Burning pain in thigh

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Jan 14, 2008
United States United States
Anyone experiencing a burning, itching kind of pain in their thigh? The skin feels so sensitive. The pain runs from my knee up to my hip almost. It isn't affected by pain killers at all.

What is causing this and what can I do about it??

4.5 weeks PO, TKA
Anything external like a rash or area of redness?
I am at 6 weeks and I also have pain in my thigh when I walk or drive, I thought it was just a muscle. It seems I get something different every week lol trying to keep my sense of humor about this stuff. I guess I have nothing to add but I wanted you to know I get it too. Lyn
No rash or redness. It feels more like nerves. Tends to be in a small area, about 5 inches above my knee. Just wondering if it has to do with the incisions made in the muscles in that area, etc.

Also, how are folks dealing with the sensitivity of the incision and wearing clothes? Anything you can do to lessen the sensitivity? Does this go away with time?
Thanks, Lyn. It does help to know you aren't alone in our strange sensations! It does seem like every time one thing is resolved another crops up. You do need a sense of humor to make it through all this. No one really prepared me for what to expect. I am an impatient person, so I make it worse for myself. Have to laugh at me, too, I guess.

Thanks again!
Inspiration!!! I just realised what it probably is - they have to put a tourniquet on your thigh during the operation. This will be about 5" above the top end of the scar. The tourniquet is quite tight, enough to stop the blood flow for the duration of the operation. I think the muscle pain and the skin redness, sensitivity or soreness would be due to this. It would extend from a 4" band all around the thigh to just a small patch in that area.

[Bonesmart.org] Burning pain in thigh
Thanks, Josephine. That sounds exactly right. The pain is a band around my thigh and seems to be in a very specific area. I had a huge bruise in that same exact area right after the surgery. Thanks!

Any reason I would still have aches in my calf muscles? Sore to rub on them but not painful other than that. I assume a blood clot would be much more painful and I'd know to see a doctor if that were the issue.

Thanks again. Can't tell you how wonderful it is to find out things that we are totally freaked out about are normal or have a reasonable explanation!
No rash or redness. It feels more like nerves. Tends to be in a small area, about 5 inches above my knee. Just wondering if it has to do with the incisions made in the muscles in that area, etc.

Also, how are folks dealing with the sensitivity of the incision and wearing clothes? Anything you can do to lessen the sensitivity? Does this go away with time?

I usually rub Gold Bond Skin Lotion on it twice a day----but mine are fully healed. Try to wear loose pants that are athletic swetpants type that will give and not chafe.

Tim C.
Thanks, Tim. I've been doing similarly, but sometimes I need to go places, like church or a wedding (in a couple of weeks) that won't really work for sweat pants. This is one of the worst things for me as it seems to take so long for the sensitivity to diminish. Appreciate your thoughts. Thanks again!
Thanks, Josephine. That sounds exactly right. The pain is a band around my thigh and seems to be in a very specific area. I had a huge bruise in that same exact area right after the surgery. Thanks!

Any reason I would still have aches in my calf muscles? Sore to rub on them but not painful other than that. I assume a blood clot would be much more painful and I'd know to see a doctor if that were the issue.

Thanks again. Can't tell you how wonderful it is to find out things that we are totally freaked out about are normal or have a reasonable explanation!

I'm pleased it helped - seems to be a special gift God has imbued me with, seeing beyond the envelope (or perhaps He would call it just using my common sense!)

As far as the aching calves are concerned, the body can protest at the surgery, at being deprived of blood (as it was during the op) but mostly I would suspect they are complaining at the physio!

If you can rub or firmly squeeze your calf, then it's just muscular. A thrombotic calf would be far too painful to do that.
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