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Bilateral resurfacing

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Dec 7, 2008
United States
I'm having a bilateral resurfacing on feb. 24. My doctor says I am his first patient to have a bilateral resurfacing. Dr. Matta ( St. john's Hospital-Santa Monica,Ca) has performed many bilateral THR but what I've read and researched the resurfacing seem like it would be a better option. Dr. Matta does the anterior approach so there should be a quicker recovery. Also,there maybe a chance that he can he can only operate on one hip, depending if I lose to much blood.

Getting one resurfacing at a time doesn't seem like an option. If I have one hip resurfaced then I'll still have pain and discomfort from the nonsurgical hip. Also, I don't want to go through the recovery process twice. I would rather get it done, get back to work and live a pain free life.

I'm wondering if anybody has had a bilateral resurfacing with the anterior approach and what the recovery time and process was like?
Well, the reason you give for having a bilat are sound, mb, whatever the procedure involved. The blood loss issue is the clincher, of course, as would be your overall condition once they have finished the first one.

I suggest you also take a peek in the forum surfacehippy where you will find a great deal of information about HR there and heaps of happy campers who've had it done! All the best in your search but please keep us posted about your progress.
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