Ah Cindy,
Yes it's normal to have emotions running high before surgery. There are actually a number who have had both done at the same time. My OS wouldn't consider it for me even though both knees are bad because I still have 9 children at home plus my 2 grown sons. The recooperation is harder because you don't have one good leg to stand on, however in many ways you will have it easier because you only have to go through this once, one set of pts, etc. It varies for each individual, however if you trust your OS and I'm sure you do, he wouldn't do both unless he thought it best for you. In my case, it just wasn't a consideration. I will be having the other knee done as soon as my right is more mobile. I have had many complications with medications and injuried the left one 4 weeks post-op, so I have had delays. Just had a Manipulation on Monday and am hoping for better results.
I don't know if you are a Christian, but I am and I will be praying for you along with many others on bonesmart. God is faithful and is trustworthy at all times. He will never leave you nor forsake you!
Father, please give Cindy peace tonight and help her to rest in you, knowing you have her best interest at heart. Give her an extra measure of grace and let her feel your presence right now and know how much you love her. Help her to experience your grace and mercy afresh and overflow with joy. You are faithful Lord and love her more than anyone else. Remind her of that and let her get a good nights rest. Give her wisdom to know what Your will is for her. Thank you for the gift of healing that you have given her surgeon. Thank you also that we have the ability to live pain free because of this surgery. May you watch over her and protect her from any complications as she proceeds with this surgery. Thank you for her niece who is coming to take care of her and for the others who are helping her during this time. Thank you that you hear our prayers and answer them. You are awesome Lord! In Jesus Precious Name I pray. AMEN!!
Love and prayers,