Clunking sound in the hip

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Nov 21, 2008
United States
After a successful total hip replacement and recovery, the hip started making clicking sounds about 6 months after surgery. It was thought to be the stitches or a bursal sac rubbing together and making the noise. They were watched for 3 months and finally removed this week. The noise did not stop. During the 3 months "watch" time, the noise got louder and much more frequent. It is now more like a clunk and thud, so loud that everyone can hear it, everytime I move my hip . . . whether it's walking or just sliding my knee back in a laying position. I am at a loss, the surgeon is at a loss. They are now conducting allergy testing to see if my tissue is allergic to the metal. This feels so much like a mechnical issue. Any insight??
Have you had a second opinion, Kimberly? If your surgeon is stumped then seems like he should suggest that himself.

In addition to the metal allergy testing and a CT scan, I am scheduled to see another physician my surgeon has recommended. I am just curious if anyone out there experienced this same kind of noise. I have read many of the threads on squeaks and clicks, but this is much "heavier." So hard to explain noises!!!

Unless one of the tests come up with additional info, they are scheduling to do a replacement later this month. My hip is now metal on metal, they are suggesting metal and plastic . . . any feedback on that too?!?

I am 53 years old and very active. Doesn't plastic have a shorter "shelf" life??
6 months after successful metal on metal total hip replacement I am experiencing increasing 'clicking' in the joint. Initially this was on standing or sharp movement, but now appears to be with pretty much any movement!!
It has also started to get slightly painful... am I reading too much into this or should I be concerned re possible infection etc.....? any comments would be helpful

At my 6 week checkup I asked my doctor about the "clunking" sound / sensation that I have been experiencing with a hip resurfaicng.

The clunking sensation is NOT loud enough for anyone to hear and the sensation feels a little bit like the vibration of snapping your fingers. It doesn't hurt, but you definately feel it.

At first the sensation happened sometime during every time I got up to walk, but on every step. It usually happend when i was turning and stepping.

I have a metal on metal implant, and the sensation definately feels like the components "clinking" together.

Over the six week, the clunking has diminished to happening only once or twice a day instead of every time I get up.

The Doc said this was a normal occurance that will diminish over time (it has) as the muscles and tendens remember what they are suppose to do (hold everything tightly in place) and gain in strength.

Kinda freaked me out the first time it happened, but becasue there was no real pain associated with it, and that it was obviously diminishing each week as I went through recovery, I've come to recognize it for what it is -- no big deal.

But if my hip clunked so loud that someone could actually hear it, and it happened every time I moved my hip, and my doctor couldn't or wouldn't give me a reasonable explanation and a fix; I would be looking for a new doctor - PRONTO.
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