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Can anyone help?

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Jul 15, 2007
My mum had a THR 2 years ago. Ever since the surgery, she found that it is really hard to walk and she is often in pain. Her current condition is worse than per-op. We have gone back to the original surgeon and he couldnt find anything wrong with the prothesis etc, we went for second and third opinion but all get the same answers. Can anyone please help?
Can you be more specific about the pain and the difficulty in walking? It's a little too vague to offer any opinion as it is. Would also help to know your mother's age and what her activity level was like before the op, also before she her hip went bad.
I feel for you. Get Jo more info , I am sure she can help. I just know it shouldn't hurt to walk.
Is there the possibility that she becasme (or remained) seditary after the surgery? Things tighten up when you don't use them. Could be that she could benefit from some good Physical Therapy.
She is in early 60s when had the operation, in good health. Ever since the operation, she feel that her operated leg, especially the operated area is very tight and sometimes have burning sensation. She also feels needles sensation and numbness all the way from hip to toes. She cant walk far without walking aids as the pain will start and also the leg will just stop moving. She said it is difficult to lift her operated leg. She has done all the medical test that has been requested but none of the test shows any problem. Also been to physio for months and no improvement. Thought her condition will improve as time goes by but it in fact become worse.
Sounds to me like she has back problems. What you are describing sounds very much like sciatica. Has she tried a chiropractor?
Thanks Josephine for your reply. We thought about seeing a chiropractor but all the doctors/specialist we saw do not recommend it. We are not sure if it would injure the operated leg...
Chiropractors are very highly trained and will take into account anything like a joint replacement or other condition. They do have brains! And doctors always disapprove of 'fringe' medicine! But I think this ~ I don't ask my doctor for advice/permission to choose a dentist so why a chiropractor?
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