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Colds and Virus start in TKR?

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new member
Feb 15, 2009
Lafayette Colorado
For those you who have just started this long process, this is a great place to get answers and encouragement. I have just hit the 5 month mark and I'm going back to work at the end of the month. I would like to ask a question of some of you who are a few months out from TKR, it seems the last to months i have come down with some kind of cold or virus, it only last a few days, but what is weird is that it starts in my knee. On Thursday i woke up with pain in the knee, hardly never have any pain now, went to gym (still doing some rehap) worked out with not anything different happening,but still having knee pain. Get up Friday morning and i can't walk because of the pain so bad, ice and stay off my knee all day and Saturday when i get up the knee pain is gone, but i have a stomach virus, real crampy and just feel bad. Today the stomach thing is feeling better, but this is the 2nd time this has happened to me. It seems that when ever my knee start to hurt i know that some kind of virus is starting to go through my body. Has anyone else been having anything like this happen to them? Pain start in your knee and then you come down with a virus of some kind? thanks for all the encouragement you gave me over the last few months.
First I ever heard of something like this and it hasn't happened to me but then what I haven't heard of is HUGE!!! I would think it is more conincidence than a precursor to illness but like I said what do I know? Good luck Rowdy
Tiger....that's a new one on me too. It is an odd coincidence, but I certainly don't think it's anything to be worried about.
Thanks all ,went to the doctor today and got released to go back to work (mixed feelings about that) talked to him about my issue and he looked at me like i was CRAZY, but said is was just conincidence. My best to you all.

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