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Back to work

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junior member
Jun 27, 2008
Hi Everyone, its been a while sice ive posted so i had a few minets to check in.I had the manulation and it went very good i have to do lots of exercises and pt 2 times a week so we do get better and i also started taking 4 classes a week.I also started work 3hrs a day monday -friday that is going well about half hour before i get off work my knee feels like i got a tooth ake in it but i ice it and good to go, for a while there were times i wish i didnt have it done but now im so glad i did, the pain is almost never ,some times my knee does wakes me up in the middle of the night but i do a few exercises and all is well.
well ive got to go now all the newbies WELCOME this is a great place to get advise andto talk to people that have already been there so good luck to all and thanks. ill post so agian with a up date.
Janet....glad you are on the upside of the manipulation! Here's hoping it keeps getting better and better. Keep us posted now and then!
Indeed! That is good news. And thanks for the kudos!
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