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Can I sit in a Hot Tub?

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Sep 2, 2009
United States
Hi, I had my knee replaced 2 years ago due to a car accident. It is pretty good, some aches at the end of a long day on my feet but all in all pretty good.

We are taking our kids to Disney in a couple months. I have been trying to strengthen my legs by riding my exercise bike every day because I know we are going to walk alot during our vacation. I plan on ordering moderate support stockings to wear on the plane and during the day to help with any swelling, tiredness.

At the end of the days, can I also go sit in the hotel hot tub? Will this help me or hurt me? I thought it would help but my husband thinks it will heat my knee up too much and do damage to the cement/metal in my knee.

Thanks for your help.
Welcome,Dru! I would think the heat would be therapeutic but if you have any concerns, call your OS. It's always better to be safe than sorry! And.....have fun!! :sct:
:thmb::thmb::thmb: :wink::wink::wink:
Hi Dru and welcome!

Hot tubs can cause swelling but they are sooo relaxing! As Judles said, check with the OS. If it's OK, maybe have an ice bag on hand to deal with any swelling issues.

Have a wonderful time at Disney--it's one of our family's favorite places. I don't know how old your kids are, but we've gone with our kids and now with grandkids and always had a great time. Enjoy!

There was a thread talking about hot tubs...I'll see if I can find it.
Hi Dru, and Welcome!
I have a hot tub here at home. The heat from the water will be soothing and relaxing for your knee. Being 2 years out you have nothing to worry about regarding infection from the pool. You implant will stand up to the relaxation and it will feel wonderful.
If you still have occasional swelling, have an ice pack or ice bag handy to use after you get out of the hot tub. Enjoy yourself as getting back to enjoying life is just the very reason you had the surgery!
After 2 years you can do anything! Enjoy!
Hmmmmmm......ANYTHING, Jo????? LoL!
How are you feeling today? ((:0)
You can sit in a hot tub,,,but you must behave,,thats the rules,,,,,or atleast thats what I was told!:hehe:
Hi Ms Poker Pat,,
,and they will not let you in the hot tub,,,you must behave,,:hehe:
Excellent!!! I really was hoping I could but since we don't have a hot tub and don't get to hotels too often, I never thought to ask about it.

My kids are ages 5 and 8. My youngest was 3 when I had my knee replaced - now that was an added treat to the whole recovery process. But it all worked out for the best. I'm really psyched about this Disney vacation - worried about all the walking (some guides estimate it at 10-15 miles a day) but hopefully I'll be having such a blast I won't think about my knee.

Any other advice for the trip. We are flying so is there anything I should be aware of going through security. I thought I'd send my DH through first and then the kids. DH can deal with the carry-ons and kids while I get pulled aside and wanded. Someone mentioned that I should tell security about my knee before I go through the metal detector. That person also said that the card I got from my dr is useless. I'd like to hear your airport/travel experiences so I know what to expect.

Thanks for all the support!
The airport will take you an extra 5-10 minutes. The card is useless. When at Disney World remember to stay to the left rather than the right. Everyone stays to the right and waits in line when there is usually another door available on the left! So remember this piece of advice as it is a huge time saver. I can't imagine you will have any swelling issues from the flight. We flew from NH to Phoenix, AZ and I had no issues 1 year out. I did not have issues either with the changes in elevation I experienced while in AZ.
Remember to pace yourself as well.
We found if we went back to our place in the afternoon so we all could rest and swim, we had energy to enjoy the night time activities. There is lots that goes on at night. Enjoy your trip!
drusilla, Do tell them before you go through the metal detector,I have been through airports when I got my replacement in 07 and its nothing to be wanded just takes a couple of mintues just remenber to be at the airport at least 2 hours before. Have a great time and enjoy the hot tub.
Just returned from Vegas! Just tell Security right away! You'll be wanded and be on your way! Just realize that this will now always be part of your air travel and leave sufficient time!:sigh::sigh:
Yep, tell security right up front. My husband and I went to Disney in December of '07 with son, daughter-in-law, and granddaughter. I hadn't had either knee replaced yet and needed a wheelchair. It was actually still a great trip. I rather recommend getting the wheelchair. They have special lines, sometimes, for folks in wheel chairs, and if you get tired, you have a seat! Also, it's a great place to sit with a tired/cranky child on your lap. Anyway, we stayed at Disney, which is a wonderful way to go if you can because they pick you up at the airport, take care of your luggage, and you don't have much to worry about. We stayed at the Wilderness Lodge Villas--all in the same one, of course, and the hot tub there was remarkable--like a hot swimming pool. Hanging out in there with my grown son was one of the highlights of the trip for me. We also got there meal package. It was great, but I know there have been changes this year. Have a wonderful trip.
Some airports are starting to deploy a new type of millimeter wave scanner that is faster than the whole wanding hand search thing. I have a friend at TSA with two hip replacements that recommends that option if it is available. I haven't personally seen one yet and have had to go through the wanding. It is important to have someone you are traveling with who can collect all your stuff from the x-ray scanner because you will not be able to do that until after they are done with you. My TSA friend says that items dissappearing (ie., stolen) after the x-ray is a significant problem in some places.
Have Fun. You can also reserve a electric scooter at some parks. I did that at Sea World last year and it worked great.
Hi, Drusilla....welcome to BoneSmart (I'm a little late with the welcome, sorry!). You will have a fabulous time on your vacation! Disney World is so much fun. Just try to pace yourself - at least the first day or so. You will get tired.

I agree you should tell the TSA personnel about your knee as you are going through the security gate. It makes them smile because you are being proactive and making their job easier. You'll get used to the's really no big deal. I try and smile a lot and tell the folks about my wonderful new knee (you know any time a person starts talking about medical procedures, they want to get you finished as soon as possible!)

Don't be hesitant to use carts or wheelchairs at times if you want to go and are tired. You don't want to miss ANYTHING!!
You can sit in a hot tub,,,but you must behave,,thats the rules,,,,,or atleast thats what I was told!:hehe:

That is funny!

In winter I prefer to bath in a hot tub... I was in a hot tub as soon as I could after the op. About 6 weeks after if I recall
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