed I had the shakes at night at the time I normally took a pain med. Is that withdrawal?? I am now taking 1 about every other day or so. Should I taper off differently? Advice anyone? I am on Norco 10/325. I have some 5/500. Maybe I should switch to the lower dosage?? Thoughts?
wouldn't you think with all of the advances in modern medicine, they could come up with a drug that reduces pain and does not cause this annoying withdrawal?
I guess Hydrocodone would be a step "down" on the drug scale, wouldn't it? Would that be an alternative??...
That is the way I understand it.

Percocet and Vicodin are different compounds. Percocet is prescribed for moderate to severe pain, while Vicodin is for mild to moderate pain.
On my first OS visit I asked for something stronger than otc and prednisone. They siad they don't give pain meds til after surgery ( other than celebrex which helps a little combined with Ibu & pred. I know bad for stomach, but temporary). But now I think I am grateful. I'm sure there will be need later, but I guess if you can do less, it is more. Anyway, the times I have taken those VIC & PERC for tooth stuff, all they do is make me sleep. Jen
It's best if you don't take much before sugery....that way, your meds will REALLY be effective after won't have a "tolerance" for them.
you had that severe a withdrawal after only being on Percocet for one night?

No, sorry, I was on Percs for 5 months before, and many more than one at night, but I had reduced them as needed until I was on just one at night. Then one night I thought, I don't need on tonight, so I just stopped as I didn't know any different, then I had the inside itchy's, couldn't sit still, pacing the floor shaking and sweating. I then went on a website to look Percs up and see if they were addictive, my GP had assured me I wouldn't get addicted, and lo and behold I found they were, so called the pharmacist next day and he told me what to do.
Not to make light of an important subject, but it seems as if this Forum is a little addictive as well. Jen
Not to make light of an important subject, but it seems as if this Forum is a little addictive as well. Jen

You are totally right there, I sneak up here to my computer as often as I can, my husband ir really pleased for me though as he realises how much better I feel in myself because of everyones help and friendship!!
Well I for one wish I hadn't gone to bed when I did. I missed out on all of the on line fun. Yes it is addicting. I think it is because of the little cut we all share on our knees that brought us together.
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