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Oct 13, 2008
United States
Well you all wanted to know....... Im pregnant! Im only 7 weeks along. My due date is October 7th. We had only started trying the first of January, so it was all pretty fast :) We are hoping for a boy since we have a 5 yr old daughter (Ansley) already. But we will be so happy with whatever God wants to bless us with! So far this one is much easier on me ..... no morning sickness, just a little tired but thats all! We are super excited!!!!!
WOW!!! Way to go Heidi!!!!!!You must be totally elated! As I understand it, that little bundle of joy is going to be the first baby Bonesmarty,,,,, Feel great & looking forward to hearing about each exciting stage of your pregnancy!
Tell Hubby to stock up on pickles! ;)
Congrats Heidi and Co,

Chris :)
Terrific news, Heidi--congratulations!! (Baby Bonesmarty--that's just too cute, Judles!) Stay healthy & strong and keep us apprised of your progress!
Heidi, Congrats to you! Keep us posted on Mom and Baby Bonesmarty!!

Oh my oh my! Now that's something to celebrate! Who'd have thunk it?
[] Baby!!!!!
Oh my! I always thought that YoungM meant 'young man'!
Me too Jo! I had to re-read that post a couple times to realise I had it wrong! SORRY YoungM - all this time I've been thinking you were male - my apologies!

Hi Melissa! How are you doing today? (Let's move on and pretend THAT misunderstanding NEVER happened........!) LOL :)

Thanks for all the congrats. Its a very exciting time!!!!! I had surgery Sept 29th. So Im only 5 months out. I havent seen my OB yet or my surgeon. I was doing so good at my 6 weeks he didnt want to see me until my 6 month check up. So Im pretty sure the look on his face when he finds out will be priceless :) Im sure Ill have to have a c-section even if they didnt make me I would just because I dont want to risk dislocation or anything that would cause me to have to have hip surgery AGAIN! As you all know its not fun :)
Good Morning,all!!! We here in the US have a pregnant man,so NOTHING surprises US anymore! And Melissa S(HE'S) pregnant AGAIN!!!! Stay acive, and ENJOY every minute of this beautiful time in your life!
Thanks for all the congrats. Its a very exciting time!!!!! I had surgery Sept 29th. So Im only 5 months out. I havent seen my OB yet or my surgeon. I was doing so good at my 6 weeks he didnt want to see me until my 6 month check up. So Im pretty sure the look on his face when he finds out will be priceless :) Im sure Ill have to have a c-section even if they didnt make me I would just because I dont want to risk dislocation or anything that would cause me to have to have hip surgery AGAIN! As you all know its not fun :)

Heidi, I'm sure Jo will contribute her professional opinion, but I think by the time you're ready to deliver, the risk of dislocation should be almost negligible, so c-section isn't a given. Would be a really good thing for your OB and your OS to confer about this!
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