Ouch here. Well, as if his back wasn't giving him enough trouble he has now started having panic attacks. The one Thursday was so bad, we thought it was a heart attack. Called 911 and they admited him into the hospital for two days and ran every test imaginable (except nothing on his back, which he did say was his chief complaint). Good news is, everything came back normal regarding the heart and they put it down to panic attacks. Now besides the pain pills, he is on Xanax, plus he takes a sleeping pill. If his back and knee ever gets better, he will have to go into rehab to get off all the drugs. I am totally besides myself. I'm a nervous wreck everytime he gets anxious - I get sick to my stomach. He has had no P/T for 2 days - they would not let him get out of bed in the hospital, did nothing for his leg while there. AND he goes back to the OS this Thursday, who is expecting a lot more from him. He did see a back neurosurgeon (the same one who did his original surgery in 06), but now we have to wait for referrals and authorizations to come through, which could be another 10 days.
Is it ever going to get better?
Is it ever going to get better?