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Blood clot??

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Dec 16, 2008
Texas, USA
United States United States
Well, I went to my first out-patient therapy today and it was brutal. She is not as gentle as my home health care PT. I'm so sore tonight that I can barely walk.

I have had pain in my calf--up high right below my knee, and a little pain right above my knee (in the back lower thigh).

I thought it was because of the extension exercises which really hurt and seem to pull alot. The physical therapist today questioned me about when it started, etc. etc.

I told him it felt to me like strained muscles. He said to watch it and if it gets hot, red, etc., to go to the ER. He seemed at least moderately concerned.

Do you think I should go anyway instead of waiting for it to maybe get worse?
I had some calf pain--muscle strain--about 2-3 weeks after surgery--due to all the PT exercises I was doing--from lunges, squats, calf raises etc. My PT was reassuring and I also never worried that I had a blood clot.( As an RN--I've seen my share of patients with blood clots.) However---always good to watch for increased redness and pain--and get it checked out immediately if you are worried.
I did also i think it it muscles I would watch it but I agree maybe just call your OS and let them know.........take please let us know how yo are feeling............again i agree redness, pain to touch.......but just call the OS and keep them up to date.....take care of yourself.............)

Hey Nanacy hope you doing ok??????????
It hurts fairly bad, but to me it feels like a strained muscle. Not hot to the touch, not red or anything like that. Doesn't hurt to touch it either unless I really push hard on it and it hurts like any strained muscle would hurt.
I think I let the Physical therapist go overboard......I can hardly walk today. LOTS of pain in my quad.
Beth sorry the pt hurt so much or at least after. Make sure you tell him or her how much pain you are in after therapy
All good advice, Beth. If you are worried about it, call your doctor's office and at least speak with the nurse. Usually a clot is not suspected unless there is pain when you squeeze the area. I'm betting it is a strained muscle. Take it easier next time.
Good basic test is to place the palm of your hand on the back of your calf, grasp the belly of the muscle and squeeze. If you've a blood clot, you'll know all about it in the first second! If you can squeeze pretty hard and hold it, it's ok.

You need to tell your PT that you do not want him/her to be that aggressive. There are some on here that have been hurt by the

I never had aggressive therapist and I have done great!
Its supposed to be Physical Therapy NOT Physical Torture!!! Feel better, Beth!!! ((:0)
Well, I tried Josephine's "Grab and squeeze" trick and there was no pain whatsoever.
Yeah, she is going to have to be a little bit easier on me next time.
My home health PT was much more gentle, and I still made great progress with her.

One thing that angers me is that I have been "assigned" to Dr. Bennett who is supposed to be wonderful (referral from a friend) and he was in a meeting that day so I got an intern. She made it sound like she would be the one working with me most of the time.

It seems to me that we pay all that money to see a DOCTOR not an intern. She was very very nice in some ways. I got upset right away (actually crying) when we were just getting to know each other, and she was really kind. But once she started doing the therapy, she got a little bit gung ho.

Has anyone had a PT that sits on a chair in front of you while you are dangling your legs over the table (sitting up) and she grabs your leg (upper calf) with both hands and then shakes the heck out of your knee?? It was a movement like someone would use for a "shaken baby." It was fast, furious....3 times at 30 seconds each. She said it was supposed to break up some of the scar tissue and other junk in the knee. The amazing thing was that it didn't hurt at all!

Her and the physical therapist that looked in at us twice said that I have a really stable knee.
No Beth with the PT that sounds painful. I know they have to work with you but they dont need to hurt you............shaking it huh I never heard that breaking up scar tissue but if it did thats re (dont know if it did).......take care ...I agree I never see my Dr just his asst.............
No I never heard of a PT doing that shaking of the knee. I do know that the PT needs to be gentle. Getting aggressive and hurting does not make recovery any faster, to the contrary it can slow it down.
If the shaking of my knee hurt, I wouldn't let her do it, but it doesn't hurt a bit, and according to the physical therapist, helps break up scar tissue and other stuff in there from after surgery. If it works, fine.

But yes, I need to let her know I want her to be more gentle. My muscles haven't been the same since Thursday. They have hurt all weekend. I don't want to go in Monday and have it made even worse. By my Wednesday appointment I won't be able to even walk in there on my own!!
That "martini mixer" shaking therapy is a new one on me. But I guess it might work. As long as it didn't hurt you, I suppose it's alright. It would be a little unnerving, though. That new from surgery, we all usually feel that we need to baby that new joint.
Well, when I am laying on his table, my chiropractor sometimes takes hold of my feet and shakes my legs (strong man!!!) then jerks them each in turn. He says it helps to align my pelvis. Don't know so much about that but I had to stop him as it didn't do my knees much good!

Nope, never heard of this and tbh, none of my logic would concur with her thinking.
I have to agree totally with Jo on this one. Remember how we always say you have to be your own advocate? Well, this time just tell them that this treatment is just a bit overboard.
When you reach the point that you don't want to go in for treatment, I believe you really should listen to your own instincts. PT helps yes, yes, yes.... but when you tell us that you've been hurting for several days, then it's time to be a bit more gentle. Only want whats best for you in the long run.... Please let us know what happens..... you know we care!
Blessings always~~
Just whackem with your cane or crutch, that will get their attention lol, seriously if your in a great deal of pain you need to stop them. No need for you to be that sore after PT.
Hi Beth I agree just tell her a lil easier.........Sorry your still sore ..........Advil works for my muscles....Hope you feel better soon.....)
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