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Back 2 School: Stamina

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May 13, 2008
United States
I'm going back to work next week (special ed teacher); the kids come the week after next (following a week of butt-numbing in-services!). Since this isn't exactly a sedentary job, I'm concerned about building up my stamina to be on the go all day, every day. Stamina is always an issue for me early in the school year, but this is the 1st time I've gone back after a joint replacement (LTHR, 7/9/08). Part of me thinks it'll be easier since I'm no longer in pain, but another part of me thinks, "Am I crazy?" (which actually could be a whole new thread!).

Any suggestions from THR & TKR teachers will be welcome.

LOL! Yesterday was our district-level butt-numbing inservice. 2 1/2 hours of sitting on the bleachers in the high school gym listening to "Maria" from Sesame Street.....

Here are some tips that helped me return to my teaching job last winter:
• use a chair on wheels so you can "scoot"
• get students to come to you instead of you going to them
• accept help! and even ASK for it!
• figure out a way to ice and elevate your knee at school and don't wait until it is the size of a basketball to do it!
• If you have to haul a bunch of stuff around with you use a backpack on wheels or a rolling crate. You don't need to haul around extra weight.
• if you have to walk in crowded halls, use your cane even if you don't need it for walking. It will help protect you from jostling and let people know you are still vulnerable.
• Make sure you access your rights under the ADA when you need to
• Remember--- if you push yourself too hard you are not going to be the teacher they need you to be. Be kind to yourself and take very good care!

Good luck!
Joyce and all of the other teachers on this forum

Good Luck with this school year, especially the beginning. I went back a month late after cervical spine fusion surgery last year and know what you are facing!!!
I would be joining everyone if my employer had not called me in and told me not to come back this year.

I am just starting the process of filing with the Fair Employment and Housing Dept in the State. I hope they accept my case. My spine doc is supporting me 100% and told me to pursue whatever I can. They refused to give me any letter of reference which is my major problem at this moment!!

Teachers Rest when you can, take Beach's advice. I would definately bring the cane. Lets people know you are not 100% yet. Have a great year

I would be joining everyone if my employer had not called me in and told me not to come back this year.

I am just starting the process of filing with the Fair Employment and Housing Dept in the State. I hope they accept my case. My spine doc is supporting me 100% and told me to pursue whatever I can. They refused to give me any letter of reference which is my major problem at this moment!!


They let you go because of physical impairments? Can I assume you did not yet have tenure? Even so, it is illegal to discriminate against people with disabilities. Have you considered hiring an attorney?
I went to several attorney's at the time. They all said I got screwed, but no one wanted to take it on. They did tell me to file with the Fair Employment and Housing .

They probalby got rid of me on other issues . I advocated for one of my students with a very bad home life. I work with vision impaired kids on an itinerant schedule, one of my second graders needed resource help. My employer told me to take care of large print materials, other adaptations and no more.
I don't operate that way, so I went to the head of Special Ed in that district (on the advice of the school principle).
After that , IEP meeting,etc and he is in resource 3 days per week where he belongs.
They made my life he...... for the rest of the time until March, when out on medical leave they told me I was not invited back for this school year.
I never recieved an evaluation, observation, disciplinary action, nothing in writing.
So I am going on disability. Basically my word against theirs.

Wish me luck
Advocating for students IS your job! I wish you all the best fighting them.

I am still using my cane for gait training more than any other reason - although the thought of having a B-mod tool is tempting.... ;)
People DO move out of the way when I'm using the cane, I've noticed.
I have a rolling suitcase, but the elevators @ the HS creep me out, & not just because one of my co-teachers got stuck between floors! I may just buy a new backpack (rolling's a good idea! Hmm...) & walk. Going upstairs is easier than down @ this point, & the railing is better than the cane going down. However, w/ about 1200 sts. going through the halls @ the same time, I'll suck it up, get a key, & use the elevator during those "high traffic" times between classes.
Forgot to mention that I'm an in-class resource (i.e., inclusion) teacher, so I'm itinerant.
That asking for help business has been a hard lesson to learn! :)

How did you get "Maria" from Sesame Street? Wow. While I have to admit the district did hire Rick Lavoie to come speak last Sept., usually, we just get the privilege of listening to our administratorszzzzz.......


I am not going to miss pre-planning meetings with the administrators and no time for actually planning!!!
But, it will be hard for me next week when the schools are back in action and I am not.
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