Cause of hip deterioration

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Peta, you are so lucky (or your kids are!) that theirs were caught right after birth!


Yes I agree Karen! I'm not 100% sure - but I always thought it was because they were big babies (9 lb 14 oz) and (9 lb 2 oz) and both were breech that their paediatrician was almost "expecting" some sort of hip dysplasia??
He was in the delivery room for both (first was a caesarian - second normal delivery) and checked them over the minute I'd had a quick look at them! They were in double nappies instantly and he kept a close eye on them for the next 6 months! Maybe I was just lucky in my choice of paediatrician??? Either way - I'm relieved after reading all the posts on here! :)

Josephine--Who are you callin' chubby?!
Unhappy thank you for the info. From my x-ray, I think I was less displaced than your example B; however, I'm no expert. Maybe that explains why I cannot remember any pain. I was always a skinny kid, athletic child. However, in thinking back on it, I do remember, after puberty, being somewhat inflexible adn not being able to cross my right leg over my left. I quit karate because I wasn't flexible enough, even though I tried.
Anyway, thanks for the info.
Karen - each time my son's hips were checked they would roll him on his tummy and check for assymetrical butt and thigh creases. His were assymetrical, and given my history he was refered to a specialist. They are so much more thorough nowadays.
Well, I did say "commonly happening in adolescant boys who are often a tad overweight"!!
Jo, I'm curious since you have so many years in orthopedic surgery, had you ever heard of an American doctor, Robert D. Ray? He was my dr. at Children's Hospital in Seattle in the 50's, and was also my older brother's dr. after a bout with polio. My parents thought the world of him, and still have some personal letters he wrote to them following up with my brother and me. I know he left Seattle in the 50's or 60's and went on to Chicago, I think in research.

Fraid not, Karen. But then I don't know any US surgeons at all.
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