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cliking hip

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junior member
Jun 7, 2009
i have cliking and the feeling of seperation can someone tell me dies this go away my hip is 2 month old
Hi Steven,


I didn't have the clicking in my hip, I didn't get any noise after my op, but I know others have so they are better to comment, plus there is a thread on noises in replacements.

I did have a feeling of separation on a couple of occassions. Mine was in my femur where the post goes down into it. It was quite a yukky sensation and a bit uncomfortable. Is that what you are feeling? If so it will go away as the prothesis settles in, if not maybe someone else has an answer for you.
Did you watch the video in this part of the forum? It's an explanation about clicks and clunks. I think you'll find it very reassuring. Knee joints click and clunk a bit too at the beginning but as your muscles and ligaments strengthen and get their tone back, it tends to diminish, as Chris says.

Everything okay otherwise?
Mine "clicked" quite often at first, quite starteling actually as no one had warned me. at 6 months its completely gone, but I can't tell you with any accuracy exactly when that was, it just slowly became less and less and then gone.
i did watch the video , i also get lower back pain now but my problem is i need to do the other one as well . can a hip last longer than 10 years i am 42 and over weight
For sure, my friend! Many hips last 20 or even 30 years, even in overweight patients. There are some still walking around that had their hips done in the 70s even! And you can be assured that the one you have is much more advanced in materials and design that the patients from 1970!
Steven, at least some (maybe even all) of the back pain you are experiencing could be related to the fact that you body is now realigned with your new hip. And, the fact that you still need the other one done can also put some new stresses on muscles that haven't had to work quite that way in the past.

Treat yourself gently. Take pain meds when things hurt. Work your muscles in PT or on your own. And things will improve with a little time.
Hi Steven--My right hip doesn't click, but it does clunk occasionally. I keep thinking of one of the video interviews from an OS who said of one of his patients who was having a great recovery--at 1 year, he'll be able to do anything he wants to do. It was a reminder to me that the healing process takes quite a while.
Hi Steven,
WElcome. My hip is one year and 2 days old!!! I love it. I never had any clicking, but yes on the separation feeling. VEry mild, then it went away. But even now once in a while I feel it. Certainly no big deal. I am sure it is related to muscles, ligaments, all soft tissue. I have a few other health issues that would contribute to soft tissue problems.

But, did I say how much I love my new hip. At 3 months I was off and hiking, swimming, biking, still taking pain meds if I needed them, but certainly enjoying life and no hip joint pain. I at that point also had excellent range of motion. I say it is from swimming which I started at about 1 month out.
I'm off to go hiking right now:wahey:
does any body get stretch type feeling in the lower thigh when walking a longer distance or maybe its just me its painful at times . u know reading every thing helps me to understand and not stress
Every few days or a week I noticed a different sensation, pain, ache, etc. Including in the thigh. My IT band got unbelievably tight at around 4 weeks after trying to do a little too much.

I think its all part of the healing and reconditioning process. As long as you ahve two improvement days to every one relapse day, you are making progress.
Steven, it's really common to sense all kinds of new feelings, aches, pains, and so forth after joint replacement surgery (knee or hip!). It takes some time for your body to heal and readjust to what's been done to it and this is just the way things go. Most people have at least a little anxiety about all those odd pains, noises and feelings --- which is why the BoneSmart forum is a big help.

Speaking for myself...without having somewhere to go quickly and describe what is going on, then get an answer and reassurance, I'm sure I would have either driven myself or the doctor's office crazy.

So use the forum whenever you need to get a question or concern addressed or just to whine a little about the frustration of it all. That's what we're here for and we'll always be your support!
Hi Steven,

That stretching might be what I was referring to in my last post to you.

Without meaning to be too graphic, there were times I felt that if I didn't have skin on my leg to hold it on, my leg would have just dropped off my hip. I just figured it was the bone trying to graft onto the prothesis. I don't know what the sensation actually was, but it goes away, and it's all nicely knitted and secure now. Hope that helps you a bit.
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