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break through bleeding last night

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May 13, 2008
United States
Last night I bumped my shin doing something, and I didn't think much of it until a couple of hours later I noticed the lower part of my shin is wet, and it turned out that I had a breakthrough bleeding from the last 3 staples.

Although I'm taking Bayer aspirin once a day (since the surgery), I thought that was the case of preventing blood clots/DVT...but with the bleeding, it wasn't clotting. Mom and I had it under control at the moment, but I felt I should quit the aspirin therapy until I hear otherwise from the doctor.

Also--the initial bruising I had from the surgery had spread out, and at one point last night my back thigh was purple! :shk:'

Is this normal...? or should a doctor look into this to make sure everything's ok?
I'd call just to let your OS know! It certainly is better to be safe than sorry!!! ((:0)
Lori, don't stop the aspirin therapy without approval from your doctor. Has the bleeding stopped now? It may ooze a little from the impact. (Be careful!!!)

It is quite normal for the surgical bruising to increase a little in the days following your surgery. It will probably turn some wild colors too as you heal. But just to ease your mind, give your doctor a call and discuss it. That's what they are there for.
I had just 2 places at first that had a tiny bruise. Then 10 days later I found some on my ankles...went away. Don't worry about the bruising. It comes and goes. It's natural. At one point the back of one of my knees was a gorgeous purple! Didn't stay there long. In fact I would not have known about it had it not been for Dad telling me it was there.
I also bumped my knee so hard. I was marching with both knees and I hit my one knee on the walker. This happened the day after I got my staples out. It bled a little bit and stopped. My Dr. told me just to keep an eye on it and make sure it didn't get red around the area.

Take Care!

BTKR 7/20/09
Lori, don't stop the aspirin therapy without approval from your doctor. Has the bleeding stopped now? It may ooze a little from the impact. (Be careful!!!)

It is quite normal for the surgical bruising to increase a little in the days following your surgery. It will probably turn some wild colors too as you heal. But just to ease your mind, give your doctor a call and discuss it. That's what they are there for.

thanks Jamie! I called them, and told them that I quit taking aspirin just last night, but the nurse told me that everything's normal and I'm to stay on the aspirin therapy. so long I have the bleeding under control, I'm ok. So I'm back in the saddle now! LOL

the back of my thigh had my Dad go "HOLY COW!" :shk:
Yeah, the bruising can be pretty spectacular sometimes. Just slow down a little and take care of yourself, okay? Those bonks hurt!!
Hi Lori----I was going to say what the nurse said--PLEASE DO NOT STOP YOUR ASPIRIN THERAPY.

I too posted a couple days ago that I had some increased swelling and bruising in my foot and leg. I did not do any bleeding--but I was concerned that this bruising might be caused by my Coumadin therapy. I had some good advise from folks here --but I also did talk to the OS nurse about the situation. I told her the story--that I thought it was just post surgery stuff showing up in the days after surgery--she agreed, talked through signs and symptoms and then asked if I was a nurse--- I said yes and them she laughed-saying "I thought so!" Anyway I have not worried at all--some of the bruising is already about gone. However--I did lose a staple after PT-it seeped a little but I put a little pressure on it and all was well.

So----I am in this with you. Please take care. Thinking of you. Nancy
You all took the words right out of my mouth!
so I'm still taking aspirin, but I'm still bleeding a bit at the same spot: right at the last 3 staples and it's frustrating my mother as it's a mystery why is it bleeding from the same spot. Oh, it does stop, after we change the bandages on a daily basis.:sct: nothing really drastic, just that it's frustrating to my mother! LOL so I've got 5 more days to go til I see my doc at my post-op follow up appt.
As long as there is no redness or heat to the incision area, I think you're fine. You know moms....they want to "fix" everything right now. Just give your mom a hug and tell her thanks for worrying about you. Then discuss it with the doctor when you see him in 5 days.

Can you tell if the bleeding is lessening? Or is it more of a mix of blood and fluid rather than just blood? Both these situations would be a good thing. At any rate, your post doesn't sound like there is that much on the dressing each day when you change it....true?
As long as there is no redness or heat to the incision area, I think you're fine. You know moms....they want to "fix" everything right now. Just give your mom a hug and tell her thanks for worrying about you. Then discuss it with the doctor when you see him in 5 days.

Can you tell if the bleeding is lessening? Or is it more of a mix of blood and fluid rather than just blood? Both these situations would be a good thing. At any rate, your post doesn't sound like there is that much on the dressing each day when you change it....true?

haha~ you got my Mom nailed to a T! is it ok for her to put Neosporin on the scar, or leave it alone? if not, why not?

I don't think I felt any heat from that site, and I think it's more of new blood/dried (old) blood & a little bit of fluid each time we change the dressing. however, the bruises are s-l-o-o-w-l-y going down, thankfully. actually the change in the amount of blood seems to stay the same. *shrugs*
Well Lori Im so sorry...If your not comfortable try to move that appt up.....keep it clean.............Geez sounds a lil painful, I sure hope not. Take it easy....:) PS your Mom sure sounds like a sweetheart.....
Absolutely nothing on a fresh wound. Just clean dry dressings.
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