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TKR Clicking, Clunking post op...anyone?

Hi Gibsco,
Great news that your knee is feeling strong with good range of motion. Many do complain about the tight band feeling and it's considered a normal part of the recovery process for many. We have an article in the BoneSmart Library that I will link on the topic. If you use the SEARCH at the top right of the page and type in "tight band sensation" you will see how frequently it's mentioned here. At eight months post op, you may deal with it for several more months. Gentle movement throughout the day should help.

I hope you had a nice holiday week and I wish you many blessings in the New Year!
It's been 9 months since right TKR. There has been no improvement since my post in December 2024. The top of my calf muscle is extremely sore to the touch and I massage it regularly hoping it will improve. The numbness on the right side of the knee cap is still there as well as some joint pain on the right side when I bend it. Very disappointed in the outcome at this point. Not significantly better than before the surgery. I take Celebrex daily to help control the discomfort. I don't consider this a success.
I'm sorry you are still have discomfort in your right leg, @Gibsco.

Don't be concerned with the numb area -- that continues to resolve over time. My right knee still had a small numb patch at 2 years post-op, but it eventually disappeared.

It does take a full year to recover from this surgery and many of us have found we continue to improve well into the second year. And since your recent hip surgery may be slowly the recovery. Every time our body's structure is realigned, it puts all the soft tissues into adjustment mode. Even when the surgery is on the other side, the way we stand and walk and move is affected.

I hope you will have continued healing. Please keep coming back and let us know how you are doing.
Agree with @benne68 that the numbness is normal and continues to diminish.
At 2 years plus it is almost unnoticeable for me. I just have a more unpleasant sensation if the knee is knocked.
I am sorry you have had a disappointing outcome. The calf pain and tenderness seems unusual. Is there anyone like a good physio or doctor you could discuss it with to try to figure out the cause? Did you have any muscle or tendon issue that hasn't settled?
How much are you doing? Are you using weights or overstressing the knee in some way? Is is changing at all?
Thanks to all. I am getting used to the numbness, and if this is all I have going forward, I would be very happy. The numbness doesn't affect the knee performance. Yes, I believe the right knee is being overstressed because of the opposite hip replacement 7 weeks ago, in that I am favoring the left side and putting most of the weight on the operated knee side. But still, after 9 months, I would think that the right side would be recovered enough to tolerate the imbalance. 9 months is a long time. I am using a walker just to balance the weight on both sides, but the hip is recovered enough that I don't even need a cane. Hip recovery is amazing. Will be doing the other side in a few months assuming the recently operated side hangs in there. I have reservations about the PT service I am using. They use the same therapy for everyone. Am considering trying a new PT service. Will be seeing Ortho doctor on Monday for followup.
I have reservations about the PT service I am using. They use the same therapy for everyone. Am considering trying a new PT service
I hear you on this! It took me several tries to find a physical therapist who would customize the program to my needs. Most of the "big" shops have a standard protocol that all the PTs must follow. I looked for a practitioner who is an owner of the practice and has the independence to design individualized programs for each client. Keep looking! I'm sure there are other people like him out there.
Yes, I believe the right knee is being overstressed because of the opposite hip replacement 7 weeks ago, in that I am favoring the left side and putting most of the weight on the operated knee side. But still, after 9 months, I would think that the right side would be recovered enough to tolerate the imbalance. 9 months is a long time. I
This has been going on though for longer than 9 months. The knee and hip were likely deteriorating at the same time so there was a lot of compensating going on. My OS's PA explained to me how our gait changes leading up to surgery as our joint deteriorates and then changes once again post op. I'm assuming you've been compensating for one leg or the other for a long time, so it will take time for all to settle in and start working in unison comfortably, but you'll get there!! :chuckmarch: :wink:
I appreciate everyones optimism. I am a glass half empty guy, and the contents of the glass is spoiled!
Hey, at least your glass isn't broken. That's a win! :wink:

It will get better and I'm betting at some point you'll be back to confirm that :thumb:
Until then...we're here for you anytime / always.

[] Clicking, Clunking post op...anyone?

Happy Two Month Anniversary Gibsco!
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