Bilateral knee replacement

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new member
Dec 5, 2007
United States
Hello All,

I'm new at this and have a few questions. First, I'm a 48 year old female and have been having problems with both knees since I was 18 years old. I have had 12 surgeries over the years to relieve some of the pain. Got a few years of some what back to normal life but have now been out of work for over 10 years. I hae been seeing a Rhemy for over 6 months because I experience pain in numerous joints. He finally agreed to send me to a Orthopedic Specialist when he saw my knee x-rays (stating in all the years of practice, he has never seen knees this bad in a person my age) and trying the topic less-invasive treatments of syncisc and cortisone injections. The orthepedic surgeon stated that no form of treatment will relieve the pain and said only surgery will help now. Can anyone tell me how long the recovery is for bilateral knee replacement? I am nervous because I know how painful rehab can be, but am hoping the pain is different from what I have experienced over the years. I was wondering if anyone else has other joints involved, like the shoulders, hands, elbows and if that will complicate recovery?

Dear Penny,
I just had 1 knee replaced 3 weeks ago. I do not really know about doing both at the same time, but I will tell you that the relief to my one knee after the surgery is remarkable. I am 52 and my knees were also terrible, my right worse than my left. I had the right done and now kind of wonder if it might have been better to do both at once. My Doc would not do it that way, but the recovery on my right knee has been so good that I think I could have handled doing both at once. I was able to walk without even a cane a week after my surgery. At this point, I am able to bear weight better on my new right knee than my bone on bone left knee. I do not have other joints involved, but I am happy to say that I am already experiencing less pain than that which I suffered before the surgery. It definitely was the right move for me. I've still got to do the other one but I'm hoping to wait about a year on that. Either way, I see a whole future ahead of me without pain....and I am thrilled! Hopefully it will be the same for you!
Good luck!
Psue, you need to read around the forum. There are quite a few people who have had bilateral TKRs done and many with very good experience of it.

The truth of the matter is that two knees aren't that much more painful than having one done. How do I know this? Because in studies, patients having bilaterals don't used all that much more pain relief than those who've had one. The difficulties come when trying to do basic stuff like getting in and out of bed or on and off the loo. You don't have one good leg to give yourself some leverage but that is only temporary. The benefit will come in having two new knees to walk on from the get go and only have one anaesthetic to go through.

You just need to keep looking forward and thinking of the time when you will be free and active again. Let us know how you get on.
Hi All,
I had my right knee replaced 8 weeks ago today. I am still limping and need to use the cane outside of the house for support. But the weather here is cold and icy too and its more of a security blanket than anything else. I have found I cannot stand for a long period of time, nor can I sit for a long period of time. So I try to keep moving as much as I can. My left knee is just as bad as the right was. I still have alot of stiffness in the surgical knee and am in PT 3 times a week. I think once this stiffness releases, it will be 100 times better. My PT tells me that I have more strength in the surgical knee than the other. My doc would not do both knees at once. He said the recovery is too tough even tho I am still young - ONLY 54!!
Just thought I would give you another opinion!! Good Luck!
Sounds to me like you're doing great for 8 weeks, Cathie!
Thank You Josephine -
All I get from my hubby is negativity and it makes me angry. Its nice to hear kind words for a change.
Oh you'll always get that on here, sister! That's our speciality! Pop in any time you feel the need,
I had reffed college basketabll for 17 years, baseball for 34--and my knees were shot. I asked the MD if he would consider doing both "(I am 53) and he said yes. It was tougher, I guess, but I am glad that I had them done---I had mine done November 8th of this year. I am now walking with the aid of a cane (only when I need it) and PT can kick your butt sometimes, but I am making progress in getting my life back!

My wife has been a saint thrugh this---we have two kids in college, but, until they got home, she did everything! (we share the cooking, cleanign, laundry, etc.) It is slow at times, but everyday I climb the mountain a little bit more---still having trouble sleeping at nights, though, but that is par for the course and will go away. It is time to reclaim your life!

Tim C.
Time, you sound like you have exactly the right attitude. Good on yer! Hope you have a great Christmas!
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