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On 7/31/07 I had TKR surgery. After 2 1/2 mos. the ligaments and muscles attached on the inside of the knee ruptured and came loose from the knee. On 10/18/07 I had to have a second surgery to re-attach them. During the PT after the 1st surgery, I faithfully did my PT 3 times a week until the PT guy discovered that those muscles were not working. I was unaware of any thing other than an occasional "buckling" of the knee that could have caused it. After the 2nd surgery, the swelling began to go down almost to normal until last Wed. night at 2:30 am I woke up to excruciating pain and HUGE swelling. At that time we were experiencing a very low pressure snowstorm. It has not buckled or there has not been any type of trauma to the knee. Today-1/6/08, the swelling has not reduced at all and the pain is terrible. I can't bend it back very far either. Is this normal???? Has anyone else experienced this?