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Big day tomorrow

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Nov 4, 2007
Hi all,
Well as the title says its my turn tomorrow the 26th for my TKR. Got mixed emotions really ,dont think anyone looks forward to going under the surgeons knife but on the other hand who wants to be walking with a limp and constantly being overtaken by people 30yrs older than myself.
Of course I,ve got to ring up first tomorrow morning and see if the bed is available and if it is, I,m in.As I may of posted before I having the LCS by Biomet its the one with the rotating bearing,its the one my surgeon prefers so not a problem with me.I believe I,m going to be in for 3-4 days,never been in hospital for longer than half a day before and with my low boredom threashold....ah well never mind.
The thing that I keep reminding myself of is theres always someone a lot worse off, having more complicated life threatening operations than I,m getting tomorrow and I,m sure there are people with inoperable illnesses that would jump at the chance some of us are receiving.
So hope everyone keeps getting that little bit better every day and will try and post thread next week.
Good luck all and cheers
All the best, klinger. I'll be thinking of you. Gosh - this is like having my own personal ward!! Three of you in theatre this week!

May God give you a calm heart, trust in the professionals and caring people to look after you.
Good luck, I will be praying for you and wishing a speedy recovery. Glad to know I am not the only one with a low boredom threshold, let us know how you do. I keep thinking boredom is going to be the last thing I am concerned with but just in case I have list of books I am going to take with me. In my prayers. Rowdy66
All the best...hope everthing goes well,and I'm sure your in good hands.Can't wait for tommorrow myself...will be discussing tkr @ 8am with my OS .Last night finally got to sleep quickly only to be awakened in pain and dreaming someone was stabbing me under the knee cap with a red hot knife...pain was brutal.Has anybody experienced that type of dream ?Good luck once again hopeto hear from you soon...Mike
We'll be thinking about you in the morning! I'm 7 weeks postop today for TKR. Take MY word for it, boredom will NOT be an issue. Come back to see us when you get home (better yet, take your laptop and get back with us tomorrow afternoon).

Best of Luck!!
Good luck tommorrow and if it makes you fel better you will be just about home while I am going in. Thursday ismy big day. So god luck and keep us posted.

Best of luck to you all!

The farther I get from my surgery, the more grateful I am that the technology exists and the surgeon had the skill to replace my rotten knee. It truly has been amazing for me.

Yes, it has been painful. Yes, the PT hurts-- but it pays off eventually. I am not finished with the pain, but I can see better days ahead.

I will be thinking of you as you begin the next step of your journey. There is a lot of support for you here. We've been there and are all pushing forward--- as you will too!

Take very special care!
That's Jim and klinger - wonder how they are ....

Just wanted to add my best wishes. Was online checking to see if there were any new posts and thought of you. Know you must be excited to have the big day so close to being here, anyway you will be in my thoughts and prayers, Jan (Rowdy66)
Just want to say a big thanks to all the folks with the messages of support.I,m out of hospital now so my next thread will be posted on the post-op forum,cheers all klinger.
Hi all, thanks for all the messages of good luck, I,m back home now doing well virtually pain-free now posting my thread on post-TKR page once again cheers all Klinger
Glad You Are Back And Pain Free, Boy Am I Jealous!!!! My Big Day Is Right Around The Corner Though So I Will Be Feeling Better Soon. Just Glad To Have You Back. Don't Forget To Keep Us Up To Date On Your Progress And What Is Going On. Jan (rowdy66)
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