Big Mistake

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WHS: You know I was so concerned with your post I totally forgot to welcome you to this forum. Please, accept my apology. You just sounded so desperate and in such dire straits that I was more concerned with responding than doing it correctly.

I see you have met some of the other wonderful people on the forum as well as Jo, who is a Godsend anyway you look at it. I have to agree with every one of them. You must get your pain under control. To have the great range of motion and extention that you have and still be crippled by the pain has got to be so very discouraging. I hope you find a new doctor who will try other pain meds as I am a firm believer that you must have pain control to heal properly. I know everyone worries about becoming addicted, I do not. I have been taking pain medication to manage my pain for most of my life and while I take strong medicine I do not drink and I do not ever have the feeling of being out of control or high. I am a person who will absolutely not take any medicine that impairs my ability to think and live my life fully. There are so many pain meds available surely there is something that the doctor can give you. I find it intolerable that the OS you see has such little compassion for your suffering and I have no doubt that you are suffering even more than you have stated. Pain may just be a symptom but it is one that can be controlled and is definitely one that makes living your life difficult if not impossible if it is uncontrolled. I am so sorry you have gone through all the struggle that BTKR is and have not found any relief. With your ROM and extention so good why would the OS be considering a revision? That makes no sense to me and with all that is going on the very least you should have outside of pain relief is a second opinion. I hope you continue to post here and that you do not give up. I know it is difficult to keep going especially when you are in pain but, please, hang in there, it WILL get better. You know five days before I was scheduled to go in for my BTKR my youngest son was murdered. I had already had a difficult time between the pain and then when they did the tests prior to surgery everything came back abnormal. I really didn't think I was going to make it through that time. I had to postpone my surgery for four weeks as I had become very ill two days after I got the news about my son. I don't think I will ever recover from Tony's murder, I had lost one of his older brothers to leukemia in 1976 and the death of a child is not something that you ever get over. All you can do is trust that God has a plan for you and go on. Having this site and all the people here were a very large part of my recovery. I think anyone who has ever been on this site and needed help or encouragement will tell you the people here are incredible and Jo seems to keep us all going in the right direction. I sincerely hope you let the people on this forum do for you what they have done for me and so many others. We all go through bad times and sometimes it is hard to keep going but, like I said before, you have to trust that God has a plan for us all and that part of His plan led you to this forum. Nothing happens by chance. I will keep you in my prayers as I am sure the others will as well. Rowdy
I've been out of town, but will jump in now. Welcome to merry bunch of kneesies. I agree with everyone else about the pain meds and second opinions. The doctor and family member who think you reacting badly need to be hurt really badly!

Another point about the exercise. If you are exercising obsessively, your knee will remain swollen. As the swelling goes down, the ROM improves. I was doing PT, and we hadn't measured fo a month and I had gained another 10 degrees--now at 145. I am now nearly five months out, and my operated knee is the one I consider to be the strong one. I am just now starting to really work on regaining all my lost strength.

I wish you the best. Once you get the problems resolved, I hope you will be able to say you are glad you have new knees--even if it takes another surgeon.
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