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Blood Transfusions

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Aug 12, 2008
United States United States
YO Gang,
During my second TKR I had to have a blood transfusion. Since the operation last Thurs. PM, I've had two transfusions, for a total of five units of blood. I'm beginning to be a little concerned, as well as sleep deprived, since they have been done in the middle of the night. Did any of you experience the same thing? Still on the downward at you later.
Thanks, Rick
Hey, Rick, don't feel alone. I had two transfusions too. Three if you count the one that I had a reation to and they had to stop, plus they put the blood back in that was spun off the drain. Never heard of that before but seems they don't waste a thing. My surgery lasted over five hours, had both knees done and they fixed a fractured tibia, still I only had about four bad weeks afterward and compared to what some go through I count myself lucky. So don't get too upset unless they say something else. I think some of us just lose more blood than others maybe, Jo can tell us a bit more. Good luck. Rowdy.
Yea Rick I was there also I had three and they wanted to give me another because I was boarder line and I said forget it enough was enough(my choice) but honestly in retrospect I should have let them do it because your blood count is very important to your strength and recovery.
Why are you concerned? What in particular is it that worries you?
Thank you all for you replies. I had five units of blood total. I did not require any extra transfusions until after my second surgery. My second TKR was on Thursday after my first TKR on the previous Monday. My latest concern now is that my left calf is very swollen and sore. This being the calf of my second TKR. I just returned form having a sonigram checking for a blood clot. I was advised there was no clot present. Anyone have any suggestions or knowledge of what may be causing this? Thanks again.
Just part of the joys of having had a TKR, Rick. The TKR forum mantra is ice, ice, ice, rest, rest, rest, and elevate, elevate, elevate!
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