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Bending in ALASKA - Finally!!!

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Jun 2, 2008
Palmer, Alaska
Hooray for ME!!! And thanks for all those wonderful wishes - I walked into PT today and told the pt guy - MEASURE IT!!! He smiled - laughed and came over and looked at it - NAW - You didn't have MUA - You are less swollen than last week - HMMMM Chicken ou?? Then I hung my legs over the table and SWUNG them - BOTH!!!!!!!!! Party time - Warmed up on the bike - and then-...... He measured - twice at 115!!! 115, 115, 115 - I got to 115 - and I only winced a bit towrd the end of the second bend to 115!!!!!! I haven't smiled this much since last winter before I fell!!! I almost feel human- We talked about how I managed the swelling and agreed to keep doing what is working for the next 3 maybe 4 weeks. We are trying for 120 on Friday - but I know I should be happy with 115 - I am!! But now I am hungry for more - The boss at school agreed to continue to allow my wardrobe malfunctions and icing and elevating at the desk all day - as long as I am there and able to teach I can continue -My kids will be great. We are icing the front and the back on top of the cryo which is actually helping keep the ice bags colder longer and maximizing the length of the cryo's ice - I just look a little goofy - but who cares _ 115 -

Ok - That was the good news - Unfortunately the steroid shot has sort of burst the all day happy bubble - but this too shall pass - running a low grade fever tonight with a bright red (more tomatoe than strawberry) neck and face - I know that both are acceptable side effects from the kenalog shot. No relief yet - but they said it would take a couple of days. I could really feel the hip pinching during the good bending today - but oh well - It doesn't matter I got 115!!!

(I feel like a little kid who just got a great big Christmas present!)

Ok - better go - gotta get back on the cpm and the cryo and the ice - what a sight - but who cares!!!

THANK YOU for all your support - I could never have made it through these past weeks without all of you and Doug.....

Picture this one - Snow on the ground, (some spots yellow snow), Black ice, a New York born girl, wearing shorts at 32 degrees, with one red leg and one as pale as the snow - Now with a RED face and neck. Hmmmmm What a silly picture that would be!!!! It just keeps getting better! its a good thing I teach elementary school kids - I think HS kids would have a field day with this one!

Thanks Again!


(Oh - and keep that freezer closed - we don;t need any more frost traveling north right now!!! Got plenty of our own - And I am sorry - This whole theory on global warming - not here - not now - Winter has definitly settled in! )

You go girl!!! Fantastic, I agree let's go for 120 and beyond!

God Bless,
Well a lot more good than bad there, sister! You're winning out overall and we're all dead proud of you!
I am soooo happy for you. I know you will be at 120 soon. My son wore shorts until it got below zero !!! Even has a pic of himself on top of some mountain in just underwear and a jacket. He never was affected by cold.

I had my first hip steroid injection last winter, it had a very full feeling at the end, helped a little for a short time,.
The second one hurt like crazy, I was doing breathing exercised thatt I never did use in childbirth. I could not walk without a severe limp after. I hung around the hospital for about an hour. It got a little better and they sent me on my way. I thought the doc just did a bad job.
A few more on arhrogram MRI's (first one failed as the doc could not get in the right place) anyway they hurt like crazy.
I am so glad yours did not hurt that much!!!!!!
I hope it gives you some relief.

Ok - at least I know with the whole shorts thing I am in good company, When I worked in the village above the arctic circle it would flip me out - the kids were like all wearing shorts all through the winter - oh yeah - I forgot - They wore them under their skipants -hmmmm well hopefully it won't get that bad here - although - each of the past 2 ski seasons I have skied in shorts and t-shirts- But of course with full ski gear - Sometimes it gets warm here too.

Judy - I am probably only doing this hip thing one time. I would ratehr get through the knee and dive into the hip (scope - shouldn't be too bad) as soon as school gets out - might as well. Its something that will not get better -and the shots will just prolong the inevtitable. But - I will talk with the OS more about it when I see him in a week and a half.

Thanks for all the congrats - I couldn't wait to share with you all. And 120 is right around the cormer!

Off to drop my kiddo at school - then back to the CPM for a few more hours - and ice and elevate hmmmm..... where have we heard that before!

Hey Marianne! Congratulations on the 120--it feels much better when it bends farther--makes everything easier. Mine got to 135 at PT on Tuesday. I was pretty amazed. Now I just will keep working on the continuing exhaustion and pain. It is getting better all the time, but I never thought I would be this worn out.
[] Bending in ALASKA - Finally!!!

Now you can quit standing next to yellow snow hoping your leg will bend!!!!
YIPPEE!! Well done Marianne!! 115, that's great. You should be able to do the stairs well now.

You should take a photo of all those colours of yours and post!!
Big smiles and Happy thoughts from Oregon. I'd dance, but after 14 hours on my feet I'm all danced out!

Fantastic! I admire you and your great attitude through all of this. You are a great role model for your students! Congratulations!
THANKS again!
(Doug - we Alaskans really do try to avoid that yellow snow :) )
Went into pt for about 45 minutes today -- they said I could drop in on off days and ride the bike. I rode for 45 minutes!! made 5 miles - slow and steady and my but stayed on the seat and I didn't have to hang on for sear life. it was almost.....dare say....relaxing.... hmmmmm. My pt was there and was great. He was totally jazzed that I actually came in. Asked if I was sore - and yes... I am. Not sure if 120 will be made tomorrow - think I have a bit more pain on the medial side - higher up, than before the MUA - opefully it is just fromall the breaking up of scar tissue. I am sure that is all.

Tomorrow I am heading in to work for 6 back to back meetings. I am lugging the ice bags and crycuff and camping in the bosses office. Fortunately they are back to back so I have no need to to get up and leave - I will elevate and ice and then leave for PT. I may not look the most "professional " but fortunately my parents are great and have been extremely suppotive through all of this - the kids went wild when I was there today to pick up Jessi - howing me and telling me what has been going on all week- My Jessi and my school kids are Awesome. All will go well and they will be my best buddies next week.

Thanks again for all the great posts. Hope everyone is gearing up for the weekend - it looks like London outside my door - we have been fogged in for 2 days now with no end in sight - that makes for some intersting driving when the temp dips elow 32. Glad work is close to home.

Enjoy the evening - and THANK YOU!

Marianne - dancing - slowly - but with definitely more bend!
I am SOOOO HAPPY for you!!!!!!
You have worked so hard and been thru so much. Bless your heart!!!
You keep on bending girl!!!
what can I say? you are a credit to us all.......bless you ...keep at it gal
We ca only follow in your humble

GO GIRL...........
How great is that? Now you can get to feeling good about your accomplishment and know your knee function will improve with walking and more! Keep up the good work in PT.
117 - We didn't quite make 120 today - but that;s all good - we will try on Monday. I am glad I read a few of the other posts on manipulations. I was sailing on Wednesday but by Wednesday night I sort of crashed. And last night - Holy cow - My knee was killing me. The hubby had gone back to work - so my 9 year old was on mommy duty (she is a great kid). I slept awful. I have a feeling it was the knee finally complaining about all the manipulation. Made it through PT today - picked up 2 more degrees came home and landed in the cpm for 6 hours or so - actually slept - weird. Its really sore so I am sucking down the pain meds as directed. Talked to the husband and pushed him on what the oS said (my hubby has a memory the size of an elephant's). he remebered the OS told him I would be really sore for 5-7 days - Well that made me feel better - By Monday this should all be a distant memory - At least we were able to pick up a few more degrees.
Any ways -

Thanks for all the support - I promised myself I would get up and get to the computer tonight to read some of the posts - you all can bring a smile to one's face -THANK YOU!

TGIF - Hope all have a wonderful Weekend -
(Bummer - the school I work in has a new security system with a bunch of new guidelines - one says if you set off the alarm it will cost YOU 500$ - darn - Guess that means I won't be working extra days on Sat and Sunday - Oh well - I will just have to stay home and have a weekend! :) )


So glad about more range of motion. Sorry you are not able to sleep though. I have been having a difficult time sleeping, but don't know why. My back hurts a lot, but when I wake up it is not excrutiating just mildly uncomfortable.

Sad to hear you need a security system up in Alaska. I would have expected that in Anchorage, but not where you live. I tend to be a workaholic and spent many nights in the office. The security system was not totally activated until 10 pm. No weekends for me since being in California. In Goergia it was standard practice.
In Georgia us vision people shared a trailer ( ours was by the trash dumpster). When I had the key I could go anytime. I remember in the "winter" being really cold in there so I went and got a huge cup of coffee. Well of course then I needed a bathroom. So of course I peed in a cup , emptied it outside. My coworkers would have just died if they knew!!!!

Of course this year I am jobless ( Ca. boss did not like me working after hours) and deciding what to do next. Also kind of hoping my spine doc can get my back under control. Also my knees undeer control. I have had 3 hyalgan injections and no improvement, in fact I told them last week it was worse. Tuesday I will ask my surgeon if he does pattelo-femoral replacements.

I am going to get a cup of coffee and start this day!!!

Hope you are feeling better
See - its like we are twns - sleep issues plaguing us both! I gave up on sleep - I sleep when I can and just get by when I can't. Its all good. I can probably get away with it up here more since we are not ties into a bunch of social activities. No place to go unless you want to play out in the country and ... well... lets say that isn;t in the pic right now for me.

Sore as all heck this pm - CPMd my 8 hours and now off to ice and elevate. yipee.

Stinks that we have this alarm system - But - oh well. We had 2 "portables" in our yard at school but when we lost a HS further north we sent them up there to act as classrooms. Again - they thought that fire might be vandals - kids with little supervision and nothing to do... happens all over.

Sorry to hear about your back. I think all this knee , hip and back **** is just a conspiracy to slow us down as we hit mid 40's. Its all those young up-and-comers- just gunning for us! :) - Just joking - but seriously - its like I just started to fall apart this year. UGHHHHH I vote for a right side back to foot re-do job - imagine - send us into a car wash type situation decrepid and come out all shiny and new - ready to tackle whatever is out there! i can only wish - right now skiing seems wo far away from reality - I decided to post a pic of Jessi and me skiing on my wall in the bedroom as inspiration to getting back into skiing condition for next season. Hope it works!

Better go - Ice is calling my name - Ok wait - Here's a funny for today.
Alaska is turning into a little west coast melting pot. So Friday.. Iget gas on my way home from pt - realize I need a bag of ice.... I am in shorts and a sweatshirt - Outdoor temp is 32 - frost on all the trees, light snow covering - heavy fog pockets - Pay for the gas then go into the Cheveron to pay for the Ice. Small lady (I think from Samoa ) asks me why I want to buy ice. tried to explain I needed it for my knee - She was soooo totally baffled - she kept telling me I was crazy - I should just use the snow. Finally I got my ice, smiled and left. Hmmm - I wonder how many winters she will stay this far north - if people up here think 32 is cold - boy are they in for a surprise!

Smiles -


I came home from hiking yesterday and thought I needed an ice bath!!! I have a large blue ice mat (the kind they used at pt for my back) so that went on the back. I took pain meds before I went and then at exactly the 4 hour mark which made the end more pleasant than last week. Still hurt but not excruciating.

I keep wondering about cross country skiing this winter. My problem is I fell so often when I went in March, I am kind of afraid. Unfortunately , I seem to break things when I fall now. Two ribs in March. Of course , femur in surgery.
I guess I will wait until it snows to figure it out!!
My son left Ft. Wainright a few weeks ago. He came to socal only to leave and go to Germany to visit a girl. ANyway he told me it was sad leaving Alaska. When he got to Seattle he called and told me it was so crowded and busy, he wanted to be back in Alaska.

I guess it is back to work for you tomorrow. Let us know when you get to 120 tomorrow so we can do happy dances in the lower 48.
Marianne, I am so happy for you that your manipulation seems to be working out well. You'll be 120 in no time!
Hi ALL -
Been tied up with Parent Teacher conferences all week - So much for icing and elevating. Hit the 118 on Wed but Friday was a disaster - barely broke 100/ lots of swelling and something tore on the medial side of me knee - we are hoping its just scar tissue - but yikes it really hurts. Happened wed. after the 118 when I was working on bending. WOW - Felt like velcro ripping through my leg. Anyway. Not much else - snow on the ground and it is staying. We got down to 9 degrees last night. Went to the Post Office this am and we were at 19 - brrrrrr I forgot what cold is like. Getting ready to cpm again this afternoon.

Hope all is well around the board. Trying to ease the swelling so I can hit that 120 on Monday. Had to push off my OS apt 1 week. Not having the best control on the snow covered roads since the MUA with my braking - decided to wait till the hubby gets home and rescheduled for next Monday. That way he can do the drive if the weather is bad. Winter has come to the last frontier - We hace about 4 inches on the ground and the hubby is working under blizzard conditions today up at his job!

Stay warm-
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