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Cold and Knee replacement

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junior member
Aug 8, 2008
Wow. The last few days it has been between 0 and -10. My knee which had TKR is really aching from getting cold. It feels like the metal is getting cold, or is it just my imagination?

I had the same problem and found it a very strange feeling, i could almost feel the cold metal i dont think it is anything to worry about as the whether has got warmer here and that feeling has gone.
Regards Pam
Of course it's not your imagination! A TKR is very superficial, unlike a THR which has much less mass and is buried deep inside lots of muscle and fat.
It's definitely not your imagination - or if it is, it's mine as well. Ever since I was first diagnosed with OA, the cold and damp have affected both my knees and they get much more stiff and painful. I did think this might stop after surgery but now there's cold metal to contend with as well! Linda x
Don't stand outside in a thunder storm either...ZAAAAAAP!
Hi everyone! I'm a newbie--I just got this site from my OS when I went to talk about a RTNR in June. I'm now concidering having both done since the L isn't much better than the R, only less painful. Thanks for all the information I've already found. There's nothing like getting the REAL info from those who have been there.
I just came in from shopping and this bitter cold has both my knees aching--so before or after doesn't seem to matter;) Irene
I haven't notice that too much and yesterday it was -28. I am a bit stiffer though and found taking a hot shower before I start my exercises works.

The DSL line did not like the cold as it was down for 2 days. I felt sorry for the crew that had to go out and fix it. We are above zero at the moment.

Welcome to BoneSmart, Sticker Lady. Who was the surgeon that told you about this forum?
Welcome Sticker Lady.

The cold definitely affects your KR. We are in the middle of summer here, but we get the occasional cooler day and I can feel the difference.
Thanks for the welcome! Josephine: The dr I talked to is Eric Benson of New Hampshire Orthopaedic Surgery in Manchester NH. He gave me a web site for Otis Med who make the implant he prefers and I found BoneSmart from there.
Aussie: Just the word "summer" sounds like heaven. We're enjoying another lovely 6-8 inches of fluffy white today. Ugh!
Jo! Buried under lots of fat & muscle,,,,,,,so true! And the cold still stiffens us up when its this ccccccold! What a cruel winter this has been thusfar!
Indeed it has! Icicles and everything. I hate the cold!
Simon, dude, negative 28! WHERE ARE YOU? I'm in Houston and it was 65 here today and I was whinning :) Just reading your post makes my knees hurt! Here's sending you LOTS of warm thoughts from the big H!
chilly in the morning, then it warms up in the afternoons here in the Pacific NW.

I hear that it's better to get your TKR done in the warmer months, you recover better when it's warm out. but yeah, I can really feel the cold on my knees when it's wet out. I love my hot showers in the morning it really helps me get going.
Over here we are having days in the 40's Celcius that is. Very hot.


I think 38C = 100F it's a long time since I needed to know that so I could be mistaken :)
Over here we are having days in the 40's Celcius that is. Very hot.


I think 38C = 100F it's a long time since I needed to know that so I could be mistaken :)

I told my best friend, who's an Aussie, that she wear a swimsuit, so that when she gets back home, she can strip down and go straight to the beach. LOL She lived near Chicago, IL for two years and now that she's widowed, she's going home. From cold to hot...she'll have fun with the weather extremes!
Good Idea Loribee,

Speaking of going from cold to hot, one of the funniest things while watching your new President take his position, was watching the Australian reporters who left hot Australia to bring us all the news, they were standing there in the cold absolutely shaking, in coats, gloves, scarves, and wrapped in blankets. One of them even borrowed an electric blanket from one of the USA news crews who were obviously more aclimatised to the weather.

Chris :)
That would have been funny to watch, Chris. Of course, nothing like that ever gets on OUR news....too bad!

I am in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont. This is on the opposite side from Burlington right next to New Hampshire and about 1 hour south of the Canadian border. Ski country for sure. So far we have had 95 inches of snow and February is one of the snowest months so we do have alot of winter to go. Today we made it to 11. As long as you bundle up it is not that bad. It is beautiful though with a blue sky, sun (well at least today) and the white snow sparkling.

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