7 1/2 weeks since surgery:
Stamina is coming back really well now, I am feeling like my old self again. I am able to do 30 minutes at a time on the stationary bike and walking well over a mile a day. In fact, the further I walk (within reason) the better I seem to feel. Still stiff when i get up or when I've been sitting for any length of time.
Lost the cane well over a week ago and the limp is diminishing a little every few days. I notice it, but some have commented that they "don't see much at all".
Had my physcial therapy evaluation today and passed with flying colors. 5's or 4+'s out of possible 5's in all categories. Able to bend the leg to 100 degrees now and almost (
I said almost) able to put my sock on with out that plastic stirrup thingy.
Beginning a water arobics class in the morning, I'll report back on how that goes but I am anxious to be boyant and see how the leg feels then.
Hip pain is a ZERO! Some tightness on the outside of the hip, sorta like someone is grabbing the muscle but I wouldn't out it into the "pain" category after what I've been through. A little twinge in the groin area when I do a little too much on the bike and after doing some horizontal straight leg abduction excercises. Nothing 12 - 15 minutes with an ice pack won't cure and certainly not lasting discomfort.
Saw one of my neighbors today who I haven't spoken to since the surgery. he said he's been watching me walk up and down the street. First with crutches, then a cane, the looking like igore from the frankenstein movie, and he said I look completely normal to him. had tons of questions as his wife may need a a new hip soon.
I will be celebrating my 8 week mark next Tuesday in Fabulous Las Vegas!
(there on business...)