This is a fairly lengthy review of my hip of on Monday 3rd October. If it’s too long I’ll remove it
Left Hip Replacement
Direct Superior Approach
7.30am admission
When I arrived in the ward room I wasn’t sure what to do as no-one told me. Anyway I unpacked and got into the gown etc.
Not long after the Consultant came and did the consent form. Then the anaesthetist came and we discussed what anaesthetic I wanted and decided on Spinal plus sedation.
I wasn’t sure about the sedation as I’ve never taken anything before and I didn’t want to tell them my life story as I know I have a tendency to reveal all when I’ve had a drink
Anyway as it turns out it was very deep sedation and I was well away.
After the anaesthetist went bloods were taken by a health care assistant (thankfully on the third attempt). The joys of dehydration.
Then the usual admission paperwork was completed by a nurse and I was told what would happen during the day.
All the staff were so lovely. I couldn’t have asked for better.
I was calmer today on admission than I had been previously. I thought I’d be really bad but it was a pleasant surprise. I just kind of accepted what was happening and also felt grateful that it wasn’t cancelled.
It was upsetting for my daughters when we had to say our ‘byes’ and I realised what an awful day it was for my family. In some way it made me feel like I just had to get on with it.
I had nervous aches & pains in my stomach and my heart was doing somersaults sometimes. I sat there most of the time thinking ‘this can’t be happening to me’. (Thankfully it did)
I had another shower which passed a bit of time and watched tv. Started watching a movie which was really good but every advert was about a company called ‘Pure Cremation’ so that got turned off. It wasn’t good timing
I was given Pregabelin, Omeprozole and Paracetamol at 1130am.
The anaesthetist told me my head would spin with the pregabelin. He was right. I felt like Bridget Jones when she was on the magic mushrooms. (You’ll know what I mean if you’ve watched the movie)
I literally staggered to theatre at 2.08pm and held onto the walls all the way. I felt like I was very drunk. Pregabelin is a painkiller but also is good for anxiety. It was rather nice to feel a ‘bit out of it’ after all the pre-op worries.
In the anaesthetic room an IV & drip were attached then just the usual monitoring equipment.
The spinal was fine. A bit of pushing and two times I felt like a shock going down my left leg. It wasn’t painful but just took me by surprise. I was put on my left side first then after a while I was put on my back and wheeled into theatre. Then transferred to the operating table. I was moved to right lateral position and all the supports put into place.
My oxygen mask didn’t want to stay on - it kept on slipping on my hair but we won in the end
The anaesthetist then said ‘I’m going to give you some medication to relax you. (He’d given me Midazolam in the anaesthetic room then Propofol in theatre).
And that was it! I don’t remember drifting off to sleep but I wasn’t aware of anything until I woke up and could see a face talking to me. The anaesthetist said I was very confused and I was. It wasn’t until he said ‘you’ve had your operation’ and I really tried to think about it that my memory came back.
It was all very surreal and still is.
I can’t believe it’s done and I don’t feel as though I’m in the real world.
I was in recovery from 4.10pm for about 40 minutes which was nice and relaxed and not too noisy.
I was given a long acting opiate pain killer there.
Once back on the ward at 5pm observations were done and more paracetamol administered.
I had a cup of tea and a bit later had an omelette. That was very tasty. I hadn’t felt hungry and thought I’d just have it for nutrition but I’m glad I did.
I spent most of my time after that texting my family and watching tv. We also FaceTimed on WhatsApp which was lovely and hopefully stopped them worrying about me.
(I texted my daughters at 2.15am as I knew they wouldn’t be sleeping very well. Replies came back instantly so I was glad I did).
My worries about not getting to the loo were squashed as they used a bedpan (hope that’s not too much information). I didn’t feel like I needed to go anyway. They also put loads of pads under me. I kept some wet wipes handy so I could freshen up.
At 8pm I was given more Pregabelin and looked forward to drifting off to sleep but it didn’t happen. At 10pm I was given Clexane (blood thinner) in my stomach. That smarted a bit but not too bad.
I was also given Paracetamol and Dihydrocodeine. Again sleep didn’t come. I kind of dosed on and off. I was full of wind which because of the spinal I couldn’t control. Thank goodness I’m in a room on my own
I thought I’d be very sleepy on my return from theatre but I wasn’t. I felt like I should sleep but I think there was too much adrenaline coursing through my body for that.
The worst was the back ache.
I’m not used to sleeping on my back so I think that was the reason why. I also had a really bad night’s sleep from snoring (don’t normally) and also the compression boots machine beeped every 10-15 seconds.
I didn’t expect insomnia and at 2.11am I was on this forum. It really was a comfort knowing other people had experienced the same.
I didn’t really get any pain from operation today or during the night. It was a bit sore at the top of the incision.
I didn’t expect insomnia and at 2.11am I was on this forum. It really was a comfort knowing other people had experienced the same.
Feeling very positive though that knowing whatever happens I’m one day nearer to my normal life.
Woke up for bloods to be taken
Hb 105
They haven’t said anything about that being low
My Hb has steadily gone down for a couple of years so I hope it comes back naturally.
Then they took the observations, thyroid meds but no Bp meds.
Cup of tea/very nice
OxyContin 5mg
No pain on waking. Feels slightly achy. I thought I’d be in agony now but not allowed up until the physio has been in a couple of hours. I’m expecting it then. I’ll be so relieved to stand up.
Once I know I can do that I’ll know I’m on the way to recovery.
I was given a slow acting pain medication but told to ask for a more instant acting one if I’m in pain.
The Consultant came to see me in recovery and him & the anaesthetist came to see me on the ward later.
He said my hip was a mess, was worn out and really needed doing.
In the afternoon the physio came and I was able to stand with the zimmer. I hadn’t expected my leg to be so stiff and painful. I thought I’d never get out of bed but I did with help. I walked in the room then the loo and has a wash (sitting down). Was so pleased and relieved but as I got up I felt like I was going to pass out. The physio and nurse quickly rushed me to the bed and said I’d gone white, then green.
I was really pleased that the surgeon has done a direct superior approach. It means he hasn’t cut through the muscles, tendons and ligaments so hopefully I’ll have a quicker recovery with less restrictions. He’s only been doing this approach for a few weeks so I feel very lucky.
I started with the worst migraine of my life at 6pm. That and the sickness lasted for nearly two days.
Migraine and too sick for physio
Home after taking endless anti-emetics. I was in a lot of pain by the time I got home but I’d been a long journey with traffic jams and I realised I hadn’t taken any painkillers. I’ve got paracetamol, dihydrocodeine, rivaroxaban and lactulose for home.
I haven’t taken blood pressure meds since the day before my op as I haven’t needed them.
My daughter came to stay thank goodness as I still can’t get my leg into bed.
I was so cold when I went to bed and needed a hot water bottle to stop the shivering and I was burning up. I thought I was heading for an infection but I had a really good nights sleep (only woke 3 times) so I feel a million times better today.
I came home with crutches but I’ve bought a Zimmer frame today for going to the loo as the crutches are just too awkward.
The physio said recovery will be a rollercoaster. Today is a good day and I think being home has helped although I must say I didn’t feel ready to come home.
Left Hip Replacement
Direct Superior Approach
7.30am admission
When I arrived in the ward room I wasn’t sure what to do as no-one told me. Anyway I unpacked and got into the gown etc.
Not long after the Consultant came and did the consent form. Then the anaesthetist came and we discussed what anaesthetic I wanted and decided on Spinal plus sedation.
I wasn’t sure about the sedation as I’ve never taken anything before and I didn’t want to tell them my life story as I know I have a tendency to reveal all when I’ve had a drink
Anyway as it turns out it was very deep sedation and I was well away.
After the anaesthetist went bloods were taken by a health care assistant (thankfully on the third attempt). The joys of dehydration.
Then the usual admission paperwork was completed by a nurse and I was told what would happen during the day.
All the staff were so lovely. I couldn’t have asked for better.
I was calmer today on admission than I had been previously. I thought I’d be really bad but it was a pleasant surprise. I just kind of accepted what was happening and also felt grateful that it wasn’t cancelled.
It was upsetting for my daughters when we had to say our ‘byes’ and I realised what an awful day it was for my family. In some way it made me feel like I just had to get on with it.
I had nervous aches & pains in my stomach and my heart was doing somersaults sometimes. I sat there most of the time thinking ‘this can’t be happening to me’. (Thankfully it did)
I had another shower which passed a bit of time and watched tv. Started watching a movie which was really good but every advert was about a company called ‘Pure Cremation’ so that got turned off. It wasn’t good timing
I was given Pregabelin, Omeprozole and Paracetamol at 1130am.
The anaesthetist told me my head would spin with the pregabelin. He was right. I felt like Bridget Jones when she was on the magic mushrooms. (You’ll know what I mean if you’ve watched the movie)
I literally staggered to theatre at 2.08pm and held onto the walls all the way. I felt like I was very drunk. Pregabelin is a painkiller but also is good for anxiety. It was rather nice to feel a ‘bit out of it’ after all the pre-op worries.
In the anaesthetic room an IV & drip were attached then just the usual monitoring equipment.
The spinal was fine. A bit of pushing and two times I felt like a shock going down my left leg. It wasn’t painful but just took me by surprise. I was put on my left side first then after a while I was put on my back and wheeled into theatre. Then transferred to the operating table. I was moved to right lateral position and all the supports put into place.
My oxygen mask didn’t want to stay on - it kept on slipping on my hair but we won in the end
The anaesthetist then said ‘I’m going to give you some medication to relax you. (He’d given me Midazolam in the anaesthetic room then Propofol in theatre).
And that was it! I don’t remember drifting off to sleep but I wasn’t aware of anything until I woke up and could see a face talking to me. The anaesthetist said I was very confused and I was. It wasn’t until he said ‘you’ve had your operation’ and I really tried to think about it that my memory came back.
It was all very surreal and still is.
I can’t believe it’s done and I don’t feel as though I’m in the real world.
I was in recovery from 4.10pm for about 40 minutes which was nice and relaxed and not too noisy.
I was given a long acting opiate pain killer there.
Once back on the ward at 5pm observations were done and more paracetamol administered.
I had a cup of tea and a bit later had an omelette. That was very tasty. I hadn’t felt hungry and thought I’d just have it for nutrition but I’m glad I did.
I spent most of my time after that texting my family and watching tv. We also FaceTimed on WhatsApp which was lovely and hopefully stopped them worrying about me.
(I texted my daughters at 2.15am as I knew they wouldn’t be sleeping very well. Replies came back instantly so I was glad I did).
My worries about not getting to the loo were squashed as they used a bedpan (hope that’s not too much information). I didn’t feel like I needed to go anyway. They also put loads of pads under me. I kept some wet wipes handy so I could freshen up.
At 8pm I was given more Pregabelin and looked forward to drifting off to sleep but it didn’t happen. At 10pm I was given Clexane (blood thinner) in my stomach. That smarted a bit but not too bad.
I was also given Paracetamol and Dihydrocodeine. Again sleep didn’t come. I kind of dosed on and off. I was full of wind which because of the spinal I couldn’t control. Thank goodness I’m in a room on my own
I thought I’d be very sleepy on my return from theatre but I wasn’t. I felt like I should sleep but I think there was too much adrenaline coursing through my body for that.
The worst was the back ache.
I’m not used to sleeping on my back so I think that was the reason why. I also had a really bad night’s sleep from snoring (don’t normally) and also the compression boots machine beeped every 10-15 seconds.
I didn’t expect insomnia and at 2.11am I was on this forum. It really was a comfort knowing other people had experienced the same.
I didn’t really get any pain from operation today or during the night. It was a bit sore at the top of the incision.
I didn’t expect insomnia and at 2.11am I was on this forum. It really was a comfort knowing other people had experienced the same.
Feeling very positive though that knowing whatever happens I’m one day nearer to my normal life.
Woke up for bloods to be taken
Hb 105
They haven’t said anything about that being low
My Hb has steadily gone down for a couple of years so I hope it comes back naturally.
Then they took the observations, thyroid meds but no Bp meds.
Cup of tea/very nice
OxyContin 5mg
No pain on waking. Feels slightly achy. I thought I’d be in agony now but not allowed up until the physio has been in a couple of hours. I’m expecting it then. I’ll be so relieved to stand up.
Once I know I can do that I’ll know I’m on the way to recovery.
I was given a slow acting pain medication but told to ask for a more instant acting one if I’m in pain.
The Consultant came to see me in recovery and him & the anaesthetist came to see me on the ward later.
He said my hip was a mess, was worn out and really needed doing.
In the afternoon the physio came and I was able to stand with the zimmer. I hadn’t expected my leg to be so stiff and painful. I thought I’d never get out of bed but I did with help. I walked in the room then the loo and has a wash (sitting down). Was so pleased and relieved but as I got up I felt like I was going to pass out. The physio and nurse quickly rushed me to the bed and said I’d gone white, then green.
I was really pleased that the surgeon has done a direct superior approach. It means he hasn’t cut through the muscles, tendons and ligaments so hopefully I’ll have a quicker recovery with less restrictions. He’s only been doing this approach for a few weeks so I feel very lucky.
I started with the worst migraine of my life at 6pm. That and the sickness lasted for nearly two days.
Migraine and too sick for physio
Home after taking endless anti-emetics. I was in a lot of pain by the time I got home but I’d been a long journey with traffic jams and I realised I hadn’t taken any painkillers. I’ve got paracetamol, dihydrocodeine, rivaroxaban and lactulose for home.
I haven’t taken blood pressure meds since the day before my op as I haven’t needed them.
My daughter came to stay thank goodness as I still can’t get my leg into bed.
I was so cold when I went to bed and needed a hot water bottle to stop the shivering and I was burning up. I thought I was heading for an infection but I had a really good nights sleep (only woke 3 times) so I feel a million times better today.
I came home with crutches but I’ve bought a Zimmer frame today for going to the loo as the crutches are just too awkward.
The physio said recovery will be a rollercoaster. Today is a good day and I think being home has helped although I must say I didn’t feel ready to come home.