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junior member
Jul 14, 2008
United States
hello everyone!

I had a LTKR on 09/11/09. I got home from the hospital yesterday, 9/14/09. i'm doing really well this time around. kinda scary, actually, the difference in the two surgeries.

i switched surgeons because i refused to go through this surgery again (RTKR done on 08/22/08) at the same hospital. it was a nightmare at the first hospital!

at any rate, things this time have gone VERY well. my flexion at the hospital was up to 85 degrees already. my extension is at zero already. given that it took me a good 3 weeks to get flexion to 75 degrees and I never did get extension to zero on my right leg, i'm absolutely tickled this time around.

i start PT next monday (9/21/09) with the same PT who helped me rehabilitate my right leg. he was so awesome, and i'm looking forward to seeing him again.

anyway, just wanted to say hi and let you all know i'm back!

Welcome back, Kim!!! So glad you're doing so much better! Keep up the great recup!! (:)0)
Great news!

your decision to switch hospitals seems to have made a big difference. good luck and work hard at the PT, that also makes a big difference.
Welcome back and well done!
Welcome home! Glad to hear such encouraging news.

I too have just had my second TKR. The first was a nightmare because I had allergic reactions to most of the meds they gave me. Not ever having to have such strong stuff, we had no idea. I really loved my surgeon...he is excellent and well respected. I made the decision to have the second one done by the same surgeon at the same hospital where I had such a bad experience. Again, it was nothing really to do with the care received although I did have a few grouchy nurses before and the care was excellent this time around. Couldn't have asked for better. Maybe it was because I knew what to expect and was educated from the good folks here that I was more confident and made wise choices and sometimes demands. I also had 5 months to prepare for this second surgery and spent a lot of effort increasing my strength and quad control.

Whatever the difference, the two surgeries have been like night and day. I did nothing different and wasn't stressed either time. My ROM is better already in my LTKR than the RTKR. No idea why, since the muscles are much more defined in the right leg. Not complaining, actually I am quite estatic and blessed. God is good and faithful to hear our petitions. Many have been praying and I am extremely grateful for the wonderful results so far.

Have heard sometimes one does better than the other. Guess that is true in both of our cases. Hope you continue to improve rapidly and are back on your feet in no time living life to the fullest.

Extremely blessed and thankful,
thanks everyone! I'm still shocked at how well things are going. I think the main thing that was different this time is that my left leg was in SUCH better shape preoperatively than my right one was, and that really has made a difference. go figure though, i'm having a tougher time doing the full leg lifts than i did with my right leg, but the heel slides and quad sets are much, much easier than they were with the right leg.

I do know that the change in hospitals made a huge difference, as well. the first hospital is a fine hospital to be at if you have cardiac issues, but other than that, not so much. the hospital i used for this recent surgery has such a reputation for patient care and it really showed.

the first time around, i had a catheter. I did not have one this time with the left knee, which surprised me. i had the choice of using either a bedpan or a bedside commode. well, this chica doesn't do bedpans unless i'm unconscious. LOL the only problem is that with both the spinal and the femoral block, my right leg was pretty weak. It held me enough to get out of bed to the commode, but when I was trying to get back into bed, it slowly gave out on me. I didn't even realize I was going down until my left leg was bent to nearly 90 degrees when I yelled, "I'm going down!" to the aides who were helping me. they were momentarily distracted by something else going on (and i hold them to no fault because of it, just a fluke thing). They managed to keep me from hitting the floor and got me back into bed. that was the only time I had issue with that right leg not being able to hold me though.

I had the surgery friday morning, and the spinal block lasted 24 hours. I knew when it wore off because I had positional pain in my right knee (replaced a year ago). However, the femoral block lasted 36 hours! heavenly! Well, heavenly until it wore off. Oh. My. GOODNESS. I didn't go through that with the right leg, so wasn't expecting much with the left leg, but holy cow, i've never felt such pain in my whole life. It was like my left knee was in a vise and it was slowly crushing my knee. Makes me still cry to think about it now. to make matters worse, my IV failed, so they had to get a new IV started to give me morphine, and at that point, my body was in a "fight or flight" mode from the pain and that made getting a new IV started nearly impossible. This was explained to me by my wonderful nurse who refused to leave my side until I was comfortable again. after two sticks, they got a new iv going and after about 3 hours, things were good again. Since then, I've just steadily improved and am tickled with how things are going.

I'm thrilled that the cpm machine i have to use at home is small enough to be in the recliner with me. I actually slept all night last night in the cpm!!! am doing the pt exercises and managed to do 5 full leg lifts by myself yesterday, so even that is improving.

had my first "sleepless" night last night, the first of many, i'm sure. I still have ambien to use from last year, so will probably do that tonight so I don't get my sleep cycle really out of whack. a reminder to all the first-timers, be sure to use those stool softeners! I'm doing everything in my power to make sure that doesn't become an issue. I have the prescribed stool softeners, plus eating oatmeal, plus eating those "Sunsweet Ones" prunes (not bad, I must say!), and also chewing on those Benefiber chewable tablets during the day. We will NOT have THAT particular issue again!

This forum is amazing in the help they give to all of us going through this, and I'm happy to be back amongst the ranks!

RTKR 08/22/08
LTRK 09/11/09
the only problem is that with both the spinal and the femoral block, my right leg was pretty weak. It held me enough to get out of bed to the commode, but when I was trying to get back into bed, it slowly gave out on me. I didn't even realize I was going down until my left leg was bent to nearly 90 degrees when I yelled, "I'm going down!" to the aides who were helping me. they were momentarily distracted by something else going on (and i hold them to no fault because of it, just a fluke thing). They managed to keep me from hitting the floor and got me back into bed. that was the only time I had issue with that right leg not being able to hold me though.
Gosh, that's almost exactly what happened to me! Except all four of my attendants just stood there and watched me go down and then expected me to get myself up again because they weren't allowed to lift (a fact, actually - manual handling is forbidden in UK). Glad you were 'saved'!

Nice you see you again, Kim!
Welcome Home Kim, its great to hear you doing so well this time around and sounding so positive. Keep up the good work, best wishes.
How do they get patients up who've fallen and can't possibly get up by themselves??

Pat!!! For a minute....I thought you were telling a joke!! Sad when you think about it!!! (:)0)
Kim...sounds like you are well on your way to a wonderful recovery!!! Keep up the great job!!!
How do they get patients up who've fallen and can't possibly get up by themselves??


Well, in my case, the whole thing was kind of a comedy of errors, looking back. my nurse was in the room, and two aides had come in to assist me. since the commode was directly bedside, they didn't put the "fall risk belt" on me and in hindsight, they probably should have.

while I was using the facilities, one of the aides decided to empty my drain. the graduated beaker she was emptying the drain into had a hole in it, evidently, so there was "drainage" all over the floor, all over her pants, her shoes, etc. what a mess. So, she was trying to get that fixed, get the drain set back up, etc. I was woozy, needed to get back into bed, so the other aide was helping me, as well as trying to help the one aide with the mess.

When I said i was going down, the aide with the mess dropped everything and got her arms around me from the back and kind of held me, while the other aide worked with the nurse to get the commode out of the way (and avoid the mess from the leaky container). Aide #1 kinda held me as I was hovering over the bed until aide #2 could get on one side of me and between the two of them, they got me back into the bed.

that's why i say i hold nothing against them, it was a situation completely out of anyone's realm of possibilities. LOL they did get the mess cleaned up, the drain re-situated, and the nurse was able to get me settled back down. It's amazing the amount of nausea that can happen when one exerts oneself in that way...ugh. I love Zofran!
Hey Kim wow that quit a story. Then the drain oh boy.......but im glad thats over i hope you continue to recover well...hang in there it gets much better........Keep us posted.......)
Bin there, done that - a time or two!! What a comedy!
Such a great report, Kim!!! I'm so happy for you and hope the great recovery continues. I trust you have your pain under control now, right? As you know, that's VERY important as you go forward in recovery. It's a blessing when the second one goes better than the first!!
yes, jamie, i'm working hard to keep the pain under control without 'overdoing" it. in other words, i try to take only 1 percocet scheduled. I have the option of taking 1 or 2 tablets. I also take oxycontin 2xdaily. if i know i'm gonna be doing something strenuous, like PT, then i will take two percocet tablets.

lots of icing and elevating, as well. :) I love my polar care kodiak!!! the best investment, as I've used it for both my knees and my sister has also used it twice for her knee issues. it's amazing!
What a story!!! I loved reading it but, I can only guess what it was like
going through it!!! But it will always be a great story to tell! I am glad
to hear that you are recovering. I do pray that this part goes smooth
for you!! LOL Look forward to more updates!!
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