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Back to Work!

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Me too, but she had PT after work today and has a 9 year old to get dinner for and spend time with.... she didn't post until about 9:30 last night. Hope to hear from her soon.
You are all so wonderful. I wish I could hug each and everyone of you right now. I am not a big one to say - you were right ( and I was wrong), but I was crazy to do this. PT basically had me do 3 simple exercises and sent me packing tonight to sit and sleep with ice as much as possible. She also told me to keep the CPM for at least 2 more weeks and ice when CPMing if possible. I was so swollen we couldn't do much more. So here I am. Today we had an Inservice at our brand new tech center - sounds great right - ph no... they put us on lunch tables to sit. No chairs at all. It was even worse than yesterday. I was lucky enough to be with staff from my building so they were great about helping me out with everything. I think I am going to talk to the Principal tomorrow and try to work 1/2 days for the remainder of this week and all of next. I was going to have to take 2 hours out of the day for pt 3 days next week - so I may as well just do a late half day. I can do some of the work *number crunching* from home. I am definitely fried again tonight.

I know I was exhausted becuase I went to bed at 8 pm. My husband woke me up at 11:30 becuase I was laying on my side on top of my knee. He helped me get some pillows under it and the next thing I knew the alarm was going off. I felt much better than last night but... Tonight is not as bad as last night, but as soon as my little one gets home I am going to bed (actually I am already there with th e cpm and computer and ice) Tomorrow we are in our own building so it will be easier - but.... I think I will switch to 1/2 days so at least I will be of value to my team members.

You are all very wonderful people. I cannot imagine getting through this without your support!

Thanks (and I am taking your advice - no "spanking" necessary)

REREAD our posts, we did not say anything about half days for the next 7 school days!!!

You kknow I luv ya!!

Half days of PT followed by a half day at school is still a full day! Please take another look at my post about how I "visited" my classroom while on sick leave to stay on top of things--- but without compromising my recovery. Although the docs say we cannot actually "hurt" our new knees we can sure make ourselves miserable and do NO ONE ELSE (including your students) any favors by pushing too hard.

I know you think you have cried "uncle" but it is still not enough--- in the opinion of ALL of us!

Please take better care of yourself. In the long run everyone will be better off. With your job, your hubby gone off and on and a child at home you're just not gonna be able to do anyone any good this way.

I totally agree with the others. Half day isn't enough. By taking care of yourself now, you'll actually be helping your kids in the long run... and don't forget about your family, they need a healthy you, too. Do re-read these posts... and your own posts leading up to your surgery date. You were so looking forward to your TKR, so that your life could be better. Don't let a few weeks or month get in the way of a full recovery. We're here to support you and tell you how we feel but you're the only one that can make the decision to put YOU first.
I was planning on returning to work on Monday. This is only 3 1/2 weeks post op. Based on how I feel I am going to take at least 1 more week. Cannot bend and move leg well enough to drive yet. My leg feels like a tree stump just walking down to mailbox and back. I am afraid that when I get home from work I will accomplish nothing in therapy and do not want a set back. I will reevaluate next Friday.
Smart. Very Smart. Now if you could just get Marianne to be so wise!
There was a time when ANYone who'd had major surgery was off for a minimum of 3 months. I think that is not a bad period for this type of op. No-one is indispensable. Don't be so impatient with yourself.
I wholeheartedly agree with everyone else who has posted. Marianne, it sounds like you are beginning to allow yourself to accept that you need a little more time to heal. I sincerely hope you will continue to look at the situation realistically and know that you are not doing yourself or your kids any good by trying to push too hard too soon. Bless you for being such a caring person, but this is YOUR time. You need it. You deserve it. People want you to have it. Now you just have to give yourself permission to rest, get well, and ease back into a full schedule slowly.

I am 9 weeks out, and I have 3 young sons starting back to school next week, and I think it will be SO good for me! We need time to sit, ice, and recoup!!! Please allow yourself the necessary time, you'll be grateful later, as will your family, and the kids you teach! Pushing too hard will only cause setbacks!

I'm so glad you posted, Marianne--I was really worried. I, too, think you are pushing yourself too hard. I really liked Beachcomber's suggestions. We can't make you take the time for yourself, but we sure can nag!! It really is better to care for yourself so you will be able to care better for the children.
We didn't hear from Marianne yesterday. That's not a good sign. Either we made her mad or she was too wiped out to sit down and type..... Either way it is not good, although I do still feel she is going back too soon. Hope she is okay.
You guys are all GREAT!!! I am 11 weeks out and havent been back to visit you guys for a couple weeks, but all your advice collectively sure got me where I am today.

I would talk to my friends about all of you each day... I'm sure they got tired of hearing about how supportive my "imaginary friends" were and how wise you all were (are).

I hope Marianne listens to your words of wisdom. I went back to work at 7 week part time and I was totally exhausted. I knew I needed to build up my endurance, but going back to work at 4 weeks is like going off your meds cold turkey! Not good for a healthy recovery!

My sister-in-law is comtemplating knee replacement and I emailed BONESMART to her so she could start doing her pre-surgery reading. I told her I could be her cheerleader, but I also had a bunch of e-friends that will also be her DAILY cheerleaders!

Thanks to all of you and Marianne, have a wonderful restful weekend!

I was just looking hoping she had posted yesterday. I hope we did not make her mad.
Maybe she is really trying to make a decision, which I know is difficult.
By monday one of us will have to fly up to Alaska!!!

I doubt we made her mad. I just think she's too exhausted to get online. I know that was my problem during the first post-surgery week or so. I'm just worried about her. Teaching is much more demanding job than it appears from the outside looking in. I doubt anyone outside the profession would believe that as a high school English teacher, I averaged 60 hour weeks during the school year. I hope she's ok.
I am a special education teacher so I surely know about the 60 hour weeks. Last year I worked most of spring break too.

I am itinerant and have the greatest respect for you classroom teachers!!!

Has anyone heard from Marianne?
I am so worried about her. I hope all is okay.
She is such a dedicated teacher, I know all this has to be hard for her.
Marianne, I hope you are ok. You are in my prayers.
I too hope and pray that all is well with Marianne. Flying to Alaska Monday doesn't sound so bad, that is, of course, if all is okay!!! Please post soon Marianne and let us know that you are okay!!!
Prayers, Hess
I'm getting concerned now, too. The not-knowing is awful.
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