- Joined
- Jun 11, 2013
- Messages
- 380
- Country
United States

Updated January 31, 2025 by Jamie
We want all members to be comfortable posting on BoneSmart. Our goal is to provide a forum where joint replacement patients can receive unbiased, helpful information regarding surgery and recovery.
This is an international forum. All posts and usernames should be in English as it is the best-known language worldwide. If you post in another language, you will not receive replies from BoneSmart staff. Members registering with usernames in languages other than English will be asked to change them.
Guests to BoneSmart will have limited page views before being asked to register as a forum member. Basic Membership on BoneSmart is free and allows access to all joint forums. Basic members may join conversations by making on-topic comments in existing threads. BoneSmart also offers expanded services to members who join the Insiders Club. Click here to learn more about the benefits of the Insiders Club program.
We try to keep the forum a positive and safe place for our members to talk about their questions or concerns and to report successes with their joint replacement surgery. While members may create as many threads as they like in a majority of BoneSmart's forums, we ask that each member have only one recovery thread for each surgery. This policy makes it easier to go back and review history before providing advice.
While not changing the intent of messages, we reserve the right to edit posts to keep the content easy for everyone to read and to ensure the information someone gives specifically relates to their personal experience.
1. Peace and harmony of the forum
Participants on the forum should conduct themselves at all times with respect and honesty. Comments and responses should clearly describe personal experiences in your joint journey and provide links to scientific documentation whenever possible to any medical information you are presenting. Disruptive posts may result in the poster being subjected to a “time out” suspension of 24 to 48 hours without warning.
a. The staff reserves the right to edit or delete any post or comment they judge inappropriate without notifying the author. Comments that cause alarm, harassment, or distress to another member or to the staff, whether intended or not, may be removed. Content that is political or concerns controversial non-medical topics also may be removed. The member may be informed of the reason the content was modified and invited to rewrite it.
b. Should a member be considered disruptive, staff may elect to limit access or privileges within the forum or to remove the person from membership temporarily or permanently. An explanation may be provided.
c. Please do not make off-topic posts in someone else’s thread that could cause the thread to be derailed from its original subject or that is off-topic to the forum. Friendly banter or chit-chat may be excluded from this requirement at times.
d. Respect the privacy of others. Do not post others’ phone numbers, addresses, photos, etc. without permission. As a matter of personal security, do not post your own details such as email or residential addresses or use your actual name as your BoneSmart username.
2. Flaming, trolling, and personal attacks
a. If you find yourself disagreeing with a post, criticize ideas and not the poster. Flaming includes attacks on another member or staff, including comments of a personal or racial nature, ethnic or gender-based insults, or slurs. Inflammatory comments or posts will be edited or removed.
b. Do not use BoneSmart as a platform for campaigning on any issues related to the forum or our business partners. If you have an issue to discuss not related to joint topics, please use the Contact Us link at the bottom of the page.
c. Trolling is not permitted. This can be defined as making numerous posts of a frivolous or meaningless nature just to be deliberately annoying or insulting to the members of the forum. Don’t make posts that purposely try to get folks riled up. Instead offer support, information, or or details about your personal experience with joint replacement surgery.
3. Posting offensive or illegal material
a. Do not post pornographic or sexually explicit images or comments. When posting photos of surgical scars or xrays, take care to edit them in such a way that they are not offensive to others. Remember we are a global forum viewed by people from many diverse cultures.
b. Despite the modern tendency to use certain “cuss” or swear words, we prefer not to permit this on BoneSmart. We make every effort to keep things “G-Rated" for our members. We use a profanity filter to catch and replace words or phrases we feel may be offensive. Do not try to go around the filter by employing creative typing alternatives to the profanity. Posts containing profanity or “go around” words will be edited or deleted by the staff. The member may receive notification regarding this action.
c. Do not post comments that are liable to encourage others into illegal activity.
4. Spamming
a. Any post, comment, or information placed in a post or signature that is considered to be advertising or an appeal for money will be edited or deleted at the discretion of the Administrators.
b. Do not solicit members to other websites, forums, or social media either via posts or Personal Messages (PMs). In particular, links to TikTok videos are not permitted on the forum. We appreciate members advising us of helpful non-commercial sites with a link in their posts. Sites will be reviewed on a case by case basis for their applicability to BoneSmart and a determination made as to whether or not they remain on the public forum. Links to legitimate non-commercial medical websites are sometimes permitted as are links to specific studies that pertain to joint replacement. (Updated May 16, 2024)
c. Do not ask members to participate in studies, interviews, or other types of projects not associated with BoneSmart without approval from the administrative staff. You can use the Contact Us link at the bottom of the page to request approval.
d. Certain links may be permitted in a member’s signature or profile to personal websites or blogs. These may be evaluated by the staff on a continuing basis to ensure they are not commercial in nature.
5. Professional/medical advice or information and opinions versus personal experience
a. People posting on the forum other than designated staff members should not be assumed to be health or medical professionals. Members may not declare or imply that they have a medical qualification or display a medical designation in their username, signature or avatar to support comments being made.
b. Members should not post medical advice or information unless they are professionally qualified and have verified their professional standing or experience with the BoneSmart administrative staff beforehand. Such an application will not be considered until a person has been observed as a member for a period of 4-6 months and has a minimum of 50 posts in the hip, knee, shoulder, or other joints forums.
c. Members posting on BoneSmart should only post information which is true and correct to their knowledge and experience. Details pertaining to your particular surgery and recovery are always welcome.
d. BoneSmart does not permit discussion about recalled implants or lawsuits in connection with recalls. This is not the purpose of the forum and such topics will be removed.
6. Direct Messaging (DMs)
Once they have made 5 posts on the forum, both Basic Members and members of the Insiders Club have the ability to send personal Direct Messages (DMs) to one another or to staff that are out of the public view. Up to five people can be included on a DM if desired. We encourage members to post surgery or recovery information on the public forum so the topics discussed can benefit all the members and guests of BoneSmart. Direct messages are intended for social topics, photo exchanges, and conversations containing personal information that should not be on a public forum. They may be subject to periodic review by senior administrative staff.
a. Do not use the Personal Messaging feature of the forum to circumvent the rules of the forum or instructions given by staff, nor to harass another member. All forum rules apply to Direct Messages, including members soliciting or offering medical advice from another member.
b. BoneSmart cannot be held responsible for the content of Direct Messages or the outcome of any action taken as a result of any such message. If members choose to make contact via email, telephone or in person, BoneSmart cannot be held responsible for any outcome of such communication.
c. Please report any DMs containing harassment or spam or any other unacceptable content using the REPORT link at the bottom of each message so they can be appropriately dealt with.
7. Moderator or administrative actions
a. Do not discuss reported posts or administrative actions pertaining to your membership on the forum or the membership status of others, either directly or by inference. Do not discourage others from using the report feature of the forum.
b. In cases where disciplinary action is called for, members may be given one or more warnings before punitive action is taken. Actions can include cautionary messages, member time outs (temporary forum ban), or a permanent ban from BoneSmart. Most disciplinary actions must have the support of at least three staff members before it is taken. These actions are final and there is no appeals process.
c. If you have been previously banned or removed from the forum, you may not try to circumvent the ban by creating a secondary (sock) account in BoneSmart. Any member who posts on behalf of a banned member may themselves incur penalties including banning.
Additional information regarding BoneSmart membership:
Forum Etiquette: Being Polite When Posting
BoneSmart Website Rules and Terms of Use
BoneSmart Community Terms of Service
BoneSmart Forum Rules
Posting guidelines for forum members
Posting guidelines for forum members
We want all members to be comfortable posting on BoneSmart. Our goal is to provide a forum where joint replacement patients can receive unbiased, helpful information regarding surgery and recovery.
This is an international forum. All posts and usernames should be in English as it is the best-known language worldwide. If you post in another language, you will not receive replies from BoneSmart staff. Members registering with usernames in languages other than English will be asked to change them.
Guests to BoneSmart will have limited page views before being asked to register as a forum member. Basic Membership on BoneSmart is free and allows access to all joint forums. Basic members may join conversations by making on-topic comments in existing threads. BoneSmart also offers expanded services to members who join the Insiders Club. Click here to learn more about the benefits of the Insiders Club program.
We try to keep the forum a positive and safe place for our members to talk about their questions or concerns and to report successes with their joint replacement surgery. While members may create as many threads as they like in a majority of BoneSmart's forums, we ask that each member have only one recovery thread for each surgery. This policy makes it easier to go back and review history before providing advice.
We reserve the right to update or amend these Rules at any time without notice.
We request that members not use large blocks of tags to bring people to a particular thread or post. The reasons for this are explained here: Multiple tags or alerts being used in posts.
While not changing the intent of messages, we reserve the right to edit posts to keep the content easy for everyone to read and to ensure the information someone gives specifically relates to their personal experience.
Please report any abusive or inappropriate posts, comments, or messages.
You can report a post by clicking on the REPORT link located at the bottom of each post.
You can report a post by clicking on the REPORT link located at the bottom of each post.
1. Peace and harmony of the forum
Participants on the forum should conduct themselves at all times with respect and honesty. Comments and responses should clearly describe personal experiences in your joint journey and provide links to scientific documentation whenever possible to any medical information you are presenting. Disruptive posts may result in the poster being subjected to a “time out” suspension of 24 to 48 hours without warning.
a. The staff reserves the right to edit or delete any post or comment they judge inappropriate without notifying the author. Comments that cause alarm, harassment, or distress to another member or to the staff, whether intended or not, may be removed. Content that is political or concerns controversial non-medical topics also may be removed. The member may be informed of the reason the content was modified and invited to rewrite it.
b. Should a member be considered disruptive, staff may elect to limit access or privileges within the forum or to remove the person from membership temporarily or permanently. An explanation may be provided.
c. Please do not make off-topic posts in someone else’s thread that could cause the thread to be derailed from its original subject or that is off-topic to the forum. Friendly banter or chit-chat may be excluded from this requirement at times.
d. Respect the privacy of others. Do not post others’ phone numbers, addresses, photos, etc. without permission. As a matter of personal security, do not post your own details such as email or residential addresses or use your actual name as your BoneSmart username.
2. Flaming, trolling, and personal attacks
a. If you find yourself disagreeing with a post, criticize ideas and not the poster. Flaming includes attacks on another member or staff, including comments of a personal or racial nature, ethnic or gender-based insults, or slurs. Inflammatory comments or posts will be edited or removed.
b. Do not use BoneSmart as a platform for campaigning on any issues related to the forum or our business partners. If you have an issue to discuss not related to joint topics, please use the Contact Us link at the bottom of the page.
c. Trolling is not permitted. This can be defined as making numerous posts of a frivolous or meaningless nature just to be deliberately annoying or insulting to the members of the forum. Don’t make posts that purposely try to get folks riled up. Instead offer support, information, or or details about your personal experience with joint replacement surgery.
3. Posting offensive or illegal material
a. Do not post pornographic or sexually explicit images or comments. When posting photos of surgical scars or xrays, take care to edit them in such a way that they are not offensive to others. Remember we are a global forum viewed by people from many diverse cultures.
b. Despite the modern tendency to use certain “cuss” or swear words, we prefer not to permit this on BoneSmart. We make every effort to keep things “G-Rated" for our members. We use a profanity filter to catch and replace words or phrases we feel may be offensive. Do not try to go around the filter by employing creative typing alternatives to the profanity. Posts containing profanity or “go around” words will be edited or deleted by the staff. The member may receive notification regarding this action.
c. Do not post comments that are liable to encourage others into illegal activity.
Addendums June 18, 2018 and December 15, 2023
Discussion or mention of illicit or recreational drugs in any form is specifically forbidden on this forum. Bonesmart is aware that there are ongoing studies and changes in legalization occurring in some areas in regard to the medical benefits of these substances. However, we take into account that narcotics, cannabis, CBD and other similar items are still illegal in many states and countries. All discussions or questions regarding cannabis products must include statements that the products are legal in your state or country and that you are coordinating their use with your doctor.
d. Do not breach copyright rules by placing documents or images onto BoneSmart unless you have permission from the originator. You can post excerpts (20% or less) from a document with a link to the full text. If you post a link, please at least explain briefly what people can expect to find if they click on the link. Links without such an explanation may be deleted. BoneSmart cannot be held responsible for the content of external websites.4. Spamming
a. Any post, comment, or information placed in a post or signature that is considered to be advertising or an appeal for money will be edited or deleted at the discretion of the Administrators.
b. Do not solicit members to other websites, forums, or social media either via posts or Personal Messages (PMs). In particular, links to TikTok videos are not permitted on the forum. We appreciate members advising us of helpful non-commercial sites with a link in their posts. Sites will be reviewed on a case by case basis for their applicability to BoneSmart and a determination made as to whether or not they remain on the public forum. Links to legitimate non-commercial medical websites are sometimes permitted as are links to specific studies that pertain to joint replacement. (Updated May 16, 2024)
c. Do not ask members to participate in studies, interviews, or other types of projects not associated with BoneSmart without approval from the administrative staff. You can use the Contact Us link at the bottom of the page to request approval.
d. Certain links may be permitted in a member’s signature or profile to personal websites or blogs. These may be evaluated by the staff on a continuing basis to ensure they are not commercial in nature.
5. Professional/medical advice or information and opinions versus personal experience
a. People posting on the forum other than designated staff members should not be assumed to be health or medical professionals. Members may not declare or imply that they have a medical qualification or display a medical designation in their username, signature or avatar to support comments being made.
b. Members should not post medical advice or information unless they are professionally qualified and have verified their professional standing or experience with the BoneSmart administrative staff beforehand. Such an application will not be considered until a person has been observed as a member for a period of 4-6 months and has a minimum of 50 posts in the hip, knee, shoulder, or other joints forums.
c. Members posting on BoneSmart should only post information which is true and correct to their knowledge and experience. Details pertaining to your particular surgery and recovery are always welcome.
Addendums January 6, 2019 and July 12, 2024
We realize that in addition to BoneSmart, most of our members will probably use internet searches as a resource to obtain information. With Artificial Intelligence (AI) expanding, it is also expected that some members may choose to seek information in that way. Any references to material of this type must contain a link to the scientific source so that the information presented can be properly reviewed for accuracy. We always welcome links to current studies or other scientific information regarding joint replacement surgery and recovery. We do not permit use of AI-generated information within posts at this time, as the data does not have specific scientific documentation behind it.
d. BoneSmart does not permit discussion about recalled implants or lawsuits in connection with recalls. This is not the purpose of the forum and such topics will be removed.
6. Direct Messaging (DMs)
Once they have made 5 posts on the forum, both Basic Members and members of the Insiders Club have the ability to send personal Direct Messages (DMs) to one another or to staff that are out of the public view. Up to five people can be included on a DM if desired. We encourage members to post surgery or recovery information on the public forum so the topics discussed can benefit all the members and guests of BoneSmart. Direct messages are intended for social topics, photo exchanges, and conversations containing personal information that should not be on a public forum. They may be subject to periodic review by senior administrative staff.
a. Do not use the Personal Messaging feature of the forum to circumvent the rules of the forum or instructions given by staff, nor to harass another member. All forum rules apply to Direct Messages, including members soliciting or offering medical advice from another member.
b. BoneSmart cannot be held responsible for the content of Direct Messages or the outcome of any action taken as a result of any such message. If members choose to make contact via email, telephone or in person, BoneSmart cannot be held responsible for any outcome of such communication.
c. Please report any DMs containing harassment or spam or any other unacceptable content using the REPORT link at the bottom of each message so they can be appropriately dealt with.
7. Moderator or administrative actions
a. Do not discuss reported posts or administrative actions pertaining to your membership on the forum or the membership status of others, either directly or by inference. Do not discourage others from using the report feature of the forum.
b. In cases where disciplinary action is called for, members may be given one or more warnings before punitive action is taken. Actions can include cautionary messages, member time outs (temporary forum ban), or a permanent ban from BoneSmart. Most disciplinary actions must have the support of at least three staff members before it is taken. These actions are final and there is no appeals process.
c. If you have been previously banned or removed from the forum, you may not try to circumvent the ban by creating a secondary (sock) account in BoneSmart. Any member who posts on behalf of a banned member may themselves incur penalties including banning.
Additional information regarding BoneSmart membership:
Forum Etiquette: Being Polite When Posting
BoneSmart Website Rules and Terms of Use
BoneSmart Community Terms of Service
Last edited by a moderator: