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Before and after

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BigDog Mom

Mar 6, 2008
United States
As many of you know I raise and show Irish Wolfhounds. Every spring around the last weekend in March, there is a fairly large Irish Wolfhound show in Annapolis MD. We never miss it - it is our spring escape from winter.
Last year I sat in a chair watched for the first time in 20 years. I had to use my crutches to get around, whilst popping multiple percosets to remain civil.
I am thrilled to say this year I ran 7 of my hounds around the ring with naught so much as an asprin. Had a great time. Two glorious days of running around with friends 2 legged and 4.
For those of you that are on the fence about this op. Get moving! It is amazing how your life creeps away with the pain. It does not matter what your age is, none of us are guaranteed tomorrow. Losing a month is precious time you will never get back.
So choose your surgeon carefully and get your life back!!!



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WOW!!!! Those pictures just prove that you have
Your life BACK!!!! So thrilled for you!!! :)
Donna, the photos tell the whole story!! How exciting for you. Thanks so much for posting such wonderful information for those considering whether or not to have surgery. God bless you and your wonderful dogs!
Very inspirational! I can't wait to drop my crutch and test out my new limits too!
Feeling better every day....

Before you know it, But then we DEFINITELY won't be able
To call you Hop anymore!!!! :)
What IS your name, Hop???? So glad you're
Doing so well! :). Didn't we tell you you would???
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