Calf pain

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Sep 3, 2008
United States
I made it through the surgery last wednesday and came home from the hospital on Sunday. I have been trying to keep up with the p.t., but I have developed a terrible tightness in the back of my calf muscle. The knee hurts and I can take that pain, but the calf pain worsens when I get up (it feels like the blood drains down into it and lights it up) and it is just like a charley horse. It makes it impossible to try and put weight on the leg, etc. PLEASE does anyone have any advice as to how to handle this pain. I'm trying heat and soaking it in a warm bath, etc., but the pain keeps getting worse. I apologize if this has been answered in other posts. I'm in too much pain to search. Thank you in advance for your kindness. All the best--

I am not trying to scare you but this sound like it could be a blood clot. Please see your primary care doctor now or go to a emergency room.

God Bless,
The absolute worst thing you can do is apply heat at this point. It will increase
blood to the traumatized area which is exactly what you don't need. ICE and call your surgeon. (and keep it elevated).
Are you serious? I thought it was a big painful cramp from non-use. It makes it so difficult to move because now I can barely flex my foot enough to put any weight on the leg. I hope it isn't a clot. What are the symptoms of that? Thanks for your kind responses Rick and dw. I guess I will check with surgeon in the morning. Should I be scared? Best- Sara
Sara! Don't wait until the morning! You can die from a blood clot if it makes it to your heart or lungs.............
Go to the ER immediately! JMO
What came to my mind the moment I read the thread title. Have you been yet? If so, what was the outcome?

I had the same thing happen to me with my second replacement. I was walking with a cane in the hospital and was psyched about how well I was doing when about 5 days after surgery, my calf started cramping up really bad and I could not put weight on the leg. I was afraid of a blood clot, went to the emergency room and they did an ultrasound. No clots. It took about a week for the cramping to stop and I was able to put weight on the leg again. I wish I could tell you what caused it but I can't. I just had to give it time to work itself out. I would advice that you at least call your doctor for his advise.

Hopefully you went to the ER and ruled out a clot.

If it is simply muscle tightness, I had that (and it hurt badly). I did careful stretches recommend by PT. In a few days I got it stretched out so it was no longer a problem.

The one I did is called stretch one here. However, I was so tight my 2 legs were together at first! Sfter afew days I was able to actually extend the leg with the tight calf.

Good luck!
I had that same feeling in the hospital. The right leg I could barely get to put the toes down and it would take several hours to loosen up. The calf was so taut, I thought it would explode. The hospital would not transfer me up to the rehab floor till they ruled out a blot clot. There was not blood clot. It appears the major part of the problem was that the trauma on that side (they had a very difficult time due to previous surgeries) caused a lot of blood to pool in the calf. In about 4 days I had the most ugly black and blue ankle as the blood made it's way down. It took more than a week before I could actually put the foot flat down at night. I can still remember the nurses tell me at 2 am to put my foot down and all I wanted to do was get to the bathroom.

Anyway, blood clots are dangerous so as other said, don't wait get to the ER and don't use heat.

Come to think of it, my sister had the same experience after her first knee but that was in the hospital. Was mega-scary.

But better be safe than sorry, as the saying goes.
I had this as well. It was awful. My PT advised me to take hand towels get them wet and stick them in the microwave for a minute, then to make sure they weren't too hot and to lay on the back of my calf muscle. let me tell you this helped a lot. I'd have ice on my knee and would lay my leg on the warm moist heat of the towels it really helped to relax that muscle. I'd do this several times in a row and sometimes more often than ice on the knee. My PT said that it wasn't just the heat it was the moist heat that really penetrated the muscle relaxing it. Prior to doing this I felt like I could get a charlie horse cramp at any second if I moved.

Hang in there it does get better.
I am headed out now to do the ultrasound. I will let you know how it goes. Thank you all so much for your advice. I really appreciate it. Sara
No blood clots! Thanks so much for your responses. I'm trying the hot, wet towel trick. I'm so glad I got the ultrasound done, so that is one less thing I need to worry about. I think my calf is sore, bruised and cramping up from the surgery. I'm hoping to stretch it out this week.

Anyway, this board has been so helpful. Thank you very much!
Wonderful news! Now to get it to calm down.......
Keep doing the exercises as they will be what will motivate you to get better and better and strive for the ROM you want and require.
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