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May 14, 2009
United States United States
I don't see very many on here that have had both knees done at the same time. As far as recovery goes, is there any difference compared to having one done at a time? Didn't Simon have both done at the same time? And since I'm getting cut in a different place because of my other scar from other knees surgeries, will that matter? Sorry for all the questions. Is it normal for a break down right about now? I can't seem to quit crying tonight! Live by myself right now.:cry: I've been so strong until tonight.
You are to funny yes I was a nervous wreak there are a few with bi-lat knees Im sure yes read simons thread and there are some more cant think now. You are actually lucky get them both done and you are finished. Thibk of it as only I operation one time in the hosp, you dont have to do all this again...I think its a good thing........
Ah Cindy,

Yes it's normal to have emotions running high before surgery. There are actually a number who have had both done at the same time. My OS wouldn't consider it for me even though both knees are bad because I still have 9 children at home plus my 2 grown sons. The recooperation is harder because you don't have one good leg to stand on, however in many ways you will have it easier because you only have to go through this once, one set of pts, etc. It varies for each individual, however if you trust your OS and I'm sure you do, he wouldn't do both unless he thought it best for you. In my case, it just wasn't a consideration. I will be having the other knee done as soon as my right is more mobile. I have had many complications with medications and injuried the left one 4 weeks post-op, so I have had delays. Just had a Manipulation on Monday and am hoping for better results.

I don't know if you are a Christian, but I am and I will be praying for you along with many others on bonesmart. God is faithful and is trustworthy at all times. He will never leave you nor forsake you!

Father, please give Cindy peace tonight and help her to rest in you, knowing you have her best interest at heart. Give her an extra measure of grace and let her feel your presence right now and know how much you love her. Help her to experience your grace and mercy afresh and overflow with joy. You are faithful Lord and love her more than anyone else. Remind her of that and let her get a good nights rest. Give her wisdom to know what Your will is for her. Thank you for the gift of healing that you have given her surgeon. Thank you also that we have the ability to live pain free because of this surgery. May you watch over her and protect her from any complications as she proceeds with this surgery. Thank you for her niece who is coming to take care of her and for the others who are helping her during this time. Thank you that you hear our prayers and answer them. You are awesome Lord! In Jesus Precious Name I pray. AMEN!!

Love and prayers,
Thank-you so much for the most beautiful prayer! God Bless You! You are a true angel !
Cindy, we all have felt as you do as surgery approaches....even JO!!! It's such a huge decision to CHOOSE to do this to yourself, you naturally second guess yourself. It's not at all like surgery you must have as a result of an accident or for something that is really life threatening. So don't feel bad about that. It's what we're here provide comfort and support as you near the big day (and afterwards, of course). So use your friends here.....come online anytime you are scared or worried and chat as much as you can. Ask questions, do the "what if's," and dream with us about all the good things that are gonna come your way once recovery begins.
Bless you, Cindy - I live alone too and know exactly how you feel. It's awful watching the minutes tick away and no-one to talk to. So that's why this forum is here. And when you need something more, I liked this saying someone told me - don't forget that when you're at the end of your tether, God is on the other end!
We're here to calm you,too, Linda!!! :). You'll be on the other side before you know it! :)
Hi All!
Anyone faceing surgery who isn't scared is either crazy or on too much pain medication! We all were verry nervous, and were second guessing ourselves. It's OK. You didn't come to the decision to have surgery without lots of thought and you decided that it was the best thing for you to do. It's tough to get through, but it's worth the pain and the hard work to recover.
As you can see I had both done at the same time. Best thing I have done so far. Yes it will hurt and yes it takes awhile to heal. It is even down right uncomfortable sometimes. And at one point you'll ask yourself "what have I done to myself". But hang in there. It gets so much better. I race stock cars and I raced Friday night for the first time since my BLTKR a year ago. I was so excited to get my life back. The hard work with BLTKR will pay off for you. It might just take awhile.
I had BI-TKR in November 08 and was able to return to work full speed in 7 weeks. There are tough times but it was worth it to me. Roughly the same recovery time as a single TKR. 1 surgery two surgeons one recovery. I had to go to a hospital re-hab for 7 days when I left there I was able to walk, get up and down, maneuver stairs, and basically take care of myself having two done at once has its draw backs but I think they are overshadowed by the benefits. I am now 8 months post op and back to the normal life with good knees I had 15 years ago.

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