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Oct 8, 2009
United States United States
I went for my 2 wk check today. I had to have xrays first. Just as I suspected it just about killedv me. I moaned & groaned something awful. My OS was really surprised that I am having so much pain. He said my xrays look really good. He said that there is a extremely small dark line that could mean loosening of the joint. He says this only because I am complaining of so much pain. But he said he really doesnt think that is the case. He suspects that he hit a nerve during surgery & that is causing the pain. He said the screws he had to use were long and that may have played a part in his drill possibly hitting a nerve. If that is the case time will heal that. So what does everyone think? Could nerve pain last this long?
What do you mean......"MAY be loose???" Wonder what ThAT means???:sct:
I'm not sure I'd be too happy with that info. Nerve pain can unfortuantly last a very long time. Is there anything he can do if it is nerve pain? Did he give you better pain meds?
Well, that's a new slant .... :sct:

How about a second opinion?
Wow I agree I went down that road about it cold be might be.......Second opinion me to.....Only becuz i see a line but thats prob not it?????????? run....kidding but yes please get another opinion.....I so wish you the best...let us know please
I was really surprised that he gave me that response as well. He isnt usually like that & has an excellent reputation around my parts. He kept stressing that what he was seeing he really thought was the angle. He doesnt think anything is there. He thinks this is all going to get better. He seemed very confident and even laughed and told me to stay off it for 5 weeks and then start jogging. I am trying to figure out how to put a pic of my xray on here. So far i am not having any luck.
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Reduced the size and also cropped it for you, Angie. But eek! Don't like the look at that bottom screw on the right there. Could well be what is responsible for your pain. I still suggest a second opinion - preferably from someone who has no connection with this surgeon whatsoever. NEED to get another opinion. Don't know where you live, but even if you have to drive to another to someone else about what is going on. You should not have this pain and you need to NOT try to wait it out.
So do all of you think there is no hope that this will just get better? I am only 2 wks out. I hate to run to another Dr & have him just tell me its too early and that pain at this point isnt really that unusual. Also, I was getting alot better before I went to the Dr. It seemed that the outing aggravated things. I am feeling better today compared to how I felt after the Dr appt yesterday. So you really think I should find another Dr right now?
Every heard the phrase Don't walk run to what every.

I suggest you find someone that is not connected to the doctor you use now.

Yes you need another doctors opinion.

You don't want to put up with this pain and NO it is not going to go away.

Get to the new doctor asap.
I guess I am just a little confused. I posted a couple of days ago about my pain. At that time I was told to be patient. That I was very early out. Someone even said that they didnt have a turn around until 4 weeks out. I was told to take my pain pills and not over do it. I was feeling pretty relieved and hopeful at that point. Now I am being told to run as fast as I can to another Dr. I am not mad nor do I mean any disrespect. Just kind of scratching my head.
I also want to add... From what I have been reading I dont think I have permanent nerve damage. I do not have any numbness, pins & needles, or tingling. I wiggle my toes and move my foot up & down just fine.
But I hadn't seen the xrays then, Angie. That changed things a lot. And my suggestion to get a second opinion is based more on the length of that screw. I would think (not know, of course) that it must be involved in the pain somehow. What I do know is that it shouldn't be that long. But as for running to a second opinion - no, I didn't say that. If the pain is getting better, then either I'm mistaken or perhaps your body is growing some scar tissue around the screw so it's not damaging the tissues - that does happen though it usually takes a bit longer than 4 weeks!

Sorry if we're all sending you mixed messages but those xrays did change things a lot.

Oh, and btw, other than that, so far as I could see, the new hips look pretty good except I can only just see the dark line around the cup he mentioned. Could be a gap, could be a shadow. Difficult to say.
Jo you did not send mixed signals. You have been great. I just cant help but go into panic mode at the thoughts of this not resolving. I just hate to jump the gun and firmly come to the conclusion that this cant possibly get any better this early out. My Dad had both of his hips replaced about 10 yrs ago. With the 1st one he was in agony. He even went to a nursing home for 5 weeks after. He said he felt suicidal it was so bad. The Dr told him it would be really rough. It was in really bad shape & there was going to be a lot of leg lengthening involved. He had the other one and said he thought he could run out of the hospital right after. There was a huge difference in the two. Seems that I am experiencing something similiar.

I had already posted the day before I went to the Dr that I was starting to feel alot better, and I was. I think the trip which is 1.5 hrs away, & the torture of the x rays just really set me back. Its been 2 days since I went to the Dr and I am feeling much better. I still feel that pain in my buttock but not nearly as severe. I am still doing my exercises and trying to stretch it out.

Trust me I am not some sick, sadistic person who enjoys pain lol! I am going to give it about another week and if it is still there or comes back as severe as it was I am going to look into a 2nd opinion. Once it becomes abvious that it isnt going to get better I am going to take action. I just hate to do it at 2 weeks out. thanks again Jo!
Your plan sounds good Angie. I hope the pain lessens for you. I remember at about 4 weeks out i felt so good I overdid it. My pt said to start walking and I took off around the neighborhood. the next day i had the worst pain ever. Jo reassured me I had done too much. The pt came and told me she meant go outside and walk one houselength!!!!
Keep us updated on how you are feeling
Angie, I am glad to hear that things are getting better. I apologize if anything I wrote alarmed you....I had forgotten that you are just two weeks out from surgery.

I was taking my cue from Jo's concern about the screw length and the fact that you seemed very concerned about the pain. In my opinion, when a person becomes worried it is better to get a second opinion (even if early in recovery) if for no other reason than to ease your mind that things are going okay.

Since you feel like the pain is lessening, I think your plan to give it a week is a good one. Please continue to let us know how you're doing. We care about you.
Best of luck and we certainly hope everything resolves itself in the days, weeks ahead! No one should have to deal with pain like you are experiencing AFTER your surgery! Think positive Angie!:thmb:
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