Hooray for ME!!! And thanks for all those wonderful wishes - I walked into PT today and told the pt guy - MEASURE IT!!! He smiled - laughed and came over and looked at it - NAW - You didn't have MUA - You are less swollen than last week - HMMMM Chicken ou?? Then I hung my legs over the table and SWUNG them - BOTH!!!!!!!!! Party time - Warmed up on the bike - and then-...... He measured - twice at 115!!! 115, 115, 115 - I got to 115 - and I only winced a bit towrd the end of the second bend to 115!!!!!! I haven't smiled this much since last winter before I fell!!! I almost feel human- We talked about how I managed the swelling and agreed to keep doing what is working for the next 3 maybe 4 weeks. We are trying for 120 on Friday - but I know I should be happy with 115 - I am!! But now I am hungry for more - The boss at school agreed to continue to allow my wardrobe malfunctions and icing and elevating at the desk all day - as long as I am there and able to teach I can continue -My kids will be great. We are icing the front and the back on top of the cryo which is actually helping keep the ice bags colder longer and maximizing the length of the cryo's ice - I just look a little goofy - but who cares _ 115 -
Ok - That was the good news - Unfortunately the steroid shot has sort of burst the all day happy bubble - but this too shall pass - running a low grade fever tonight with a bright red (more tomatoe than strawberry) neck and face - I know that both are acceptable side effects from the kenalog shot. No relief yet - but they said it would take a couple of days. I could really feel the hip pinching during the good bending today - but oh well - It doesn't matter I got 115!!!
(I feel like a little kid who just got a great big Christmas present!)
Ok - better go - gotta get back on the cpm and the cryo and the ice - what a sight - but who cares!!!
THANK YOU for all your support - I could never have made it through these past weeks without all of you and Doug.....
Picture this one - Snow on the ground, (some spots yellow snow), Black ice, a New York born girl, wearing shorts at 32 degrees, with one red leg and one as pale as the snow - Now with a RED face and neck. Hmmmmm What a silly picture that would be!!!! It just keeps getting better! its a good thing I teach elementary school kids - I think HS kids would have a field day with this one!
Thanks Again!
(Oh - and keep that freezer closed - we don;t need any more frost traveling north right now!!! Got plenty of our own - And I am sorry - This whole theory on global warming - not here - not now - Winter has definitly settled in! )
Ok - That was the good news - Unfortunately the steroid shot has sort of burst the all day happy bubble - but this too shall pass - running a low grade fever tonight with a bright red (more tomatoe than strawberry) neck and face - I know that both are acceptable side effects from the kenalog shot. No relief yet - but they said it would take a couple of days. I could really feel the hip pinching during the good bending today - but oh well - It doesn't matter I got 115!!!
(I feel like a little kid who just got a great big Christmas present!)
Ok - better go - gotta get back on the cpm and the cryo and the ice - what a sight - but who cares!!!
THANK YOU for all your support - I could never have made it through these past weeks without all of you and Doug.....
Picture this one - Snow on the ground, (some spots yellow snow), Black ice, a New York born girl, wearing shorts at 32 degrees, with one red leg and one as pale as the snow - Now with a RED face and neck. Hmmmmm What a silly picture that would be!!!! It just keeps getting better! its a good thing I teach elementary school kids - I think HS kids would have a field day with this one!
Thanks Again!
(Oh - and keep that freezer closed - we don;t need any more frost traveling north right now!!! Got plenty of our own - And I am sorry - This whole theory on global warming - not here - not now - Winter has definitly settled in! )