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Bad days after TKR

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junior member
Dec 28, 2007
NY & SouthBeach
To everyone who replyed to my PO posts, Uh. Rehab hurts like an person. My quads are so sore. I'm stiff. I got on my new stationary bike and the fastest movement I've made since The 5th when I had this done was to limp off of the bike with a yelp! [ 5 days PO ] I am told and warned, "No pillow under your knee"! Well, my knee is straight so I will sneak it, yes sneak a pillow from myself for a respite of Ahhh! Then I go back to pressing in to keep it straight!

I'm not giving up. I can't. I owe me, my hubby, my dogs etc. etc. Even you guys who have and are sticking it out. I haven't had enough time to gage anything but I see I will be up and down, cocky and wimpy. Right now I am annoyed with myself for feeling a little sorry for me when there are so many young people coming back from war without limbs, with mental and physical anguish I can't begin to realize. I need to get strong just to kick my own butt with my rt leg.
weezle, sweetie! Pity parties are very much allowed. Come here and share them with us. That's what we are here for! You sound to me like you have a good attitude and are doing well so early on. You go girl!

I Right now I am annoyed with myself for feeling a little sorry for me when there are so many young people coming back from war without limbs, with mental and physical anguish I can't begin to realize. I need to get strong just to kick my own butt with my rt leg.

Hi Weezl,

My bilateral TKR was 10/23. Try not to be so hard on yourself! None of us are in a contest to see who is suffering more. While what you say is true about people coming back from the war, that does not in any way lessen the amount of pain you're in or the work you have to do to recover. This forum is such a great place to express your feelings - and you have every right to your feelings and you don't need to apologize to anyone for having those feelings. You need your energy for your rehab - don't spend any of it feeling guilty. Susan
Hang in there. I will join you in the sharing of post op pain next week. I'm scheduled for replacement next Thursday. I'm to the point I don't really care what they do to me including the catheter(just hope it's a small tube). I just need some relief. I too have had my pity parties. Then I see someone in a wheel chair or a disabled child who will never run or play and I have to consider myself blessed. Will keep in touch.
Hey---I justgot back from PT and I am stiff and sore---but it is a good kind of pain; the kind that says you are getting better. You are in this for the long haul; do not think about yesterday or how sore and tired you are today---think about where you will be a year from now, and how good you will feel.

I had both done---I am walking slowly, but I am back at school teaching. Some days my quads are stiff---somedays not. I talked with the PT today and they said it may take months for the soreness and tightness to go away---but I can wait that long---my arthritis didn't attack me over night, and this takes work and patience on my part.

Ride the exercise bike when you feel stiff--my first "ride" I couldn't get it all the way around---but working slowly---but working---I got it to go around, and then range of motion began to fall into place. This isn't arthroscopic surgery, so measure the rehab in weeks and months, rather than days and hours.

I have a part of miy sons's commencement speech that I read everyday--he was class president of his senior class---and this is part of what he told his clasmates :

"If perhaps you get knocked down along the way, get back up! You must never accept failure! Never take the easy way out, and don't quit! If you have to, do it over and over again until you get it right. And when you get to that certain place where you are heading, BE COMMITTED. Be committed not only to your work or job, but to your family, your friends, and to yourself."

That, guys, from my son, is what keeps me going through all of this.

Tim C.
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