Bi lateral THR

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BigDog Mom

Mar 6, 2008
United States
Now, I know this is not your average experience but I thought I would share for those of you anxious about what's to come. I remember wanting to know how bad is the pain after surgery.
My experience was that after surgery I was in SO much less pain then when I came in. I slept better in the recovery room than I had in months.
I had spinal anesthesia for the op itself. I was told that I might have the PCA afterward but did not. They did give me a spinal "wash" before sending me to recovery. Do know what exactly that is maybe Jo could enlighten us?
I was a little sore the first night so I did ask for something but something less than morphine. (Dilotin I think)The next morning I took it first thing in the morning but was already switching to extra strength Tylenol. First thing in the morning is still the most uncomfortable but every day better. :)
The day after surgery it felt like the surgical team had been jumping on my quads with cleats on. But still it was just muscle soreness and obviously feeling tired from having been through surgery. I really haven't had a lot of "pain". What I have is a real tightness in the muscles and even that seems to get a little better every day. Now it is confined to the area of swelling around my incisions.
It is day 7 for me I am using a cane and I am up and down the stairs, doing the exercises 3 times a day and going out for short walks 3 times a day. I called to double check and my only restriction is stop when it hurts.
So take comfort and start taking your life back one day at a time.

Best wishes,
Sounds like you had a great surgical experience, Donna. I'm pleased for you. But sorry - never heard of the term "spinal wash" but I'll try to find out.
Did you have minimally invasive surgery? Anterior?
My recovery was definately not like yours!!
Yes Judy,
I had a MIS direct anterior approach. I am just so pleasantly surprised. Every one I had talked to, had said they wished they hadn't waited so long to have it done. I figured ya, you say that because you are so many months/years out that you don't remember the first week. When I first came on the list Andrea told her story and I was so hopeful that the same was possible for me. She inspired me to go for it and hopefully I can return the favor for someone else.
I was in so much pain before that just feeding my dogs breakfast was agony. You can't not feed them so you suck it up, take a pain pill and use a crutch to get it done. But I could still do some resistance training and swim.
Every day I recover a little more pain free motion. :) I already have more of a range of motion in my right leg then I had the day of surgery.

Best wishes,
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