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"BEAT up from the FEET up"

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I know what you mean, Patti. Now my leg is swelling and my ankle and foot are swollen by the end of the work day. Advice? It's hard to elevate it at work, at least hard to elevate above my heart. I'd have to get in the floor and stick my feet up on the wall and I'm not sure I could get back up! I've been icing the knee a lot and that has helped the knee swelling. I'm also noticing that I am stiffening up more than usual. We do have lots of rain right now, not sure if that impacts it. Any thoughts?
I'm not the best one to give advice....I'm just like YOU!!!

cute picture, baby're a doll!'re askin Patti if she has any thoughts? Come on, you know better than to ask that.
Are you taking anything Naprosin, Prednisone, anything for inflammation? I'm still on the Prednisone and I can get by that and ICE as soon as I get home. I may not be on my feet as much as you, don't know.?
Thanks. I just am so ready to be normal again. Time be danged, I'm freaking impatient!!
I take maybe one pain med a day. I took some Alleve yesterday, but didn't see much help from them. Can't take ibuprofen due to the amount I took before my TKR. Tylenol hasn't helped much, but I may try it again.

I'm not on my feet all that much, mostly sitting at my desk or in a meeting. It's hard when you have to stay in one position too long, as you well know.
hey all 3 weeks today for me not doing to bad accordidng to PT 100 on my bend 1 at my extension still have some pain in my joint pretty bad pills making me sick but i am doin alot better than 3 weeks ago LOL thats for sure !!!!! my right knee hurting about as bad as my left its a gonna have to hurt alot alot worse dor me to consider having it done .but hey im still a newbie i guess all in all im doing better than i thought i would dothanks to GOD &my wonderfull wife with out those two im not sure if i could have done all this ....any ways nuff about my old butt hows everyone else doing i hope and prayer you all are doin good ..huggggggssssssss to you all JIM :O)
That is probably a key right there Skeet. The not moving thing I mean. Maybe you could try just doing a 'little under-the-desk shuffle' or something. I tried Alleve before a few years ago and about as well have just whistled for the good it did me. Don't you have a Dr visit coming up? Maybe you could get something then.
SEE, I go out for awhile and you all are on here having all kinds of fun.
My wife said I'm swelling more than before. I have picked up my walking so I figure I'm just irritating it more.......Well as much as it has irritated me, now I'm paying it back.
I take 800 mgs. of Advil every 8 hours. My O.S. said to get to the anti inflamitant level you have to take 800. Plus you have to make darn sure and have something in your stomach prior to taking those things.
Lemetellya, Doug all I took for about 8 years prior to TKR was Advil/ibeprofen; I was taking 1000mg every morning and another 1000mg every night. I tried a few other things a couple times but always went back to the ibes.
10-4 on that one... It will tear up the stomach though if you're not careful
Dougie, Dougie, Dougie....when a woman tells you that, you say THANK YOU!!

(go back and read your'll figger it out!)
O.K. I'm all kinds of shades of red. If Advil did that....... well I won't go there....
Totally ain't right....I just picture her sitting there smiling with little horns growing on her head...
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