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May 14, 2009
United States United States
Surgery is over, recovery is going good but I want it to be better. I just got my bill Monday...Wow. $87,059.57. My insurance will cover 80% but that still leaves about $17,400.00 for me to pay. I was thinking it would be around $7,000.00 out of pocket. Boy was I ever wrong! So now I wonder why I had it done...yes I know I needed it but Wow!

Then I'm tired of being cooped up in this house! Can't drive for 4 more weeks. Not suppose to go out a lot...have to keep the swelling down. I work and work on PT. My legs are so strong right now it's unbelievable but the bend is just not there yet. I'm at 95 and 100.

Did anybody else feel this way after their surgery? I have sat here for 45 minutes just crying. I know part of it is because I'm by myself but this is killing me.

BTKR 7/20/09
Hey Cindy i know I think breakdowns should be put in the TKR handbook as well.............You will get out more as time goes by....Maybe walk outside sit in a chair watch all the crazies go by yes yes I think mostly everyone gets in the dumps......That's why I did start going out more, please not like I did and go go go that would be a mistake but go sit outside walk around a lil out there................It does make a difference other then that yes its tough but you will get past that...Let me tell you I had one done I cant imagine 2 ugh soooooooooooo girl you should be so proud of yourself......Also PLAESE if you call the hospital tell them your situation the will lower the bill I hope they do it all the time....wipe those tears and go outside it will pass I promise get someone to come over and sit outside with you ...Post talk to us we can pass time on here if you need you will be ok be happy all that other hard stuff is donr weith !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Cindy, Kim is right. We ALL had our moments in the dumps.

Maybe this will help....or at least give you a little smile.

Here are the


10. You can contact the hospital or doctors and possibly get the amount you owe reduced.

9. The bill can be paid off in small monthy installments at no to the hospital billing office about this.

8. You can get outside and walk or just sit to enjoy the world that you're soon going to be an active player in!

7. You had a two-for-one surgery....the cost of a bilateral was NOT double the cost of one knee at a!!!

6. Recognize that pain meds can cause depression and that your mood will improve once you are off them.

5. Make a list and plan for all the things you want to do that you have been denied because of bad knees.

4. Rejoice in how strong and healthy your new bionic joints are. ROM comes later, but feeling the power of good joints is immediate!

3. As swelling reduces, ROM're early in the recovery process.

2. Your BoneSmart family will be here 24/7 to talk to and cheer you up.

And....the NUMBER ONE REASON for not feeling blue.....

1. You have started down the path to living a full life again - just the way you want to!!
Cindy, talk about crying--I just wrote a long post to you and then hit the wrong button and went off the net and lost my post!!! Now you see what important problems look like!!!

Seriously thought, anyone here can tell you that I was the Queen of self pity!!! I thought my life was over, hated being inside, etc etc.

Georgia O'keefe once said that "when one door closes another door opens." which is important info only if you are looking around you and are not sitting in the pity pot for 24/7!!!

I called some friends and let them know that I was blue and needed some short visits--that helped. The girls from church organized lunches; they picked me up, and drove me back. I was tired, but happy.

Ask friends to bring over some favorite books and dvds--it is fun to read something you might not have picked.

We have a knitting store in town, I called them up and they had some classes. I called a cab and went to the class and had a great time. I even brought along an ice bag.

We have Eagle transit here which helps folks with disabilities. You make a reservation and it picks you up. so, are you going out to pt? I am not a fan of home pt, I think you will do better in a gym with people. You can call a cab or get something like Eagle Transit to take you to pt if you need help. Look around, call around. My doctor's office were a big help tome,but I had toask the questions--how can I get to the office? They told me about Eagle Transit---I knew about it but did not realize that I qualified.

Put a chair in your front yard--you will meet your neighbors. lots of new dogs and some fun children out there. I had a great time.

Do you have the book, Knee Replacement and Rehabilitation by Dan Brugioni and Jeff Falkel? They talk about lots of things to do by yourself and in the pool. I forget how far out your are, but somehwere around four weeks, you can use the pool which is great and so relaxing.

Most of all, hang in there---look at me, I made it and believe me I complained and resisted every step of the way. Be like Holly Near in Broadcast News---have a good 5 minute cry and then move on with the rest of your life with strength andf invention!!! Kelly

That does not sound right on the amount you owe.
What is your deductible? What is your stop loss amount.

You only pay one deductible a year and you have only one stop loss.

I would be surprised if it is that high. If you can not find the deductible on your policy and the amount of the stop loss, call your insurance company.

I would be surprised if just for your your deductible and stop loss is over $10,000.

Now if you used any one or hospital out of your net work that is a different story.

Most of the folks here had the down moods so take care of yourself
you are not by yourself.

In the long run you are going to be sooooooooooo happy. You will be able to do so many more things than you did before and with out pain.
Good one Jamie really I like that !!!!!!!
Cindy I cried so much my hubby thought I was going thru the change poor thing didnt know what to do..hehe
Really dont let it get worse though go outside even just sit, change of scenery. We're here for ya !!!!!!!!!!!:)
Thank-you everybody! This is so pathetic! Just reading these post, I'm crying, but feeling better about the situation. I do get out of the house for PT. It's at the hospital. It was mentioned that at 4 weeks out I can go swimming. Does it have to be at a pool? Pond probably wouldn't be safe...dirty water...infection...Right? I've called a friend and she's coming over to take me for a drive.

Thank-you so much everybody!

BTKR 7/20/09
You go now and enjoy your ride. But when you get back I want you to do what Pat
(Loggon) said find the deductible on your policy and the amount of the stop loss, and if you do not see it call your insurance company and ask them what it is!!! OK!!!
Pat knows what she is talking about!!!! She can tell you so much!!!! Pat is one of the BEST!!!!
So Sorry that you are feeling down,boy do I know that feeling.The first time I had my knee done and had all thoses problems with it I cried and cried.It was early spring and still cold out so I couldnt go out. With the summer here I wanted to sit out today but my luck its raining. As far as your bill goes I would call and see what they can do.
You're really part of the majority here with the crying jags--we've almost all gone through it and it does pass. This recovery is a slow process and we are impatient to get back to "normal" life.

It will get better and better--you'll see! You are going to be so happy that you did both knees at once even though it's hard. Keep the faith and know that the bonesmarties are always here for you.


Crying and breaking down seems to be a part of the recovery for most of us, I know it was for me. I think it has to do with the narcotics. Either that or I just felt better after I quit taking them and was more mobile. That helped alot.

If you read our/my early post, you can hear the tears and frustration in the posts. Please know you are not alone, we are here for you and will gladly try to encourage you through this stage of recovery.

Also 100/95 are not shabby flexion. Just yesterday, I finally got to 96 and I was exstatic with joy. I guess it's just a matter of perspective and where we are. I was stuck for so long and have worked hard to get this far. So be thankful that you are ahead of the game. Before you know it, you will be back up and around doing all the wonderful things you love to do without pain and limitations.

I'm with Pat and Calling to contact your insurance company and see if you have a maximum out of pocket for the year. Ours was $5000, so we are now covered @ 100% for in network. I don't even have to pay for prescription or co-pays anymore. Hope and pray that is the case for you also.

I don't think a pond is wise due to infection potential. Do you have a pool in your area? I try to get in the pool daily. :p It has helped my gait and ROM greatly and I really enjoy it. We have a class here that meets M-F 9-10 called Silver Sneakers. The exercises are total body and I have gained over 20 degrees in my flexion this past month since going. Also, I love getting to know these seniors. They are great. Many of them have had their knees and hips done and they are so encouraging. We even have a fellowship once a month to get to know each other better...such wisdom and life experiences. Even my 16 year old daughter enjoys their company. She goes with me when she can.

Check out you local gym, YMCA, etc. They usually have special rates for seniors. I got in on the summer special and didn't have to pay joining costs by preparing for 3 months because I don't qualify for a senior, yet.

Hope you are having a better day. Don't worry about the tears, this too shall pass. May the Lord bless you with sweet fellowship and painfree living!

I am so sorry. Those bills that we get put people in orbit. I always think of little 88 year olds, who get these outrageous bills, only to find out they owe nothing, a month later. When they have no one to assist them through the maze of hospital billing it must cause enough stress and high blood pressure to cause a stroke or worse.

Jamie's "rules" are fantastic!

I did what you did, (just a PKR) got all better, and now back in bed for somewhere between 5-8 weeks due to a torn MCL. It's depressing as heck, but you just do it- and let the people here inspire you to keep on keeping on.

I work for a hospital and agree with everyone here. Most insurances have a per person and family maximum pay. (Mine's $5000). If yours does not, you can call billing (they love it when people aren't yelling at them) and gently ask for what you can do to lower your bill. In large hospitals there are often "foundations" which either reduce your bill significantly or wipe it out entirely. (I was once hospitalized for a week with a different problem, and I paid zero, because of the hospital's generous foundation.)

You are a strong person, you can do this! I'll be sitting in bed here with you, not driving etc for the next while!! Hugs and love.
I have to tell all you guys - you have my admiration for the way you cope with those humungous bills! I go into meltdown when I get a £200 bill from the garage! I can't imagine getting a bill for $17,000. Jeeze - that's half what I paid for my house!
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh Jo Jo
I guess you could say living in the States is not for sissy's LOL I guess like everything else when you grow-up with it you get use to it. But If you were here we would help you fight City Hall!!!!! LOL Hey did you get you new love seat yet????
I was going to talk about the stop loss provision, but they beat me to it. Also, you only have to pay your percentage of what the insurance company said is a reasonable amount, so that should make a difference, also. Like the others, however, I urge you to look for the stop loss provision for your policy. By the way, as long as you send money at least once a month, you do not have to sign any agreements or be put on any payment plan. They might urge you to do so, and make it sound like you must, but you don't as long as you are not deliquent. sorry you are having a blue others have said it seems to be part of recovery. I called them my "melt downs". I had a number of them. My doc told me they are indeed related to the wonderful drugs that help keep us reasonable comfortable (I took Hydrocodone).

I agree that that bill would have sent be into a tail spin. All the other suggestions are great. If you do not feel able to deal with the insurance company then ask a friend to help you. Good friends are often at loss as to how they can help you....this would be a great opportunity.

Water ponds or rivers please!! Too many bad bacteria in them. Another option for water therapy is Easter Seals Centers. Frequently they have therapy classes--their pools are heated--and easy access.
Personally, I am allegic to swim suits!!!

I agree that boredom is really tough. Do what you can..get some audiobooks from the library--Start writing you autobiography for your family. Got through your photos and put them in order. Make reservations for a cruise this time next year. I think I counted the number of dimples on my ceiling!

You will make it I know you can do it.

You have not been back on since this morning. I do hope you are doing OK.

Please don't worry about the bill. It will all work out.

Lets us know how you are doing.
You have every right in the world to have a cry day!:rant: You have just went through a BTKR and that was hell. You are just getting to your forth week and things will now start looking and feeling better. Now I didn’t cry during my BTKR but after the first two weeks I was cussing my family, bonsmarties, and friends who talked me into this!:hissy: I could have shot everyone but then things started to get better on week three and the weeks that followed. Cindy I have been through the ups and downs for almost 1yr and it gets great. I have two good knees that are mine and can do anything I want except I still can’t play the piano and so can you. Now on your bill, I believe you can work with the hospital and just paid 1/3 of the 17K.
I had my first tkp last April and I too cried all the time. I did not even know why I was crying.:cry: Of course my hubby did not help me out to much.:hissy: I have my second Tkp coming up in Sept and I am hoping that I don't go through that emotion again. I remember my hubby would just look at me and say Geesh your so emotional anymore. :skp:
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