Birmingham Hip Resurfacing?

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new member
Dec 7, 2008
United States
My doctor recommended the Birmingham hip resurfacing. He also recommended that I not have a double resurfacing at the same time. He said I'm physically a good patient for the procedure and the 10 year results of the surgery have been excellent. I should be able to enjoy the activities (skiing and others) that I haven't been able to do enjoy in recent years. Any feed back on the procedure?
There are surgeons that will do bilaterals and surgeons that won't, mb. I suggest you hunt around and find yourself one that will as it would not be out of the question for you. Try the SurfaceHippy site - I think they may know of surgeons who would be more inclined to do it for you. They'll certainly tell you of all the things they have been able to do since having the procedure. I believe one lady has returned to ballet dancing!
52 yo male, today is my 3 week point after a Birmingham Hip Resurfacing of my right hip.


Staples are out, incision is dry and looking good, but the doc wants me to stay out of community pools and such until week 6 just as a precaution against bacterial infection (I'm dying to get into a pool).

I've progressed from a walker at week 1, to crutchs during all of week 2 and I am now able to go short distances with just a cane. I am still using a crutch for my long daily walks of 200+ yards as to keep some pressure off the healing bone (75%). I am able to ride a stationary recumbent bike with the seat leaned all the way back to keep my hip within the 90 degree precautionary limit (15 - 20 minutes twice a day with little or no resistance).

Still using pain meds (oxicodone) periodically (2 - 3 times a day/night) and relying on Tylenol more and more. I hope to be off pain meds completely by this time next week.

I am sleeping 5 - 6 hours at a shot now, a dramatic improvement from week 1 when 2 hours was about all I could manage at a stretch. Bowels have straightened themselves out and it is no longer an ordeal to go to the bathroom, although I am still using the raised seat (again that 90 degree precaution).

No one outside of my OS office has dealt with a resurfacing patient before, not the in-home PT or nurse, and not my out-patient PT, not even my primary care physician. so basically I'm being handled just like I got a THR by my professional support team. It could be my younger age, or that I was in better shape than some elderly patients who they usually work with on THR, but they all said my rate of progress is well above normal for their experience.

Still in the silly looking stockings and taking cumadin, along with getting my blood tested twice a week to monitor the level. My OS routine is to stay on the blood thinners for 4 weeks. No indications of blood clotting or any adverse complication. spirits are good as I can see small but measurable improvement in my condition just about every day. Little things like not needing the sling to swing your foot onto the bed, one day I needed it, the next I did it fine on my own.

Stamina is coming back, but slowly. My apetite is back and the wife is making sure I get well balanced meals, providing protein, fruits, vegtables and drinking plenty of water to keep hydrated and organge juice for vitamin C and calcium.

Its great to have found a place to share these experiences with folks who are or have gone through them also. Nothing like talking with peers...
Well I went in for my 6 week check earlier today and got my OK to go back to work, drive, go in a pool, and have all the other restrictions lifted.

I can walk with out a cane, although I am still using one when I go up and down my home stairs and when I go on my long daily walk. It still helps take just a little load off the operated leg and spares me the little bit of pain and allows me to walk without a limp. I suspect the cane will go bye-bye within another week or so.

Stamina is better than before the operation, although I am still taking an afternoon nap; that may be more about me getting spoiled than actually being fatigued...

Taking one light-weight pain med an hour or so before bedtime, just to take the edge off the achyness one seems to concentrate on as you lay there in the darkness trying to fall to sleep.

Reading the followup X-ray, the doctor said everything was right where it needed to be, and that he could see early signs of the bone already adhearing to the back of the cup.

The doctor said, with the advanced metalurgy of the "as cast" high carbon metal on metal apparatis, the hip might very well out last both if us (and he is in his late 30's)...

Was it worth it? Absolutely! The arthritis pain is 100% gone. The level of surgical pain that is still left is half of the arthritis pain I was experiencing before surgery and it is getting better every day. I am a little stiff when I get up in the morning, or when I've sat in a chair for a long period of time, but after just a few minutes of movnignaround, the stiffness lessens substantially. The stiffness in the leg when they had to turn loose some soft tissue to get to my hip is still a little tender, but getting better every day. 2 weeks ago I couldn't lift myself up a normal step with the operated leg, today i am walking up alternating both legs with little difficulty; two weeks from now I may be sprinting up.

All functional precautions have been lifted so I can now drive, swim, bend my leg beyond 90 degrees, etc. I was only cautioned to avoid high impact activities such as running for a while longer.

BTW: In my doctor's lobby waiting to have his knee examined was Jerrid Johnson, Linebacker for my beloved Baltimore Ravens.
He's one mean looking dude!
And I guess his season is now over. Sorry about that!

The entire Ravens season ended last Sunday. We had made it to the AFC playoffs as a wildcard team but lost to the Pittsburg Steelers in a hard fought battle. If we had won, we would be Superbowl bound.

Not bad for a rookie coach AND a rookie QB. there's lots of hope for next year.
7 1/2 weeks since surgery:

Stamina is coming back really well now, I am feeling like my old self again. I am able to do 30 minutes at a time on the stationary bike and walking well over a mile a day. In fact, the further I walk (within reason) the better I seem to feel. Still stiff when i get up or when I've been sitting for any length of time.

Lost the cane well over a week ago and the limp is diminishing a little every few days. I notice it, but some have commented that they "don't see much at all".

Had my physcial therapy evaluation today and passed with flying colors. 5's or 4+'s out of possible 5's in all categories. Able to bend the leg to 100 degrees now and almost (I said almost) able to put my sock on with out that plastic stirrup thingy.

Beginning a water arobics class in the morning, I'll report back on how that goes but I am anxious to be boyant and see how the leg feels then.

Hip pain is a ZERO! Some tightness on the outside of the hip, sorta like someone is grabbing the muscle but I wouldn't out it into the "pain" category after what I've been through. A little twinge in the groin area when I do a little too much on the bike and after doing some horizontal straight leg abduction excercises. Nothing 12 - 15 minutes with an ice pack won't cure and certainly not lasting discomfort.

Saw one of my neighbors today who I haven't spoken to since the surgery. he said he's been watching me walk up and down the street. First with crutches, then a cane, the looking like igore from the frankenstein movie, and he said I look completely normal to him. had tons of questions as his wife may need a a new hip soon.

I will be celebrating my 8 week mark next Tuesday in Fabulous Las Vegas!
(there on business...)

[] Birmingham Hip Resurfacing?
Way to go, Mudpro!!! This is GREAT news!!! Thanks for posting your successes!
I'll be heading home in a few hours from my Vegas business trip. The hip helpd up remarkably well to all of the walking I did at the trade show and around town. I don't tink it would be exxadurating to say I walked between 3 - 5 miles a day, and at least 3 miles from the hotel to the convention center one day. The hardest part has been the long, almost 5 hr, flight as there was turbulence and opportunity to get up and move around was limited. Hopefully my ride home will be easier.

One big disappointment was to find the hotel pool "closed for the season". Its bloody 75 degrees here, what "season" are they talking about..?
LOL ("What season are they talking about")

Chris :)
Just returned from my 3 month follow up with my surgeon:

X-rays look "excellent". You can actually see the rough edges of the cup and there is no "line" or open space between those little bumps and the bone, which means everything has stayed where he put it 90 days or so ago, and tha tthe bone is beginnign to take hold.

I am able to walk up to two miles at a time, although that is pushing it a little but.

No noticable limp, although I can still feel an achie tightening up in the hip when the operated leg is loaded with the weight as I shift from one leg to the other.

Sitting in a hard, straight backed chair is still uncomfortable, and when i get up i am stiff and it takes a moment and a step or two to loosen up. The surgeon said this was normal and has disappeared with all his previous patience with a little more time.

He said I could quit going to the physical therapist, but should continue doing all of the exercises and stretching often.

He likes my additional routine of bike one day, walk the next day, and doing aquatic arobics the following day. He said mixing up my acitivites is good for the healing process; and he reminded my of something I had forgotten, how inactive IA had been for the eyar or so prior to the surgery. So not only am I rebuilding stuff that was tramatized by the surgery, but i'm getting stuff back into shape that had laid somewhat dormant from lack of use...

Short of marrying my wife and having my children, this procedure is probably the next best thing I have ever done in my life; or as my GP said recently, "your back in the game - now go live life".

so now I do jsut that, and go back to see my surgeon a year from the surgery date next December.
Well, that's a good report, MudPro. I am delighted for you. Does that mean I shall shortly be losing another of my 'chicks'?
[] Birmingham Hip Resurfacing?

Like you, Jo. I am a bit of an Internet Forum junkie. So you can count on my stopping in from time to time and throwing my two-cents around!

Thanks, kiddo. And good luck to you on your upcoming procedure!
Aaww - you know how to charm the birds, doncha!
Good going, Mud! I was wondering about the stiffness! But everyone seems to think that its part of the healing process!
One quick question,,,,,were you you talking about your doctors patients or patience! LOL!
Keep up the great recovery! Send pix when you can! :)
Great news, Mudpro!!! I'm so happy for you. Now get out there and have some serious FUN!!! And, check in once in a while, ya hear?
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