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junior member
Jan 1, 2008
United States United States
Hi Everyone! It's really been a while since I've been on here, and so much has changed. You've all given me so much support when I needed it, I thought I'd check in. I'm working two jobs right now. I don't have computer access at work (weird, huh?), so no check-ins during the day. I got a job working with pre-teens and adolescents at a local psychiatric hospital. I just completed my second week there. A few of the kids have noticed that sometimes I walk funny, and have asked about it. They think it's cool that I have Titanium knees. I'm also working two evenings a week and Saturday at a private practice doing psychotherapy. So, I've gone from my long stay at home with PT being my main reason for going out, to this really busy schedule. The first week was especially hard physically. I would get so stiff and sore during the day, I could barely walk once I got home - had to do a lot of stretching and icing to get past it. I'm noticing that it's getting easier, though. The other day, I was meeting with a client and noticed that I had crossed my legs without thinking about it. I've also found myself getting in and out of chairs without having to hoist myself up with my arms - just getting in and out without a whole lot of effort. It just sort of dawned on me that I was moving and functioning better and not even thinking about my knees for good bits of time. My bilat TKR was 10/23/07, so that gives you an idea of the time frame. I've complained on this forum about my scar sensitivity - even that's getting better and the scars have all of a sudden started to shrink and fade.

I'm hoping this is a hopeful message to everyone. It all really does get easier. My son commented the other night that I'm moving around, even going up and down stairs, without looking like i'm struggling.

I still have a lot of recovery to go, but I'll be at 6 months post op in a couple of weeks. I know I have to keep exercising and that my TKR journey is ongoing. I have no idea what my ROM is right now, but I'm not really worrying about it. I am functioning so much more normally and feeling so much better. I feel like I can finally see a future with vastly improved movement and activity. I'm not so much in the moment or the day, with my knees as my main focus. It's a good feeling.

So - please stay hopeful, keep working on exercises, and try not to get discouraged. It is so easy to get discouraged and to feel like we're not progressing or even having really serious setbacks - I've experienced all of that. It does get better!!!!!

Hugs to everyone here!

It is WONDERFUL to hear from you and thank you so much for all the hope. We are all at different places in our recovery journey and it is good to know you have found good things up the road! I am so happy for all the good things happening to you!
One question--- are you noticing that the weather affects your knees less now than earlier in your recovery? We were all whining with the 'kneasels' (to quote Patti) yesterday with so many weather fronts all over the country. I barely managed to hobble through the grocery store (I am 14 weeks) and most of us were popping pain pills early in the day.
Pop in and see us from time to time! We love to hear success stories! Isn't it great to be one?
Thank You Susie, i greatly enjoyed your post. I had bi-lats on 3-18 and eagerly look forward to a day like yours. I'm actually doing quite well and I am grateful for it, but a few areas i'm especially hating are some you spoke of. I hate that it a major decision to get in & out of a chair. And I have been doing stairs since day 2 but they are doable but like you said, a struggle. So again thanks for coming back to check in. It reminds me that by the end of the summer I'll be cruising right along.
Susie, thanks for the encouragement. I'm at 4 months 1 week and things are so much better than at 3 months. I can imagine 6 months will be even better than 4! It helps me to look back at the old posts and see how far we've all come. We worried about driving and now I drive all over the place with ease. So many things have been overcome already and your post just provided even more hope for the future. Thanks so much! I'm so happy you are doing so well. And congrats on the jobs! Sounds like you are really doing something valuable for others, which always takes our minds off our own issues. God bless you and your work,
Hey Susie, great to hear from you..Sounds like you are doing great.
God Bless,
Susie, I had a RTKR 5 1/2 weeks ago and am doing well, I think. But to read your story was such an upper this morning!!! Thanks so much for taking time to write and I'd love to hear more from you. It gives me something to look forward to!!! I am so thankful this surgery exists and that we have such a great forum to help us through the rough times!
Susie, it is really good to hear of your great avchievements. Thank you so much, these kinds of success stories really encourage us all. Keep us posted!!
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