Best stool softener

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Dec 21, 2008
United States
What is the most effective stool softener? The moisture is drying up from my body systems--from mouth to colon. Help!
Are you stuck? Try fruit in addition to the SS. In the hospital they gave me 2 initially, worked way too well. Gosh if I could remeber what they were called. One was a liquid I think. Anyone else remember?
I have chronic constipation from the Meds i take and what the doctor prescribed worked so much better than Senokot and Dulculax . The over the counter version is Miralax. It can take a couple of days to work. Make sure to drink lots of water

SS Is Senokot with stool stoftner combined, avoids having to use 2 products. Senokot can cause cramps. Miralax works by driving water into the colon.

Hi, I think I was given senokot???? Somethinglike that. Don't have this issue, but I still say that prunes/juice are great.....
I used Pericolace and then CVS's store brand. They both worked about the same, but....I was most successful when ALSO drinking prune juice each day. If you can't stand prune juice (I'm one of the strange people that love it), Sunkist makes flavored dried prunes in orange and lemon that are great....more like candy than prunes. Ya just eat them right out of the bag. They should be at all grocery stores. Start slow, though. Prunes are God's gift....they work. I'm mean they can REALLY work if you down too much. We need you out of the bathroom now and then so you can post as to how you're doing!
I have IBS and use Docusate Sodium stool softener 1 or 2 and if I have further problems I use Senekot laxative. Seems to do the trick
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[] Best stool softener

As long as we're sharing.........

I came home from the hospital constepated and didn't have a bowel movement for 5 days. I was drinking plenty of water, taking Sentokot as directed and eating fruit with every meal. It wasn't until I said, "enough is enough" and drank two tall glasses of prune juice within 4 hours that the earth finally moved!

Talk about a life altering experieince...
I'm the opposite of I think everyone on this sight. I was at PT the day after surgery and thougt I wouldn't get back to my room soon enough to use the toilet. I had to tell the nurse not to give me any more stool softeners. She had a hard time understanding NO MORE!
I would think that stool softeners (although I know they are necessary) would maybe cause an "accident" while hobbling to the bathroom!

That usually does not happen as the stool softener work by drawing water into the colon unlike regular laxatives which cause the intestinal muscles to contract and that is what causes the feeling you have to run to the bathroom.

Simon's right, Beth....laxatives and stool softeners are two different things entirely. You'll want to stay away from laxatives that you buy. Maybe a few prunes or a glass of prune juice now and then is MUCH better. At least with the prunes, you have a little warning where if you OD on laxatives....well, it's just not a pretty picture....just sayin'....
Beth, I thought the same with my first TKR. I usually never need such things so I didn't take them for a few days the first week....Ouch what a mistake!

I took them religiously with the second TKR!
I'm allergic to milk protein and while I didn't remember having any dairy products that morning, I can sometimes get a "reaction" if something has milk as an ingredient such as muffins or pancakes. I'm thinking that's what caused my run down the hospital corridor on day 2.
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