Back into the hospital for another manipulation

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junior member
Jan 13, 2008
United States
This coming Tuesday (April 22) I will be going back to the hospital again for another manipulation only this time I will be admitted. My OS said that he is worried about my ROM and that I may be walking with a permenant limp if I can't get this problem taken care of. He said it will affect my hip and back (which I already have problems). They are going to use a peripherial nerve block on me in conjuction with a CPM machine. The pain right now is unbearable even with meds. Recently started going to depression groups because of all of this. Not to left knee is constantly aching (doctor said is next to be done because I have no cartlidge left). Not sure how much more I can handle.
I am so sorry to hear of this--- and will pray that this method will get your ROM back to a level that relieves the stress on your system and relieve your pain. I am also glad you will have some pain free time while in the hospital. That is such a strain on your system.
Maybe they will send the CPM home with you. I have a friend who had one at home for weeks after her TKR was problematic.
Let us hear from you when you are home again.....
LadyBlue, I too am sorry to hear that you must go in the hospital for a manipulation. You will be in my prayers. I think Beach has a great suggestion. Maybe you could request a home CPM from your doctor so that you could continue to work your ROM to the max once you are home. I hope this works for you and we'll be here for support when you get back home. Let us know how you are!
So sorry you are in so much pain. I'll say a prayer for you and a speedy heal.
I have a stupid question...with a peripheral nerve block will I be able to get out of bed or will I have to stay in bed? long will I have to be on the CPM machine? I feel silly asking these questions but I am concerned.
Ladyblue, God bless you and your upcoming manipulation. My thoughts and prayers are with you. May God grant your doctors wisdom and may He guide their hands. May you have excellent care in the hospital and may this procedure bring you to full and complete ROM and healing. Love, Skeet
I can't answer either of your questions, but please know that they are NOT STUPID NOR ARE YOU SILLY TO ASK. aSomeone here has had taht experience and will chime in. Rest well. Jen
Hope all goes well on Tuesday for you LadyBlue, I will be thinking of you and wishing you all good thoughts. (((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))) Keep us posted, Sue
Hey Lady Blue, how ya feeling? Do you have more move and less pain? Hope you are well. let us know.
Had the manipulation @ 7 AM and was in my room about 9:30 AM. They used the CPM machine all day long on me with only a 35 minute break off. I was on it all night long and never got a chance to go to sleep. Finally at 5:30 the next morning they let me get off of it because I was being discharged that day. (The OS originally told me 2-3 days in the hospital). The bend was to 110 degrees and it hurt like the dickens each time it would bend. I figured that after 6 hours it would start to let up but it didn't. Since I come home I have been trying to bend and straighten it as much as possible. Even with the pain pump in the hospital I could still feel it. All I would like to have is one pain-free day (even settle for 1/2 a day!) and the ability to play on the floor with my little grandson! Thanks to everyone who sent their best wishes. Also, I changed physical therapists and I go next week (Tues) so I am doing my own PT till then.
OH Girl, what a time you've had.
If you have a rocking chair, sit in it and "rock" into your bend. That always helped me. The bike did, too.

I know you must be exhausted. Take a hot, grapefruit scented bath and bend that leg!!

wishing you the best and good luck with your new PT
Oh, LadyB--- I am so glad that is behind you---- it must have been very difficult and I am so sorry it had to be that way. Keep working on that bend now and keep what you went through so much to regain! Like Patti said-- hot baths, heating pads, ice, bend, bend, bend. Keep in touch with us and let us know how it is going!
I truly hope that you feel better soon. Keep moving it! Even after my MUA last Wednesday I could feel it stiffen up again right away.

Please feel better soon!

ladyblue, at least now it's behind you. Patti is right about the rocking chair, good for you and easy to sneak into. Patti you always make tha Grapefruit bath sound so good.
Ladyblue....I hope things get more comfortable for you quickly. Everyone's advice is excellent as I think as much movement and "pushing" your bend as you can do is what will keep your ROM and possibly even increase it at some point. My therapist had me put a towel around my foot at the arch and use the towel to pull my leg toward my body in a bend. I used to do that when I was in bed or on the couch watching television. Any movement you can do throughout the day will help. It hurts, but it is a good, healing pain that will result in the ROM you want!!! Hang in there.....and here is a big (((HUG)))).
Glad to see you back Ladyblue and that the MUA is over. As already said, keep working it has hard as you can. What was your ROM when you went in? Did they say why you couldn't get the bend before, like because of scar tissue? Anyway, hope you get some sleep soon.
Hi Ladyblue, hope you are feeling better. I can't imagine having to go through that...sounds so scary. If I may ask, what makes a manipulation necessary? How long ago was your TKR? THANKS
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